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Created August 5, 2024 18:48
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Gap Analysis - Endevor vs DBB

Gap Analysis: CA Endevor vs. IBM Dependency Based Build (DBB)

1. Version Control and Source Management

Feature CA Endevor IBM DBB Gap Analysis
Version Control Integrated, proprietary version control External version control (e.g., Git) Migration to an external VCS may be required.
Branching and Merging Limited branching capabilities Full branching and merging via Git Improved with Git, may need developer training.
Code History Proprietary history tracking Git provides detailed commit history Migration of historical data may be complex.

2. Build and Compilation

Feature CA Endevor IBM DBB Gap Analysis
Build Automation Customizable build processes Scripted builds using Groovy, and other JVM languages Shift to scripting languages and tools.
Dependency Management Manual or scripted Automated dependency resolution Enhanced automation, but requires setup.
Build Triggers Event-driven or manual Event-driven via Git hooks or CI/CD tools Consistency maintained, but tool change needed.

3. Deployment and Release Management

Feature CA Endevor IBM DBB Gap Analysis
Deployment Automation Integrated deployment functionalities External tools (e.g., Jenkins, UrbanCode) Need for integration with external tools.
Approval Workflows Integrated approval processes External tools for approvals Workflow may need to be replicated externally.
Rollback Capabilities Built-in rollback functionalities Managed via external tools Additional configuration needed for rollbacks.

4. Integration and Extensibility

Feature CA Endevor IBM DBB Gap Analysis
Integration with DevOps Tools Limited, with some support for Jenkins, etc. Extensive, including Jenkins, Git, etc. Improved DevOps integration, setup required.
APIs and Extensibility Limited API capabilities Rich set of REST APIs Enhanced extensibility with APIs.
IDE Integration Basic integration with mainframe IDEs Integration with modern IDEs (e.g., VS Code) Potential for improved developer experience.

5. Reporting and Monitoring

Feature CA Endevor IBM DBB Gap Analysis
Reporting Built-in reporting capabilities External tools for reporting (e.g., Splunk) Need for integration with external reporting.
Monitoring Basic monitoring tools Enhanced monitoring via external tools Potential for improved monitoring capabilities.

6. Security and Compliance

Feature CA Endevor IBM DBB Gap Analysis
Access Control Integrated, granular access control Managed via external systems (e.g., LDAP) Similar, but requires external setup.
Audit Trails Comprehensive audit trails Detailed audit trails via Git Improved with Git, but requires setup.
Compliance Support Built-in compliance features External tools and processes Compliance maintained, needs configuration.

Summary of Key Gaps and Considerations

  1. Version Control Transition: Moving from Endevor's integrated version control to Git will require significant changes in processes and possibly training for developers.
  2. Build and Automation: Transitioning to DBB's scripting-based build processes (e.g., Groovy) will necessitate new skills and setup.
  3. Deployment Processes: External tools for deployment (e.g., Jenkins, UrbanCode) will need to be integrated and configured.
  4. Integration with Modern DevOps Tools: DBB's extensive support for modern DevOps tools provides opportunities for improved workflows but will require new integrations.
  5. Reporting and Monitoring: Existing reporting and monitoring tools might need to be replaced or supplemented with new solutions.
  6. Security and Compliance: Similar security capabilities can be achieved, but they will need to be set up in external systems.
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