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Forked from robinsmidsrod/
Created October 5, 2013 10:52
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Save trentster/6839451 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Add the following chunk to your existing ISC dhcpd.conf file.

if exists user-class and ( option user-class = "iPXE" ) {
    filename "http://boot.smidsrod.lan/bootstrap.ipxe";
else {
    filename "undionly.kpxe";

(or see for a more elaborate setup that chainloads a more featureful version of iPXE from a stripped-down version burned in ROM)

Put undionly.kpxe at the root of your TFTP server.

Change boot-url (and possibly sanboot-url) in bootstrap.ipxe to match your setup.

Put the following files in your web root:

  • bootstrap.ipxe
  • menu.ipxe

Add a folder named bootstrap in your web root and put any of these files there:

  • hostname-testvm.ipxe
  • mac-0050dadd426f.ipxe
  • uuid-f84a339b-9e36-456e-8ccf-4c51ea6cb42d.ipxe
  • pci-8086100e.ipxe

If you want more features you might want these files in your web root too:

  • wimboot
  • memdisk
  • memtest.0
  • memtest86plus-4.20.elf.img
  • memtest-report.cgi (if you want a place to send your memtest reports)
set iscsi-server
set nfs-server
set boot-url nfs://${nfs-server}/raid/boot
#set boot-url http://boot.smidsrod.lan
# Required until NFS supports block device API
set sanboot-url http://boot.smidsrod.lan
set bootstrap-url ${boot-url}/bootstrap
set menu-url ${boot-url}/menu.ipxe
# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/hostname-<hostname>.ipxe
# if hostname DHCP variable is set and script is present
isset ${hostname} && chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/hostname-${hostname}.ipxe ||
# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/uuid-<UUID>.ipxe
# if uuid SMBIOS variable is set and script is present
isset ${uuid} && chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/uuid-${uuid}.ipxe ||
# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/mac-010203040506.ipxe if script is present
chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/mac-${mac:hexraw}.ipxe ||
# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/pci-8086100e.ipxe if one type of
# PCI Intel adapter is present and script is present
chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/pci-${pci/${busloc}.0.2}${pci/${busloc}.2.2}.ipxe ||
# Boot <boot-url>/bootstrap/chip-82541pi.ipxe if one type of
# PCI Intel adapter is present and script is present
chain --replace --autofree ${bootstrap-url}/chip-${chip}.ipxe ||
# Boot <boot-url>/menu.ipxe script if all other options have been exhausted
chain --replace --autofree ${menu-url} ||
echo Booting TestVM
set menu-default menu-live
set submenu-default ubuntu-live-1204-amd64
chain --replace --autofree ${menu-url}
# boot-url and sanboot-url is set in bootstrap.ipxe
# Setup some basic convenience variables
set menu-timeout 5000
set submenu-timeout ${menu-timeout}
set base-iqn iqn.2011-02.lan.smidsrod
set base-iscsi iscsi:${iscsi-server}::::${base-iqn}
set root-shadow $1$RKvIqeyr$J0XXXXX6F3WAeQCWk.
# Set initiator-iqn to either hostname or mac
isset ${hostname} && set initiator-iqn ${base-iqn}:${hostname} || set initiator-iqn ${base-iqn}:${mac}
# Ensure we have menu-default set to something
isset ${menu-default} || set menu-default exit
# Figure out some typical client information
cpuid --ext 29 && set arch x64 || set arch x86
cpuid --ext 29 && set archl amd64 || set archl i386
###################### MAIN MENU ####################################
menu iPXE boot menu for ${initiator-iqn}
item --gap -- ------------------------- Operating systems ------------------------------
item --key f freedos Boot FreeDOS from iSCSI
item --key m msdos Boot MS-DOS from iSCSI
item --key u ubuntu Boot Ubuntu from iSCSI
item --key v vmware Boot VMware ESXi from iSCSI
item --key w windows7 Boot Windows 7 from iSCSI
item --key l menu-live Live environments...
item --gap -- ------------------------- Tools and utilities ----------------------------
item --key p pxelinux Load PXELinux menu
item --key r menu-recovery Recovery tools...
item --key d menu-diag Diagnostics tools...
item --key i menu-install Installers...
item --gap -- ------------------------- Advanced options -------------------------------
item --key c config Configure settings
item shell Drop to iPXE shell
item reboot Reboot computer
item --key x exit Exit iPXE and continue BIOS boot
choose --timeout ${menu-timeout} --default ${menu-default} selected || goto cancel
set menu-timeout 0
goto ${selected}
echo You cancelled the menu, dropping you to a shell
echo Type 'exit' to get the back to the menu
set menu-timeout 0
set submenu-timeout 0
goto start
echo Booting failed, dropping to shell
goto shell
goto start
set submenu-timeout 0
clear submenu-default
goto start
############ MAIN MENU ITEMS ############
echo Booting FreeDOS from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.freedos
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting MS-DOS from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.msdos
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting Ubuntu from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.ubuntu
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting VMware ESXi from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.vmware
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting Windows 7 from iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
# Force gateway to be the iSCSI target server (kludge for stupid window behavior)
set netX/gateway ${iscsi-server}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanboot ${root-path} || goto failed
goto start
set 210:string tftp://${next-server}/
chain ${210:string}pxelinux.0 || goto failed
goto start
###################### RECOVERY MENU ################################
menu Recovery tools
item sysrcd SystemRescueCD 2.6.0
item spinrite SpinRite 6.0
item spinrite-msdos SpinRite 6.0 (using MS-DOS 6.22)
item macrium-winpe Macrium Reflect 5.2 Rescue CD (WinPE 4.0 ${arch})
item macrium-winpe-sanboot Macrium Reflect 5.2 Rescue CD (WinPE 4.0 ${arch} with sanboot)
item macrium-linux Macrium Reflect 5.2 Rescue CD (Linux ${arch})
item macrium-linux-sanboot Macrium Reflect 5.2 Rescue CD (Linux ${arch} with sanboot)
item firefly Firefly IllumOS recovery environment 0613
item freedos-direct FreeDOS 1.1 (directly using iPXE)
item --key 0x08 back Back to top menu...
iseq ${menu-default} menu-recovery && isset ${submenu-default} && goto menu-recovery-timed ||
choose selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x00 ${sanboot-url}/spinrite-6.0/spinrite-6.0.img || goto failed
#sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x081 ${sanboot-url}/spinrite-6.0/spinrite-6.0.iso
#initrd ${boot-url}/spinrite/spinrite-6.0.img
#chain ${boot-url}/memdisk
goto start
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x00 ${sanboot-url}/spinrite-6.0/spinrite-6.0-msdos.img || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting SystemRescueCD 2.6.0 x86 for ${initiator-iqn}
# Fixup needed after copying files from downloaded ISO to directory:
# cd path/to/sysrcd-iso-unpacked-files/isolinux && \
# perl -p -i -e 's{/bootdisk}{../bootdisk}' isolinux.cfg && \
# perl -p -i -e 's{scandelay=1}{scandelay=1 dodhcp nfsboot=nas.smidsrod.lan:/raid/boot/sysrcd-2.6.0-x86}' isolinux.cfg && \
# perl -p -i -e 's{rescuecd_us}{rescuecd_no}; s{US}{NO}; s{setkmap=us}{setkmap=no}; s{american}{norwegian};' isolinux.cfg && \
# cd -
# PXELinux options, see for details
set 210:string ${boot-url}/sysrcd-2.6.0-x86/isolinux/
set 209:string isolinux.cfg
set filename ${210:string}pxelinux.0
chain ${filename} || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting Macrium Reflect 5.2 (WinPE 4.0 ${arch}) for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/macrium-5.2/macrium-5.2-rescue-winpe-4.0-${arch}
kernel ${boot-url}/wimboot
initrd ${base-url}/bootmgr bootmgr
initrd ${base-url}/Boot/BCD BCD
initrd ${base-url}/Boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd ${base-url}/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting Macrium Reflect 5.2 (Linux ${arch}) for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/macrium-5.2/macrium-5.2-rescue-linux
kernel ${base-url}/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/initramfs.xz
imgargs vmlinuz vga=0x317
boot || goto failed
goto start
sanboot --no-describe ${sanboot-url}/macrium-5.2/macrium-5.2-rescue-winpe-4.0-${arch}.iso || goto failed
goto start
sanboot --no-describe ${sanboot-url}/macrium-5.2/macrium-5.2-rescue-linux.iso || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting Firefly 0613 for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/firefly-0613/boot
# Download ISO, unpack ISO and copy files to boot-url
# The ramdisk is compressed with gzip, which must be unpacked
# to work with iPXE
# mv firefly firefly.gz
# gunzip firefly.gz
kernel ${base-url}/platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix
module ${base-url}/firefly
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting FreeDOS 1.1 KERNEL.SYS for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/freedos-1.1/fd11src/FREEDOS/SETUP/ODIN
# TODO: Work-in-progress
kernel ${base-url}/KERNEL.SYS
boot || goto failed
goto start
###################### DIAGNOSTICS MENU #############################
menu Diagnostic tools
item hdt HDT 0.5.0
item memtest Memtest86+ 4.20
item memtest-ipxe Memtest86+ 4.20 (iPXE)
item breakin Breakin 3.71
item dban Darik's Boot and Nuke 2.2.7
item etdump Bart's etdump 1.2
item wdcdiag Western Digital Diagnostics 5.04f
item --key 0x08 back Back to top menu...
iseq ${menu-default} menu-diag && isset ${submenu-default} && goto menu-diag-timed ||
choose selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
sanboot --no-describe ${sanboot-url}/hdt-0.5.0.iso || goto failed
goto start
# TODO: Fix the URI parser to make the + sign work
#chain ${boot-url}/memtest86+-4.20.elf.img - || goto failed
chain ${boot-url}/memtest86plus-4.20.elf.img - || goto failed
goto start
chain ${boot-url}/memtest.0 passes=1 && set memtest GOOD || set memtest BAD
set memtest_errno ${errno}
iseq ${memtest} GOOD && goto memtest-info ||
iseq ${memtest_errno} 0x1 && set memtest BAD || set memtest UNKNOWN
menu Your memory seems to be ${memtest}
item memtest-report Report memtest result to web service
item --key 0x08 menu-diag Back to diagnostics menu...
choose --default menu-diag selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
chain ${boot-url}/memtest-report.cgi?result=${memtest}&mac=${mac}&uuid=${uuid}&hostname=${hostname} ||
goto menu-diag
# Stress-testing and diagnostics utility
# Set sshpasswd=yourpassword for remote access
# Set startup= to 'cloner' or 'rescue' for more features
# When startup=cloner, server= and image= can also be set
kernel ${boot-url}/breakin-3.71/kernel-3.71
initrd ${boot-url}/breakin-3.71/initrd-3.71.cpio.lzma
imgargs kernel-3.71 startup=breakin
boot || goto failed
goto start
kernel ${boot-url}/dban-2.2.7/DBAN.BZI
imgargs DBAN.BZI nuke="dwipe --method gutmann --rounds 2 --verify last" silent vga=785
boot || goto failed
goto start
# Booting it with memdisk makes it read/write, while sanboot forces read/only
#sanboot --drive 0x00 ${sanboot-url}/freedos-etdump-floppy.img
initrd ${boot-url}/freedos-etdump-floppy.img
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk || goto failed
goto start
# Extracted the bootable floppy image from diag-5.04f.iso
sanboot --drive 0x00 ${sanboot-url}/western-digital/diag-5.04f.img || goto failed
goto start
############################ INSTALLER MENU #########################
menu Installers for ${initiator-iqn}
item freedos-install Install FreeDOS 1.1 to iSCSI
item msdos-install Install MS-DOS 6.22 to iSCSI
item ubuntu-install Install Ubuntu 12.04 ${archl} to iSCSI
item windows7-install Install Windows 7 to iSCSI
item vmware-x64-install Install VMware ESXi 5.0 (x64) to iSCSI
item vmware-x86-install Install VMware ESXi 3.5 (x86) to iSCSI
item winpe Hook Windows 7 iSCSI and boot WinPE
item winpe-wimboot Boot WinPE ${arch} using wimboot
item ubuntu-installer-remote Install Ubuntu 12.04 ${archl} from public archive
item ubuntu-install-local Install Ubuntu 12.04 ${archl} to local drive(s)
item xenclient-install Install XenClient 2.1 to local drive
item windows7-hookonly Hook Windows 7 iSCSI and boot local CD
item --key 0x08 back Back to top menu...
iseq ${menu-default} menu-install && isset ${submenu-default} && goto menu-install-timed ||
choose selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
echo Booting FreeDOS 1.1 installer to iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.freedos
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
sanboot --drive 0x81 ${sanboot-url}/freedos-1.1/fd11src.iso || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting MS-DOS 6.22 installer to iSCSI for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.msdos
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x00 ${sanboot-url}/msdos-6.22/disk1.img || goto failed
goto start
echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 ${archl} installer for ${initiator-iqn}
# Hook iSCSI drive
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.ubuntu
#sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# Start ubuntu-installer. Remember that the iSCSI target must be writable
# by anyone, as debian-installer generates a randomized initiator-iqn in
# /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
# The preseed script used takes care of rewriting it to the
# hostname-based IQN used in this script.
# This kernel param which open-iscsi README.Debian mentions doesn't work
# inside debian-installer, unfortunately: iscsi_initiator=${initiator-iqn}
# Hard workaround available here:
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-server-${archl}
kernel ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/${archl}/linux
initrd ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/${archl}/initrd.gz
imgargs linux auto=true fb=false url=${base-url}/./preseed.cfg DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 netcfg/get_hostname=${hostname} partman-iscsi/login/address=${iscsi-server} partman-iscsi/login/targets=${base-iqn}:${hostname}.boot.ubuntu partman-iscsi/login/username=${username} partman-iscsi/login/password=${password}
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 ${archl} local installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-server-${archl}
kernel ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/${archl}/linux
initrd ${base-url}/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/${archl}/initrd.gz
imgargs linux auto=true fb=false url=${base-url}/./preseed.cfg
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Starting Windows 7 ${arch} installer for ${initiator-iqn}
# Force gateway to be the iSCSI target server (kludge for stupid window behavior)
set netX/gateway ${iscsi-server}
# Hook iSCSI drive
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# Start Windows 7 installer DVD
#sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x81 ${sanboot-url}/windows-7/ultimate-${arch}-en.iso || goto failed
# Better solution, according to Oliver Rath on the mailing-list
# Requires massive amounts of RAM, though
#initrd ${boot-url}/windows-7/ultimate-${arch}-en.iso
#chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso raw || goto failed
# This method uses wimboot
set base-url ${boot-url}/windows-7/ultimate-${arch}-en
kernel ${boot-url}/wimboot
initrd ${base-url}/bootmgr bootmgr
initrd ${base-url}/boot/bcd BCD
initrd ${base-url}/boot/fonts/wgl4_boot.ttf wgl4_boot.ttf
initrd ${base-url}/boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd ${base-url}/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting VMware 64-bit installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.vmware
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
initrd ${boot-url}/vmware/vmware-esxi-5.0-x64.iso
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting VMware 32-bit installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.vmware
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
initrd ${boot-url}/vmware/vmware-esxi-3.5-x86.iso
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting Windows PE ${arch} installer for ${initiator-iqn}
echo (for installing Windows 7)
# Force gateway to be the iSCSI target server (kludge for stupid window behavior)
set netX/gateway ${iscsi-server}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# Remember to map the install volume with the following command:
# net use y: \\nas\wds /user:NAS\robin
# Use Y:\Operating Systems\Windows 7 x64\setup.exe to install
# Boots WinPE via native MS TFTP support
#chain tftp://${next-server}/%5CBoot%5CPXE%5Cpxeboot.n12
# Better solution, according to Oliver Rath on the mailing-list
# Requires decent amounts of RAM, though
# Details on how to generate winpe-x64.iso from you Windows 7 install DVD
# can be found here:
initrd ${boot-url}/windows-7/winpe-${arch}.iso
chain ${boot-url}/memdisk iso raw || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting Windows PE ${arch} installer for ${initiator-iqn}
#echo (for installing Windows 7)
# Force gateway to be the iSCSI target server (kludge for stupid window behavior)
set netX/gateway ${iscsi-server}
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# Remember to map the install volume with the following command:
# net use y: \\nas\wds /user:NAS\robin
# Use Y:\Operating Systems\Windows 7 x64\setup.exe to install
# Boots WinPE via iPXE wimboot binary
# BCD is from
# wimboot prebuilt from
# source at
# bootmgr.exe from the same package that enables PXE booting for Windows
# (most likely WDS tools)
set base-url ${boot-url}/winpe/${arch}
kernel ${boot-url}/wimboot
initrd ${base-url}/media/bootmgr bootmgr
initrd ${base-url}/media/Boot/BCD BCD
initrd ${base-url}/media/Boot/Fonts/segmono_boot.ttf segmono_boot.ttf
initrd ${base-url}/media/Boot/Fonts/segoe_slboot.ttf segoe_slboot.ttf
initrd ${base-url}/media/Boot/Fonts/wgl4_boot.ttf wgl4_boot.ttf
initrd ${base-url}/media/Boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd ${base-url}/media/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Starting Ubuntu 12.04 ${archl} installer for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url${archl}/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/${archl}
kernel ${base-url}/linux
initrd ${base-url}/initrd.gz
#imgargs linux auto=true url=http://yourserver/some/path/preseed.cfg
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting XenClient 2.1 installer for ${initiator-iqn}
# XenClient doesn't seem to support installing to iSCSI volumes
# It only supports installing using iBFT
#set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.xenclient
#sanhook ${root-path} || goto failed
# The xenclient-2.1 folder is just the unpacked contents of the installer ISO
# Make sure you modify the isolinux.cfg and point it at your answer file URL
# You can find an example of the answer file in the "Setup and Usage Guide"
set 210:string ${boot-url}/xenclient-2.1/isolinux/
set 209:string isolinux.cfg
set filename ${210:string}pxelinux.0
chain ${filename} || goto failed
goto start
echo Hooking Windows 7 iSCSI volume for ${initiator-iqn}
# Force gateway to be the iSCSI target server (kludge for stupid window behavior)
set netX/gateway ${iscsi-server}
# Hook iSCSI drive
set root-path ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.windows7
sanhook --drive 0x81 ${root-path} || goto failed
echo Start Windows 7 installer DVD from local drive
sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x80 ${sanboot-url}/windows-7/ultimate-${arch}-en.iso || goto failed
goto start
###################### LIVE ENVIRONMENT MENU ########################
menu Live environments for ${initiator-iqn}
item openelec-generic-live Boot OpenELEC Generic 3.x
item ubuntu-live-1204 Boot Ubuntu LiveCD 12.04 ${archl}
item slitaz-live Boot SliTaz 4.0 LiveCD
item smartos Boot SmartOS
item smartos-pre-ept Boot SmartOS (pre-ept)
item kms-test Boot KMS test kernel
item tinycore-live-core Boot TinyCoreLinux 4.7.6 Core
item tinycore-live-tinycore Boot TinyCoreLinux 4.7.6 TinyCore
item tinycore-live-coreplus Boot TinyCoreLinux 4.7.6 CorePlus
item --key 0x08 back Back to top menu...
iseq ${menu-default} menu-live && isset ${submenu-default} && goto menu-live-timed ||
choose selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
choose --timeout ${submenu-timeout} --default ${submenu-default} selected && goto ${selected} || goto start
set openelec-version 3.0.6
echo Booting OpenELEC Generic ${openelec-version} for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/openelec-generic-i386-${openelec-version}
kernel ${base-url}/target/KERNEL
initrd ${base-url}/target/SYSTEM
# Config from:
# and
# NFS/NBD/iSCSI boot support only works on version >= 2 of OpenELEC
# The NFS server must be specified as an IP, name resolution doesn't work :(
imgargs KERNEL ip=dhcp boot=NFS=${nfs-server}:/raid/boot/openelec-generic-i386-${openelec-version}/target disk=NFS=${nfs-server}:/raid/misc/openelec-storage/ overlay
boot || goto failed
goto start
# See for casper cmdline details
echo Booting Ubuntu Live 12.04 ${archl} for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-${archl}
kernel ${base-url}/casper/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/casper/initrd.lz
imgargs vmlinuz root=/dev/nfs boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot=${nfs-server}:/raid/boot/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-${archl} locale=en_US.UTF-8 keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=no mirror/country=NO
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting SliTaz 4.0 LiveCD for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/slitaz-4.0/
kernel ${base-url}/boot/bzImage
initrd ${base-url}/boot/rootfs4.gz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/rootfs3.gz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/rootfs2.gz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/rootfs1.gz
imgargs bzImage rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin lang=en_US kmap=no-latin1
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting SmartOS for ${initiator-iqn}
# Hook iSCSI root volume (optional, not yet working)
sanhook ${base-iscsi}:${hostname}.boot.smartos ||
set base-url ${boot-url}/smartos
# See for details
# See
kernel ${base-url}/platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix
initrd ${base-url}/platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive
# This doesn't work, but I would very much like it to
#initrd ${base-url}/config/${hostname}.txt /usbkey/config
# smartos=true to run smartos "installer" (and disable noimport=true)
# You can also run it manually, it's at /smartdc/bin/
# keyboard-layout=norway doesn't work anymore (it used to)
#imgargs unix -v -B console=text,standalone=true,noimport=true,keyboard-layout=norway,hostname=${hostname},root_shadow='${root-shadow}'
imgargs unix -B console=text,standalone=true,hostname=${hostname},admin_nic=${mac},admin_ip=dhcp,admin_gateway=dhcp,external_nic=${mac},external_ip=dhcp,external_gateway=dhcp,dns_resolvers=,dns_domain=smidsrod.lan,,root_shadow='${root-shadow}'
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Starting SmartOS (pre-ept branch) for ${initiator-iqn}
# pre-ept image downloaded from
# Posted by LeftWing on #illumos / FreeNode at 2012-04-11 09:09 UTC+2
set base-url ${boot-url}/smartos/pre-ept
kernel ${base-url}/platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix
module ${base-url}/platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive
imgargs unix -v -B console=text,standalone=true,noimport=true,root_shadow='${root-shadow}'
boot || goto failed
goto start
echo Booting KMS-enabled Linux kernel for ${initiator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/kms_test
kernel ${base-url}/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/initrd ||
imgargs vmlinuz rw root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${nfs-server}:/raid/kms_test ip=dhcp ||
boot || goto failed
goto start
# TinyCore is work-in-progress
# Current problems is that tce=/mnt/nfs/cde works, but dir is not writable by tc user,
# keymap is not loaded, and it seems like there is something I'm not understanding properly
# about the TC boot process
# More to read on
# and
set tc-version 4.7.6
echo Booting TinyCoreLinux Live Core ${tc-version} for ${inititator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/tinycore/Core-${tc-version}/
kernel ${base-url}/boot/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/core.gz
imgargs vmlinuz loglevel=3
boot || goto failed
goto start
set tc-version 4.7.6
echo Booting TinyCoreLinux Live TinyCore ${tc-version} for ${inititator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/tinycore/TinyCore-${tc-version}
kernel ${base-url}/boot/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/core.gz
imgargs vmlinuz nfsmount=${nfs-server}:/raid/boot/tinycore/TinyCore-${tc-version} host=${hostname} lang=us kmap=nb loglevel=3 syslog tce=/mnt/nfs/cde
boot || goto failed
goto start
set tc-version 4.7.6
echo Booting TinyCoreLinux Live CorePlus ${tc-version} for ${inititator-iqn}
set base-url ${boot-url}/tinycore/CorePlus-${tc-version}
kernel ${base-url}/boot/vmlinuz
initrd ${base-url}/boot/core.gz
imgargs vmlinuz nfsmount=${nfs-server}:/raid/boot/tinycore/CorePlus-${tc-version} host=${hostname} lang=us kmap=nb loglevel=3 syslog tce=/mnt/nfs/cde showapps desktop=flwm_topside
boot || goto failed
goto start
# Disable framebuffer, it's usually slower, especially on VMs
d-i debian-installer/framebuffer boolean false
# Locale, language and country
d-i debconf/language string en_US:en
d-i debian-installer/country string NO
d-i debian-installer/language string en_US:en
d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US.UTF-8
d-i localechooser/preferred-locale string en_US.UTF-8
d-i localechooser/supported-locales en_US.UTF-8, nb_NO.UTF-8
# Keyboard selection
d-i keyboard-configuration/layoutcode string no
d-i keyboard-configuration/variantcode string
# Controls whether or not the hardware clock is set to UTC
d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true
# You may set this to any valid setting for $TZ; see the contents of
# /usr/share/zoneinfo/ for valid values
d-i time/zone string Europe/Oslo
# Controls whether to use NTP to set the clock during the install
d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true
# Skip creation of a root account (normal user account will be able to
# use sudo). The default is false; preseed this to true if you want to set
# a root password.
d-i passwd/root-login boolean true
# Root password, either in clear text
#d-i passwd/root-password password r00tme
#d-i passwd/root-password-again password r00tme
# or encrypted using an MD5 hash.
d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password $1$92PDztZI$asdkfljhasdf2UR8il9Lz0
# To create a normal user account.
d-i passwd/user-fullname string Robin Smidsrød
d-i passwd/username string robin
# Normal user's password, either in clear text
#d-i passwd/user-password password insecure
#d-i passwd/user-password-again password insecure
# or encrypted using an MD5 hash.
d-i passwd/user-password-crypted password $1$92PDztZI$OnXkjhasdfuweu2UR8il9Lz0
# Do not encrypt home directory
d-i user-setup/encrypt-home boolean false
# If you select ftp, the mirror/country string does not need to be set
# Location: http://boot.smidsrod.lan/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64/
d-i mirror/protocol string http
d-i mirror/country string manual
d-i mirror/http/hostname string boot.smidsrod.lan
d-i mirror/http/directory string /ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64
d-i mirror/http/proxy string
# Suite to install
d-i mirror/suite string precise
# Suite to use for loading installer components (optional)
d-i mirror/udeb/suite string precise
# Components to use for loading installer components (optional)
d-i mirror/udeb/components multiselect main, restricted
# The kernel image (meta) package to be installed; "none" can be used if no
# kernel is to be installed.
d-i base-installer/kernel/image string linux-generic
# Disk setup (partman)
# Suppress question if it is okay to not have swap
# We don't use disk for swap on iSCSI, we have enough memory
d-i partman-basicfilesystems/no_swap boolean false
# Package selection
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect openssh-server
# Individual additional packages to install
d-i pkgsel/include string build-essential ntp
# Whether to upgrade packages after debootstrap.
# Allowed values: none, safe-upgrade, full-upgrade
d-i pkgsel/upgrade string full-upgrade
# Policy for applying updates. May be "none" (no automatic updates),
# "unattended-upgrades" (install security updates automatically), or
# "landscape" (manage system with Landscape).
d-i pkgsel/update-policy string unattended-upgrades
# Install language packs for apps
d-i pkgsel/install-language-support boolean true
# By default, the system's locate database will be updated after the
# installer has finished installing most packages. This may take a while, so
# if you don't want it, you can set this to "false" to turn it off.
d-i pkgsel/updatedb boolean true
# Some versions of the installer can report back on what software you have
# installed, and what software you use. The default is not to report back,
# but sending reports helps the project determine what software is most
# popular and include it on CDs.
popularity-contest popularity-contest/participate boolean true
# This is fairly safe to set, it makes grub install automatically to the MBR
# if no other operating system is detected on the machine.
d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
# This one makes grub-installer NOT install to the MBR if it also finds some other
# OS, which is less safe as it might not be able to boot that other OS.
d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean false
# This will prevent the installer from ejecting the CD during the reboot,
# which is useful in some situations.
d-i cdrom-detect/eject boolean false
# This command is run just before the install finishes, but when there is
# still a usable /target directory. You can chroot to /target and use it
# directly, or use the apt-install and in-target commands to easily install
# packages and run commands in the target system.
# Fix broken resolvconf setup
# Change apt to use public mirror and refresh apt database
# Set proper initator IQN and remove quiet flag in grub
# Update grub
d-i preseed/late_command string \
in-target mv /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail; \
in-target sed -i -e 's/http:\/\/boot.smidsrod.lan\/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64/http:\/\/\/ubuntu/' /etc/apt/sources.list; \
in-target apt-get -qq update; \
apt-install joe; \
in-target sed -i -e 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\"/' /etc/default/grub; \
in-target sed -i -e 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"iscsi_initiator=iqn.2011-02.lan.smidsrod:$(hostname)\"/' /etc/default/grub; \
in-target update-grub;
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