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Greenfield API Documentation

Project Greenfield API

Current Host

The API can currently be found at

The different data services for this api are

  1. Products
  2. Reviews
  3. Questions & Answers
  4. Cart
  5. Interactions

Use of Parameters

In an HTTP GET request, parameters are sent as a query string:

In an HTTP POST or PUT request, the parameters are not sent along with the URI, but in the request body. Parameters noted for each route below follow this standard.

Cart API

Get Cart

Retrieves list of products added to the cart by a user.

GET /cart/:user_token


Parameter Type Description
user_token integer Identifier for the user session for which the cart should be pulled


Status: 200 OK

    "id": 1,
    "user_session": 1234,
    "product_id": 1,
    "active": 1
    "id": 2,
    "user_token": 1234,
    "sku_id": 4,
    "active": 1
  // ...

Add to Cart

Adds a product to the cart.

POST /cart/

Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description
user_token int Integer identifying the user session
sku_id int ID for the product being added to the cart


Status: 201 CREATED

Interactions API

Log an Interaction

Adds a interaction to the db.

POST /interactions/

Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description
element string Required. Selector for the element which was clicked
widget string Required. Name of the module/widget in which the click occured
time string Required. Time the interaction occurred


Success: Status: 201 CREATED

Invalid parameters:Status: 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY

Products API

List Products

GET /products/list Retrieves the list of products.


Parameter Type Description
page integer Selects the page of results to return. Default 1.
count integer Specifies how many results per page to return. Default 5.


Status: 200 OK

		"id": 1,
		"name": "Camo Onesie",
		"slogan": "Blend in to your crowd",
		"description": "The So Fatigues will wake you up and fit you in. This high energy camo will have you blending in to even the wildest surroundings.",
		"category": "Jackets",
		"default_price": "140"
		"id": 2,
		"name": "Bright Future Sunglasses",
		"slogan": "You've got to wear shades",
		"description": "Where you're going you might not need roads, but you definitely need some shades. Give those baby blues a rest and let the future shine bright on these timeless lenses.",
		"category": "Accessories",
		"default_price": "69"
		"id": 3,
		"name": "Morning Joggers",
		"slogan": "Make yourself a morning person",
		"description": "Whether you're a morning person or not. Whether you're gym bound or not. Everyone looks good in joggers.",
		"category": "Pants",
		"default_price": "40"
	// ...

Product Information

Returns all product level information for a specified product id.

GET /products/:product_id


Parameter Type Description
product_id integer Required ID of the Product requested


Status: 200 OK

	"id": 11,
	"name": "Air Minis 250",
	"slogan": "Full court support",
	"description": "This optimized air cushion pocket reduces impact but keeps a perfect balance underfoot.",
	"category": "Basketball Shoes",
	"default_price": "0",
	"features": [
			"feature": "Sole",
			"value": "Rubber"
			"feature": "Material",
			"value": "FullControlSkin"
  	// ...

Product Styles

Returns the all styles available for the given product.

GET /products/:product_id/styles


Parameter Type Description
product_id integer Required ID of the Product requested


Status: 200 OK

	"product_id": "1",
	"results": [
			"style_id": 1,
			"name": "Forest Green & Black",
			"original_price": "140",
			"sale_price": "0",
			"default?": 1,
			"photos": [
					"thumbnail_url": "urlplaceholder/style_1_photo_number_thumbnail.jpg",
					"url": "urlplaceholder/style_1_photo_number.jpg"
					"thumbnail_url": "urlplaceholder/style_1_photo_number_thumbnail.jpg",
					"url": "urlplaceholder/style_1_photo_number.jpg"
  			// ...
		"skus": {
			"XS": 8,
			"S": 16,
			"M": 17,
			"L": 10,
			"XL": 15
		"style_id": 2,
		"name": "Desert Brown & Tan",
		"original_price": "140",
		"sale_price": "0",
		"default?": 0,
		"photos": [
					"thumbnail_url": "urlplaceholder/style_2_photo_number_thumbnail.jpg",
					"url": "urlplaceholder/style_2_photo_number.jpg"
      // ...
		"skus": {
			"S": 16,
			"XS": 8,
			"M": 17,
			"L": 10,
			"XL": 15,
			"XXL": 6
  // ...

Related Products

Returns the id's of products related to the product specified.

GET /products/:product_id/related


Parameter Type Description
product_id integer Required ID of the Product requested


Status: 200 OK


Questions and Answers API

List Questions

GET /qa/:product_id Retrieves a list of questions for a particular product. This list does not include any reported questions.


Parameter Type Description
product_id integer Specifies the product for which to retrieve questions.
page integer Selects the page of results to return. Default 1.
count integer Specifies how many results per page to return. Default 5.


Status: 200 OK

  "product_id": "5",
  "results": [{
        "question_id": 37,
        "question_body": "Why is this product cheaper here than other sites?",
        "question_date": "2018-10-18T00:00:00.000Z",
        "asker_name": "williamsmith",
        "question_helpfulness": 4,
        "reported": 0,
        "answers": {
          68: {
            "id": 68,
            "body": "We are selling it here without any markup from the middleman!",
            "date": "2018-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
            "answerer_name": "Seller",
            "helpfulness": 4,
            "photos": []
            // ...
        "question_id": 38,
        "question_body": "How long does it last?",
        "question_date": "2019-06-28T00:00:00.000Z",
        "asker_name": "funnygirl",
        "question_helpfulness": 2,
        "reported": 0,
        "answers": {
          70: {
            "id": 70,
            "body": "Some of the seams started splitting the first time I wore it!",
            "date": "2019-11-28T00:00:00.000Z",
            "answerer_name": "sillyguy",
            "helpfulness": 6,
            "photos": [],
          78: {
            "id": 78,
            "body": "9 lives",
            "date": "2019-11-12T00:00:00.000Z",
            "answerer_name": "iluvdogz",
            "helpfulness": 31,
            "photos": [],
      // ...

Answers List

Returns answers for a given question. This list does not include any reported answers.

GET /qa/:question_id/answers


Parameter Type Description
question_id integer Required ID of the Question requested
page integer Selects the page of results to return. Default 1.
count integer Specifies how many results per page to return. Default 5.


Status: 200 OK

  "question": "1",
  "page": 0,
  "count": 5,
  "results": [
      "answer_id": 8,
      "body": "What a great question!",
      "date": "2018-01-04T00:00:00.000Z",
      "answerer_name": "metslover",
      "helpfulness": 8,
      "photos": [],
      "answer_id": 5,
      "body": "Something pretty durable but I can't be sure",
      "date": "2018-01-04T00:00:00.000Z",
      "answerer_name": "metslover",
      "helpfulness": 5,
      "photos": [{
          "id": 1,
          "url": "urlplaceholder/answer_5_photo_number_1.jpg"
          "id": 2,
          "url": "urlplaceholder/answer_5_photo_number_2.jpg"
        // ...
    // ...

Add a Question

Adds a question for the given product

POST /qa/:product_id


Parameter Type Description
product_id integer Required ID of the Product to post the question for

Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description
body text Text of question being asked
name text Username for question asker
email text Email address for question asker


Status: 201 CREATED

Add an Answer

Adds an answer for the given question

POST /qa/:question_id/answers


Parameter Type Description
question_id integer Required ID of the question to post the answer for

Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description
body text Text of question being asked
name text Username for question asker
email text Email address for question asker
photos [text] An array of urls corresponding to images to display


Status: 201 CREATED

Mark Question as Helpful

Updates a question to show it was found helpful.

PUT /qa/question/:question_id/helpful


Parameter Type Description
question_id integer Required ID of the question to update


Status: 204 NO CONTENT

Report Question

Updates a question to show it was reported. Note, this action does not delete the question, but the question will not be returned in the above GET request.

PUT /qa/question/:question_id/report


Parameter Type Description
question_id integer Required ID of the question to update


Status: 204 NO CONTENT

Mark Answer as Helpful

Updates an answer to show it was found helpful.

PUT /qa/answer/:answer_id/helpful


Parameter Type Description
answer_id integer Required ID of the answer to update


Status: 204 NO CONTENT

Report Answer

Updates an answer to show it has been reported. Note, this action does not delete the answer, but the answer will not be returned in the above GET request.

PUT /qa/answer/:answer_id/report


Parameter Type Description
answer_id integer Required ID of the answer to update


Status: 204 NO CONTENT

Reviews API

List Reviews

Returns a list of reviews for a particular product. This list does not include any reported reviews. GET /reviews/:product_id/list


Parameter Type Description
product_id integer Specifies the product for which to retrieve reviews.
page integer Selects the page of results to return. Default 1.
count integer Specifies how many results per page to return. Default 5.
sort text Changes the sort order of reviews to be based on "newest", "helpful", or "relevant"


Status: 200 OK

  "product": "2",
  "page": 0,
  "count": 5,
  "results": [
      "review_id": 5,
      "rating": 3,
      "summary": "I'm enjoying wearing these shades",
      "recommend": 0,
      "response": "",
      "body": "Comfortable and practical.",
      "date": "2019-04-14T00:00:00.000Z",
      "reviewer_name": "shortandsweeet",
      "helpfulness": 5,
      "photos": [{
          "id": 1,
          "url": "urlplaceholder/review_5_photo_number_1.jpg"
          "id": 2,
          "url": "urlplaceholder/review_5_photo_number_2.jpg"
        // ...
      "review_id": 3,
      "rating": 4,
      "summary": "I am liking these glasses",
      "recommend": 0,
      "response": "Glad you're enjoying the product!",
      "body": "They are very dark. But that's good because I'm in very sunny spots",
      "date": "2019-06-23T00:00:00.000Z",
      "reviewer_name": "bigbrotherbenjamin",
      "helpfulness": 5,
      "photos": [],
    // ...

Get Review Metadata

Returns review metadata for a given product.

GET /reviews/:product_id/meta


Parameter Type Description
product_id integer Required ID of the product for which data should be returned


Status: 200 OK

  "product_id": "2",
  "ratings": {
    2: 1,
    3: 1,
    4: 2,
    // ...
  "recommended": {
    0: 5
    // ...
  "characteristics": {
    "Size": {
      "id": 14,
      "value": "4.0000"
    "Width": {
      "id": 15,
      "value": "3.5000"
    "Comfort": {
      "id": 16,
      "value": "4.0000"
    // ...

Add a Review

Adds a review for the given product.

POST /reviews/:product_id


Parameter Type Description
product_id integer Required ID of the product to post the review for

Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description
rating int Integer (1-5) indicating the review rating
summary text Summary text of the review
body text Continued or full text of the review
recommend bool Value indicating if the reviewer recommends the product
name text Username for question asker
email text Email address for question asker
photos [text] Array of text urls that link to images to be shown
characteristics object Object of keys representing characteristic_id and values representing the review value for that characteristic. { "14": 5, "15": 5 //...}


Status: 201 CREATED

Mark Review as Helpful

Updates a review to show it was found helpful.

PUT /reviews/helpful/:review_id


Parameter Type Description
reveiw_id integer Required ID of the review to update


Status: 204 NO CONTENT

Report Review

Updates a review to show it was reported. Note, this action does not delete the review, but the review will not be returned in the above GET request.

PUT /reviews/report/:review_id


Parameter Type Description
review_id integer Required ID of the review to update


Status: 204 NO CONTENT

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