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  1. The Atlantic publishes an article about race science.
  2. One of the people mentioned complains about being mischaracterized, lies about what he's written.
  3. The magazine immediately publishes a "correction" that repeats his lies.

It took me about 10 minutes to find and copy-paste the deleted tweets quoted in the third section below, which are only a fraction of the relevant things he's said.

The Far Right Is Becoming Obsessed With Race and IQ

From the earliest version of Ali Breland's article I've seen:

Musk has also repeatedly engaged with @Eyeslasho, a self-proclaimed “data-driven” account that has posted about the genetic inferiority of Black people.

New version of the sentence from the article:

Musk has also repeatedly engaged with @Eyeslasho, a self-proclaimed “data-driven” account that has posted statistics supposedly illustrating the inferiority of Black people.

Note about the "correction":

This article originally misstated that the X account @Eyeslasho has posted about the “genetic inferiority” of Black people. In fact, the account has not directly attributed group differences to biology.

@eyeslasho's response:

Your article in The Atlantic claims that my account has "posted about the genetic inferiority of Black people." I have never done this, not once, not ever.

Quite the opposite: I have repeatedly stated that the only trait differences between population groups that are obviously innate are sprint speed and long-distance running — two activities in which certain African biogeographic ancestry groups dominate.

I have explicitly rejected on a number of occasions the idea that the massive disproportionalities observed in violent crime between groups are explained by genetic differences between those groups.

With respect to the scientifically non-controversial and firmly-established differences in the means and distributions in IQ between population groups I have explicitly stated that I remain agnostic as to the reasons for them — even though surveys of researchers published in the scientific literature show that most of them believe that the gaps are at least in part due to genetic differences — and I have posted only mainstream scientific findings and data that have appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journal articles or texts published by reputable academic publishers. I have pinned my position on this issue to the top of my page several times so that it's clear to everyone who follows me.

So either you didn't bother to do any research into what my positions on these issues are or you decided you would be able to get away with a lie. Either way, it's unacceptable, and I am demanding that a correction be made to your article.

What @eyeslasho has actually said

Genetics and violent criminality

13 January 2023 as @monitoringbias (now deleted):

America would be a far less dumb place if only policymakers, journalists, and academics would have the moral courage to integrate the robust scientific findings on the heritability of behavior and psychological traits into their analyses.

That tweet quote-tweets @PaoloShirasi, an account that is operated by the same person as @eyeslasho, and that has been rebranded as @iointelresearch:

"According to a meta-analysis on data from 24 genetically informative studies, up to 50% of the total variance in aggressive behavior is explained by genetic influences."

16 January 2023 by @eyeslasho (not currently deleted), explicitly linking genetics and violent criminality:

Blacks display considerably more anti-social behavior (ASB) than whites, with black males showing the most of all. Black females display more than white males.

ASB is highly genetic (heritable) and is strongly associated with violent criminality.

27 March 2020 as @a_centrism (now deleted):

Low IQ -- which of course is driven mostly by genetics and has a strong association with crime -- probably explains at least some of this.

"Agnosticism" about reasons for IQ differences

16 March 2023 as @monitoringbias (now deleted), apparently not being agnostic about the reasons for IQ differences between population groups:

In one of my favorite exchanges ever, the shining light of Twitter IQ environmentalists, Kevin Bird — he's gained 1000s of gullible followers by arguing that race IQ gaps can't possibly be genetically-influenced — admits his scientific research is not about "discovering truth."

6 March 2023 as @monitoringbias (now deleted):

@Iplayfenders "Actual genetics research." LMAO.

Most scientists conducting research on group differences in IQ believe genetics drives at least some of the black-white IQ gap. Two surveys report this. Latest one:

3 March 2023 as @monitoringbias (now deleted):

"@mattyglesias I'll read the study when I get the time, but if the Flynn effect is now reversing in the US black population (which I doubt), this means that environmental optimization has been achieved, which points to the existing white-black IQ gap being significantly due to genetics.

2 March 2023 as @monitoringbias (now deleted):

Many examples, including:

In the early-80s, the average income of an African-American was about 50 times higher than that of the average person in China.

China's mean IQ back then: 95

US black mean IQ: 85

"Socioeconomic factors" doesn't explain most of the race IQ gaps.

2 March 2023 as @monitoringbias (now deleted):

Why won't these gaps close?

In the two most comprehensive surveys of intelligence researchers ever conducted, most agreed that genetic differences between population groups account for much of the measured differences in intelligence between them.

2 January 2023 as @monitoringbias (now deleted):

The research findings on intelligence have been tipping over the past few decades in favor of those who believe race IQ gaps have at least a partial genetic basis. The left has waged a continuous campaign of smears, misinformation, data suppression, censorship, cancellation...

6 October 2020 as @a_centrism (now deleted):

The majority of surveyed intelligence scientists believe that much if not most of the scientifically-established IQ gap between white and black people in the US is due to genetic differences between the two groups.

5 June 2020 as @a_centrism (now deleted):

16/ Candid discussion of perhaps the most important variable that affects group inequalities — IQ gaps and their partial or substantial genetic basis — is not possible in America, and likely never will be.

11 October 2019 as @a_centrism (now deleted):

30/ ... 'experts' support the view that genetic variation plays a significant role in individual or group difference.” They wrote that few scientists are willing to risk personal attack by publicly speaking about the field's mainstream (but non-PC) scientific findings.

9 May 2019 as @a_centrism (now deleted):

(9/9) It's the infamous “third rail” –- the genetic basis of racial IQ gaps. You touch it at your own peril. Your credentials, achievements, and integrity won't matter –- if you touch it, you will be attacked and smeared by people desperate to keep their religion alive.


It's trivially easy to show from Twitter IDs in Wayback Machine snapshots that @monitoringbias and the current @eyeslasho are the same account (which has also been @a_centrism and @anrcentrism).

Similarly it's easy to show that @PaoloShirasi and the current @iointelresearch are the same account. There is also strong evidence that this account is operated by the same person who runs @eyeslasho (I'm happy to share this information if needed).

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