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Created August 14, 2024 21:38
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function ConvertFrom-MarkdownTable {
Converts a markdown table to a PowerShell object.
Supports multiple tables in a single markdown document.
Each table is output as an array.
# Fun markdown tables
## Some Commands
| CommandType | Name | Version | Source |
| Cmdlet | Add-Content | | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management |
| Cmdlet | Add-History | | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core |
| Cmdlet | Add-Member | | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility |
| Cmdlet | Add-Type | | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility |
| Cmdlet | Clear-Content | | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management |
## Example Modules
| ModuleType | Version | Name |
| Binary | 0.7.7 | Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools |
| Manifest | 0.3.0 | Microsoft.PowerShell.PSAdapter |
| Binary | 1.0.5 | Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet |
| Binary | 1.1.2 | Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement |
| Binary | 1.0.6 | Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore |
'@ | ConvertFrom-MarkdownTable | % { $_ | ft }
generated with:
Get-Command -ListImported -Module *microsoft* | select -First 5 | ConvertTo-MarkdownTable -Autosize
Get-Module -ListAvailable *microsoft* | select -First 5 -Property ModuleType, Version, Name | ConvertTo-MarkdownTable -Autosize
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]] $InputObject
begin {
$options = [Markdig.MarkdownExtensions]::UseAdvancedExtensions(
process {
foreach ($MarkdownTable in [Markdig.Markdown]::Parse($InputObject, $options)) {
if ($MarkdownTable -isnot [Markdig.Extensions.Tables.Table]) {
$table = foreach ($row in $MarkdownTable) {
if ($row.IsHeader) {
$header = @($row.Inline.Content)
else {
$item = [ordered]@{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $row.Count; $i++) {
$item[$header[$i]] = $row[$i].Inline.Content
Write-Output $table -NoEnumerate
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