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Last active June 25, 2024 22:20
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ft as markdowntable
function ConvertTo-MarkdownTable {
Convert an object to a markdown table.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The object to convert to a markdown table.
The properties to display in the table.
Passthru to Format-Table.
Autosize the columns.
Add a grid to the table.
Allow VT codes to be included in the output.
The padding to add to each cell (before and after value).
defaults to a space.
The view to use for the table.
.PARAMETER Delimiter
The delimiter to use for the table.
Defaults to '|'.
ls | ConvertTo-MarkdownTable
ls | ConvertTo-MarkdownTable -Autosize
ls | ft | ConvertTo-MarkdownTable
for fun,
gps | ConvertTo-MarkdownTable -Delimiter '😄'
and wanted to try my own version.
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[object[]] $InputObject,
[object[]] $Property,
[switch] $Autosize,
[switch] $Grid,
[string] $Padding = ' ',
[switch] $AllowVT,
[string] $View,
[string] $Delimiter = '|',
[String] $VerticalDelimiter = '-'
begin {
$Objects = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
$sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$e = [char]27
$VTCodes = @(
# color
# link
) -join '|'
$len = @{}
# for formatting the output.
$Cell = $Padding + '{0}' + $Padding + $Delimiter
$CellStart = $Delimiter + $Cell
function GetColumnWidths {
for autosize, get the width of each column.
[string[]] $Strings,
[int] $Count
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Strings)) {
return @{}
$widths = @{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Strings.Length; $i++) {
$columnIndex = $i % $Count
$string = $Strings[$i] -replace $VTCodes
if ($widths.ContainsKey($columnIndex)) {
if ($string.Length -gt $widths[$columnIndex]) {
$widths[$columnIndex] = $string.Length
else {
$widths[$columnIndex] = $string.Length
process {
if ($null -eq $InputObject) {
if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
return $Objects.Add($InputObject)
foreach ($entry in $InputObject) {
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($entry)) {
end {
if ($Objects.Count -eq 0) {
if ($Objects[0].GetType().Name -ne 'FormatStartData') {
$ft = @{}
if ($Property) {
$ft.Property = $Property
if ($View) {
$ft.View = $View
$Objects = $Objects | Format-Table @ft
$null = & {
# suppress all stringbuilder output in one go.
if ($Objects[0].Gettype().Name -eq 'FormatStartData') {
$ColumnIndex = 0
$ColumnCount = $Objects[0].shapeinfo.tablecolumninfolist.count
if ($Autosize) {
$widthSplat = @{
Strings = $Objects.FormatEntryInfo.formatPropertyFieldList.propertyValue
Count = $ColumnCount
$WidthCheck = GetColumnWidths @widthSplat
foreach ($header in $Objects[0].shapeinfo.tablecolumninfolist) {
# property header
if ($null -ne $header.label) {
$Name = $header.label
else {
$Name = $header.propertyname
# column width
if ($Autosize) {
$header.Width = $WidthCheck[$ColumnIndex]
if ($Name.Length -gt $header.Width) {
$header.Width = $Name.Length
elseif ($header.width -eq 0) {
$header.width = ($host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 10) / $ColumnCount
# add to the string builder
if ($ColumnIndex -eq 0) {
$sb.AppendFormat($CellStart, $Name.PadRight($header.Width))
else {
$sb.AppendFormat($Cell, $Name.PadRight($header.Width))
$len[$ColumnIndex] = $header.Width
$bar = $sb.ToString() -replace $VTCodes -replace "[^$Delimiter]",$VerticalDelimiter
if ($Grid) {
$sb.Insert(0, $bar + "`n")
if ($Objects.FormatEntryInfo) {
foreach ($row in $Objects.FormatEntryInfo) {
if ($row.formatPropertyFieldList) {
$ColumnIndex = 0
foreach ($value in $row.formatPropertyFieldList) {
$pad = $len[$ColumnIndex]
# need both to get the length of the string without VT codes for padding.
$valWithVT = $value.propertyValue.ToString()
$valWithoutVT = $valWithVT -replace $VTCodes
if ($AllowVT) {
$pad + ($valWithVT.Length - $valWithoutVT.Length)
else {
$sb.AppendFormat($Cell, $valWithoutVT.PadRight($pad))
if ($Grid) {
else {
# string array, no properties or header.
if ($sb.Length -eq 0) {
$sb.AppendFormat($CellStart, $row.text)
else {
$sb.AppendLine().AppendFormat($CellStart, $row.text)
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName ConvertTo-MarkdownTable -ParameterName View -ScriptBlock {
param ($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
$commandPipeline = $commandAst.Parent
$pipelineIndex = if ($commandPipeline.PipelineElements) {
else {
if ($pipelineIndex) {
$priorPipeline = $commandPipeline.PipelineElements[0..($pipelineIndex - 1)].Extent -join ' | '
$tabtrick = '{0} | Format-Table -View "{1}' -f $priorPipeline, $wordToComplete
return (TabExpansion2 -inputScript $tabtrick -cursorColumn $tabtrick.Length).CompletionMatches
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