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Created July 14, 2017 20:42
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Quiver plot // julia // population dynamics
using Plots
prey, predator, growth, comp, conversion, predation, mortality
function (x, y, r, q, α, β, δ)
= r*x - q*x^2 - β*y*x
= α*β*y*x - δ*y
return (ẋ, ẏ)
function sim(x, y, r, q, α, β, δ; t::Int64=1000, scal=0.01)
steps = 0:scal:t
X = zeros(Float64, size(steps))
X[1] = x
Y = zeros(Float64, size(steps))
Y[1] = x
for i in eachindex(steps[2:end])
N = (X[i], Y[i], r, q, α, β, δ)
X[i+1] = X[i]+N[1]*scal
Y[i+1] = Y[i]+N[2]*scal
return hcat(collect(steps), X, Y)
r, q, α, β, δ = 0.4, 0.02, 0.12, 0.1, 0.02
S = sim(1.0, 1.0, r, q, α, β, δ)
xi = linspace(0, maximum(S[:,2]), 30)
yi = linspace(0, maximum(S[:,3]), 30)
vxi = repeat(xi, inner=length(yi))
vyi = repeat(yi, outer=length(xi))
N = hcat(vxi, vyi)
function dquiv(X)
return collect((X[1], X[2], r, q, α, β, δ)).*0.35
D = mapslices(dquiv, N, 2)
qu = hcat(N, D)
vdn = reshape(abs.(qu[:,3]).+abs.(qu[:,4]), (length(xi), length(yi)))
heatmap(xi, yi, vdn, c=:YlGnBu, xlim=[minimum(xi), maximum(xi)], ylim=[minimum(yi), maximum(yi)], lab="")
quiver!(qu[:,1], qu[:,2], quiver=(qu[:,3], qu[:,4]), c=:grey)
plot!(S[:,2], S[:,3], linewidth=2, c=:black, lab="")
xaxis!("Prey population")
yaxis!("Predator population")
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