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Created March 22, 2020 01:54
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import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
public class RegressionTest0 {
public static boolean debug = false;
public void test001() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test001");
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr0 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass1 = matchStr0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test002() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test002");
java.lang.Object obj0 = new java.lang.Object();
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass1 = obj0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test003() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test003");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass4 = rEString2.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test004() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test004");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = null;
// The following exception was thrown during execution in test generation
try {
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);"Expected exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException; message: null");
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
// Expected exception.
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test005() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test005");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString5 = null;
// The following exception was thrown during execution in test generation
try {
boolean boolean6 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString5);"Expected exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException; message: null");
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
// Expected exception.
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
public void test006() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test006");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass10 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test007() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test007");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass16 = rEString12.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test008() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test008");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass10 = matchStr2.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test009() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test009");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr15, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr15, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper44 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr46 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr46, rEString47);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper50 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper55 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr56 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper55.matches(matchStr56, rEString57);
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper50.matches(matchStr52, rEString57);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr49, rEString57);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr68, rEString69);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr68, rEString73);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr65, rEString73);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper44.matches(matchStr49, rEString73);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr15, rEString73);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass79 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test010() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test010");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass1 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test011() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test011");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass46 = matchStr36.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test012() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test012");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass46 = rEString44.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test013() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test013");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass34 = matchStr5.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test014() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test014");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr15, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr15, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper44 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr46 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr46, rEString47);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper50 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper55 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr56 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper55.matches(matchStr56, rEString57);
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper50.matches(matchStr52, rEString57);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr49, rEString57);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr68, rEString69);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr68, rEString73);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr65, rEString73);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper44.matches(matchStr49, rEString73);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr15, rEString73);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass79 = rEString73.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test015() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test015");
st1920.automaton.REString rEString0 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass1 = rEString0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test016() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test016");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass34 = rEString29.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test017() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test017");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass46 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test018() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test018");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr15, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr15, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper44 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr46 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr46, rEString47);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper44.matches(matchStr46, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr46, rEString54);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr46, rEString68);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass73 = matchStr46.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test019() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test019");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr15, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr15, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper44 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr46 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr46, rEString47);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper44.matches(matchStr46, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr46, rEString54);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr46, rEString68);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass73 = rEString68.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test020() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test020");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass34 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test021() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test021");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean19 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr17, rEString18);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr20 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr23, rEString24);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr27, rEString28);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr23, rEString28);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr20, rEString28);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper52 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper57 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper57.matches(matchStr58, rEString59);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper52.matches(matchStr54, rEString59);
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr51, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper63 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr64, rEString65);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper69 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString71 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper69.matches(matchStr70, rEString71);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr74, rEString75);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr70, rEString75);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr67, rEString75);
boolean boolean79 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr51, rEString75);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper80 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper81 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr82 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString83 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean84 = regExpMatcherWrapper81.matches(matchStr82, rEString83);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper85 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr86 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString87 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean88 = regExpMatcherWrapper85.matches(matchStr86, rEString87);
boolean boolean89 = regExpMatcherWrapper80.matches(matchStr82, rEString87);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString90 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean91 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr82, rEString90);
boolean boolean92 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr38, rEString90);
boolean boolean93 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr20, rEString90);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass94 = matchStr20.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean19 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean19 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean66 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean66 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean79 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean79 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean84 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean84 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean88 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean88 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean89 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean89 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean91 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean91 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean92 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean92 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean93 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean93 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test022() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test022");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass10 = rEString7.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test023() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test023");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = null;
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper12 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString14 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper12.matches(matchStr13, rEString14);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean19 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr17, rEString18);
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr13, rEString18);
boolean boolean21 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr10, rEString18);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr23, rEString24);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper28 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper28.matches(matchStr29, rEString30);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr29, rEString34);
boolean boolean37 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr26, rEString34);
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr10, rEString34);
// The following exception was thrown during execution in test generation
try {
boolean boolean39 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString34);"Expected exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException; message: null");
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
// Expected exception.
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean19 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean19 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean21 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean21 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean37 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean37 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
public void test024() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test024");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean18 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr16, rEString17);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper25 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper25.matches(matchStr26, rEString27);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr22, rEString27);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr19, rEString27);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr19, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr68, rEString69);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr68, rEString73);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr65, rEString73);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper77 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper78 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper78.matches(matchStr79, rEString80);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper82 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr83 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString84 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean85 = regExpMatcherWrapper82.matches(matchStr83, rEString84);
boolean boolean86 = regExpMatcherWrapper77.matches(matchStr79, rEString84);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString87 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean88 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr79, rEString87);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper89 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper90 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr91 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString92 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean93 = regExpMatcherWrapper90.matches(matchStr91, rEString92);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper94 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr95 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString96 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean97 = regExpMatcherWrapper94.matches(matchStr95, rEString96);
boolean boolean98 = regExpMatcherWrapper89.matches(matchStr91, rEString96);
boolean boolean99 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr79, rEString96);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean18 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean18 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean85 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean85 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean86 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean86 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean88 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean88 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean93 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean93 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean97 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean97 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean98 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean98 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean99 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean99 == false);
public void test025() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test025");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr47, rEString55);
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr31, rEString55);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString55);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = rEString55.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test026() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test026");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean19 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr17, rEString18);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr20 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr23, rEString24);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr27, rEString28);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr23, rEString28);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr20, rEString28);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper52 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper57 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper57.matches(matchStr58, rEString59);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper52.matches(matchStr54, rEString59);
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr51, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper63 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr64, rEString65);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper69 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString71 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper69.matches(matchStr70, rEString71);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr74, rEString75);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr70, rEString75);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr67, rEString75);
boolean boolean79 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr51, rEString75);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper80 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper81 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr82 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString83 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean84 = regExpMatcherWrapper81.matches(matchStr82, rEString83);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper85 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr86 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString87 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean88 = regExpMatcherWrapper85.matches(matchStr86, rEString87);
boolean boolean89 = regExpMatcherWrapper80.matches(matchStr82, rEString87);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString90 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean91 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr82, rEString90);
boolean boolean92 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr38, rEString90);
boolean boolean93 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr20, rEString90);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass94 = rEString90.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean19 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean19 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean66 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean66 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean79 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean79 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean84 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean84 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean88 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean88 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean89 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean89 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean91 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean91 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean92 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean92 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean93 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean93 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test027() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test027");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr47, rEString55);
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr31, rEString55);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString55);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test028() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test028");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr14 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean19 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr17, rEString18);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean23 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr21, rEString22);
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr17, rEString22);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr14, rEString22);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr14, rEString26);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = rEString26.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean19 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean19 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean23 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean23 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test029() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test029");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean18 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr16, rEString17);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper25 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper25.matches(matchStr26, rEString27);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr22, rEString27);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr19, rEString27);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr19, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString58);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean18 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean18 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test030() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test030");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass16 = matchStr4.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test031() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test031");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr15, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr15, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper44 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr46 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr46, rEString47);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper44.matches(matchStr46, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr46, rEString54);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr46, rEString68);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass73 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test032() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test032");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr48, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean73 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr60, rEString72);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper74 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper75 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr76 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString77 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper75.matches(matchStr76, rEString77);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper79 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString81 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean82 = regExpMatcherWrapper79.matches(matchStr80, rEString81);
boolean boolean83 = regExpMatcherWrapper74.matches(matchStr76, rEString81);
boolean boolean84 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr60, rEString81);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass85 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean73 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean73 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean82 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean82 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean83 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean83 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean84 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean84 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test033() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test033");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr47, rEString55);
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr31, rEString55);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString55);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = matchStr18.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test034() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test034");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass4 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test035() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test035");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr47, rEString55);
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr31, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper60 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr68, rEString69);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr68, rEString73);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr65, rEString73);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper77 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr78 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper77.matches(matchStr78, rEString79);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr81 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper82 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper83 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr84 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString85 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean86 = regExpMatcherWrapper83.matches(matchStr84, rEString85);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper87 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr88 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString89 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean90 = regExpMatcherWrapper87.matches(matchStr88, rEString89);
boolean boolean91 = regExpMatcherWrapper82.matches(matchStr84, rEString89);
boolean boolean92 = regExpMatcherWrapper77.matches(matchStr81, rEString89);
boolean boolean93 = regExpMatcherWrapper60.matches(matchStr65, rEString89);
boolean boolean94 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr31, rEString89);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper95 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr96 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString97 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean98 = regExpMatcherWrapper95.matches(matchStr96, rEString97);
boolean boolean99 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr31, rEString97);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean86 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean86 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean90 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean90 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean91 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean91 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean92 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean92 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean93 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean93 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean94 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean94 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean98 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean98 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean99 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean99 == false);
public void test036() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test036");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr14 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean19 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr17, rEString18);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean23 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr21, rEString22);
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr17, rEString22);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr14, rEString22);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr14, rEString26);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean19 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean19 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean23 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean23 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test037() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test037");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test038() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test038");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean18 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr16, rEString17);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper25 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper25.matches(matchStr26, rEString27);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr22, rEString27);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr19, rEString27);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr19, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString58);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = rEString58.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean18 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean18 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test039() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test039");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr48, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean73 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr60, rEString72);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper74 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper75 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr76 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString77 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper75.matches(matchStr76, rEString77);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper79 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString81 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean82 = regExpMatcherWrapper79.matches(matchStr80, rEString81);
boolean boolean83 = regExpMatcherWrapper74.matches(matchStr76, rEString81);
boolean boolean84 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr60, rEString81);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass85 = matchStr60.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean73 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean73 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean82 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean82 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean83 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean83 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean84 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean84 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test040() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test040");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr15, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr34, rEString39);
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr31, rEString39);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr15, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper44 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr46 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr46, rEString47);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper50 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper55 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr56 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper55.matches(matchStr56, rEString57);
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper50.matches(matchStr52, rEString57);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr49, rEString57);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr68, rEString69);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr68, rEString73);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr65, rEString73);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper44.matches(matchStr49, rEString73);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr15, rEString73);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass79 = matchStr15.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test041() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test041");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean37 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr35, rEString36);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr40, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper54 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper55 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr56 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper55.matches(matchStr56, rEString57);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper59 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString61 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper59.matches(matchStr60, rEString61);
boolean boolean63 = regExpMatcherWrapper54.matches(matchStr56, rEString61);
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr53, rEString61);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper65 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean68 = regExpMatcherWrapper65.matches(matchStr66, rEString67);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper70 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper75 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr76 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString77 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper75.matches(matchStr76, rEString77);
boolean boolean79 = regExpMatcherWrapper70.matches(matchStr72, rEString77);
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper65.matches(matchStr69, rEString77);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr53, rEString77);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper82 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper83 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr84 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString85 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean86 = regExpMatcherWrapper83.matches(matchStr84, rEString85);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper87 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr88 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString89 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean90 = regExpMatcherWrapper87.matches(matchStr88, rEString89);
boolean boolean91 = regExpMatcherWrapper82.matches(matchStr84, rEString89);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString92 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean93 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr84, rEString92);
boolean boolean94 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr40, rEString92);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString95 = null;
// The following exception was thrown during execution in test generation
try {
boolean boolean96 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr40, rEString95);"Expected exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException; message: null");
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
// Expected exception.
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean37 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean37 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean63 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean63 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean68 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean68 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean79 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean79 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean86 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean86 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean90 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean90 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean91 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean91 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean93 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean93 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean94 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean94 == false);
public void test042() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test042");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = rEString26.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test043() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test043");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr48, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean73 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr60, rEString72);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper74 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper75 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr76 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString77 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper75.matches(matchStr76, rEString77);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper79 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString81 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean82 = regExpMatcherWrapper79.matches(matchStr80, rEString81);
boolean boolean83 = regExpMatcherWrapper74.matches(matchStr76, rEString81);
boolean boolean84 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr60, rEString81);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass85 = rEString81.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean73 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean73 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean82 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean82 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean83 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean83 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean84 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean84 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test044() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test044");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean18 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr16, rEString17);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper25 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper25.matches(matchStr26, rEString27);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr22, rEString27);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr19, rEString27);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr19, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr68, rEString69);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr68, rEString73);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr65, rEString73);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper77 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr78 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper77.matches(matchStr78, rEString79);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr65, rEString79);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass82 = rEString79.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean18 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean18 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test045() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test045");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean18 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr16, rEString17);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper25 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper25.matches(matchStr26, rEString27);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr22, rEString27);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr19, rEString27);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr19, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString58);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = matchStr6.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean18 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean18 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test046() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test046");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean18 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr16, rEString17);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper25 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper25.matches(matchStr26, rEString27);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr22, rEString27);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr19, rEString27);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr19, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr68, rEString69);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr68, rEString73);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr65, rEString73);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper77 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr78 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper77.matches(matchStr78, rEString79);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr65, rEString79);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass82 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean18 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean18 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test047() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test047");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = matchStr18.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test048() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test048");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper18 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString20 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean21 = regExpMatcherWrapper18.matches(matchStr19, rEString20);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr23, rEString24);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr19, rEString24);
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr16, rEString24);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = rEString24.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean21 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean21 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test049() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test049");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr2, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr14 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean19 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr17, rEString18);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean23 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr21, rEString22);
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr17, rEString22);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr14, rEString22);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr14, rEString26);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = matchStr14.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean19 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean19 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean23 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean23 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test050() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test050");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = null;
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
// The following exception was thrown during execution in test generation
try {
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);"Expected exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException; message: null");
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
// Expected exception.
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
public void test051() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test051");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass4 = matchStr1.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test052() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test052");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper18 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString20 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean21 = regExpMatcherWrapper18.matches(matchStr19, rEString20);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr23, rEString24);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr19, rEString24);
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr16, rEString24);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = matchStr16.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean21 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean21 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test053() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test053");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr40, rEString45);
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr37, rEString45);
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr21, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr21, rEString50);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass52 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test054() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test054");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean18 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr16, rEString17);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper25 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper25.matches(matchStr26, rEString27);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr22, rEString27);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr19, rEString27);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr19, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr68, rEString69);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper71 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean74 = regExpMatcherWrapper71.matches(matchStr72, rEString73);
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr68, rEString73);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr65, rEString73);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper77 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr78 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper77.matches(matchStr78, rEString79);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr65, rEString79);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass82 = matchStr65.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean18 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean18 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean74 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean74 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test055() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test055");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr48, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper74 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString76 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper74.matches(matchStr75, rEString76);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper78 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper78.matches(matchStr79, rEString80);
boolean boolean82 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr75, rEString80);
boolean boolean83 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr72, rEString80);
boolean boolean84 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr48, rEString80);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass85 = matchStr48.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean82 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean82 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean83 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean83 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean84 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean84 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test056() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test056");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr27, rEString28);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean39 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr37, rEString38);
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr33, rEString38);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr30, rEString38);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr44, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr44, rEString52);
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString52);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper55 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper60 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr61 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean63 = regExpMatcherWrapper60.matches(matchStr61, rEString62);
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper55.matches(matchStr57, rEString62);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper65 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean68 = regExpMatcherWrapper65.matches(matchStr66, rEString67);
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr57, rEString67);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass70 = rEString67.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean39 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean39 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean63 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean63 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean68 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean68 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test057() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test057");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper29 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper29.matches(matchStr30, rEString31);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper29.matches(matchStr33, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr47, rEString48);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper52 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper52.matches(matchStr53, rEString54);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr53, rEString58);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr69, rEString70);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper72 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper72.matches(matchStr73, rEString74);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr69, rEString74);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr66, rEString74);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr50, rEString74);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper29.matches(matchStr50, rEString79);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr28, rEString79);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass82 = matchStr28.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test058() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test058");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr40, rEString45);
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr37, rEString45);
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr21, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr21, rEString50);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper54 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString56 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper54.matches(matchStr55, rEString56);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper58 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper58.matches(matchStr59, rEString60);
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr55, rEString60);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper63 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr64, rEString65);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper69 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString71 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper69.matches(matchStr70, rEString71);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr74, rEString75);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr70, rEString75);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr67, rEString75);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr67, rEString79);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr52, rEString79);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass82 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean66 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean66 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test059() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test059");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr40, rEString45);
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr37, rEString45);
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr21, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr21, rEString50);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper54 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString56 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper54.matches(matchStr55, rEString56);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper58 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper58.matches(matchStr59, rEString60);
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr55, rEString60);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper63 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr64, rEString65);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper69 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString71 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper69.matches(matchStr70, rEString71);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr74, rEString75);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr70, rEString75);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr67, rEString75);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr67, rEString79);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr52, rEString79);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass82 = matchStr52.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean66 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean66 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test060() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test060");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr27, rEString28);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean39 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr37, rEString38);
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr33, rEString38);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr30, rEString38);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr44, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr44, rEString52);
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString52);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass55 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean39 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean39 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test061() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test061");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean19 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr17, rEString18);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper25 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper25.matches(matchStr26, rEString27);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr22, rEString27);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper30 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper52 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper57 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper57.matches(matchStr58, rEString59);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper52.matches(matchStr54, rEString59);
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr51, rEString59);
boolean boolean63 = regExpMatcherWrapper30.matches(matchStr35, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper64 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper65 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean68 = regExpMatcherWrapper65.matches(matchStr66, rEString67);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper69 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString71 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper69.matches(matchStr70, rEString71);
boolean boolean73 = regExpMatcherWrapper64.matches(matchStr66, rEString71);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper30.matches(matchStr66, rEString74);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr22, rEString74);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString77 = null;
// The following exception was thrown during execution in test generation
try {
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr22, rEString77);"Expected exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException; message: null");
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
// Expected exception.
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean19 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean19 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean63 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean63 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean68 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean68 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean73 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean73 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
public void test062() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test062");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr27, rEString28);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean39 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr37, rEString38);
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr33, rEString38);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr30, rEString38);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr44, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr44, rEString52);
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString52);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper55 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper60 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr61 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean63 = regExpMatcherWrapper60.matches(matchStr61, rEString62);
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper55.matches(matchStr57, rEString62);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper65 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean68 = regExpMatcherWrapper65.matches(matchStr66, rEString67);
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr57, rEString67);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass70 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean39 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean39 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean63 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean63 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean68 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean68 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test063() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test063");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper28 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper28.matches(matchStr29, rEString30);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr39, rEString40);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr43, rEString44);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr39, rEString44);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr29, rEString58);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = matchStr29.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test064() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test064");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr27, rEString28);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean39 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr37, rEString38);
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr33, rEString38);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr30, rEString38);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr44, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr44, rEString52);
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString52);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper55 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper60 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr61 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean63 = regExpMatcherWrapper60.matches(matchStr61, rEString62);
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper55.matches(matchStr57, rEString62);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString65 = null;
// The following exception was thrown during execution in test generation
try {
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr57, rEString65);"Expected exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException; message: null");
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
// Expected exception.
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean39 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean39 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean63 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean63 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
public void test065() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test065");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean17 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr15, rEString16);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper19 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean23 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr21, rEString22);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper24 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper24.matches(matchStr25, rEString26);
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper19.matches(matchStr21, rEString26);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper30 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
boolean boolean39 = regExpMatcherWrapper30.matches(matchStr32, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper40 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper40.matches(matchStr41, rEString42);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr47, rEString48);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper50 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper50.matches(matchStr51, rEString52);
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr47, rEString52);
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper40.matches(matchStr44, rEString52);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper57 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper57.matches(matchStr58, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr58, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean67 = regExpMatcherWrapper40.matches(matchStr58, rEString66);
boolean boolean68 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr32, rEString66);
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString66);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass70 = matchStr6.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean17 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean17 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean23 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean23 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean39 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean39 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean67 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean67 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean68 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean68 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test066() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test066");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper28 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper28.matches(matchStr29, rEString30);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr39, rEString40);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr43, rEString44);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr39, rEString44);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr29, rEString58);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test067() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test067");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean17 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr15, rEString16);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper19 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean23 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr21, rEString22);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper24 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper24.matches(matchStr25, rEString26);
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper19.matches(matchStr21, rEString26);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper30 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
boolean boolean39 = regExpMatcherWrapper30.matches(matchStr32, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper40 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper40.matches(matchStr41, rEString42);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr47, rEString48);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper50 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper50.matches(matchStr51, rEString52);
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr47, rEString52);
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper40.matches(matchStr44, rEString52);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper57 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper57.matches(matchStr58, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr62, rEString63);
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr58, rEString63);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean67 = regExpMatcherWrapper40.matches(matchStr58, rEString66);
boolean boolean68 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr32, rEString66);
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString66);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass70 = rEString66.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean17 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean17 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean23 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean23 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean39 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean39 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean67 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean67 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean68 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean68 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test068() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test068");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr27, rEString28);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean39 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr37, rEString38);
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr33, rEString38);
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr30, rEString38);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr44, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr44, rEString52);
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString52);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper55 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper60 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr61 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString62 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean63 = regExpMatcherWrapper60.matches(matchStr61, rEString62);
boolean boolean64 = regExpMatcherWrapper55.matches(matchStr57, rEString62);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper65 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean68 = regExpMatcherWrapper65.matches(matchStr66, rEString67);
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr57, rEString67);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass70 = matchStr57.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean39 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean39 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean63 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean63 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean64 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean64 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean68 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean68 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test069() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test069");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr40, rEString45);
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr37, rEString45);
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr21, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr21, rEString50);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass52 = rEString50.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test070() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test070");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper28 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper28.matches(matchStr29, rEString30);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr39, rEString40);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr43, rEString44);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr39, rEString44);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper48 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean52 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr50, rEString51);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper48.matches(matchStr50, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr29, rEString58);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass61 = rEString58.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean52 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean52 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test071() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test071");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean24 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr22, rEString23);
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr18, rEString23);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper29 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr30 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString31 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper29.matches(matchStr30, rEString31);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper29.matches(matchStr33, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper45 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr47 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr47, rEString48);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper52 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper52.matches(matchStr53, rEString54);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr53, rEString58);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr50, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr69, rEString70);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper72 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper72.matches(matchStr73, rEString74);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr69, rEString74);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr66, rEString74);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper45.matches(matchStr50, rEString74);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper29.matches(matchStr50, rEString79);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr28, rEString79);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass82 = rEString79.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean24 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean24 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test072() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test072");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean17 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr15, rEString16);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper19 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean23 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr21, rEString22);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper24 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper24.matches(matchStr25, rEString26);
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper19.matches(matchStr21, rEString26);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper30 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper52 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper57 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper57.matches(matchStr58, rEString59);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper52.matches(matchStr54, rEString59);
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr51, rEString59);
boolean boolean63 = regExpMatcherWrapper30.matches(matchStr35, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr35, rEString64);
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString64);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass67 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean17 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean17 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean23 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean23 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean63 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean63 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean66 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean66 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test073() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test073");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper4 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr6 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean8 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr6, rEString7);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper9 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr10 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean12 = regExpMatcherWrapper9.matches(matchStr10, rEString11);
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper4.matches(matchStr6, rEString11);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper14 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr15 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean17 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr15, rEString16);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper19 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper20 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString22 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean23 = regExpMatcherWrapper20.matches(matchStr21, rEString22);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper24 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString26 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper24.matches(matchStr25, rEString26);
boolean boolean28 = regExpMatcherWrapper19.matches(matchStr21, rEString26);
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr18, rEString26);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper30 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper31 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr32 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean34 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr32, rEString33);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper36 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr38 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean40 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr38, rEString39);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper41 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr42 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean44 = regExpMatcherWrapper41.matches(matchStr42, rEString43);
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper36.matches(matchStr38, rEString43);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper31.matches(matchStr35, rEString43);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper52 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper57 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper57.matches(matchStr58, rEString59);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper52.matches(matchStr54, rEString59);
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr51, rEString59);
boolean boolean63 = regExpMatcherWrapper30.matches(matchStr35, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper14.matches(matchStr35, rEString64);
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr6, rEString64);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass67 = rEString64.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean8 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean8 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean12 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean12 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean17 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean17 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean23 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean23 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean28 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean28 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean34 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean34 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean40 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean40 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean44 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean44 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean63 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean63 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean66 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean66 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test074() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test074");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr40, rEString45);
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr37, rEString45);
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr21, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr21, rEString50);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper52 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr54 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean56 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr54, rEString55);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper57 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper57.matches(matchStr58, rEString59);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper52.matches(matchStr54, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper63 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr64, rEString65);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper69 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString71 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper69.matches(matchStr70, rEString71);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr74, rEString75);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr70, rEString75);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr67, rEString75);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper79 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString81 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean82 = regExpMatcherWrapper79.matches(matchStr80, rEString81);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr83 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper84 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper85 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr86 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString87 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean88 = regExpMatcherWrapper85.matches(matchStr86, rEString87);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper89 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr90 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString91 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean92 = regExpMatcherWrapper89.matches(matchStr90, rEString91);
boolean boolean93 = regExpMatcherWrapper84.matches(matchStr86, rEString91);
boolean boolean94 = regExpMatcherWrapper79.matches(matchStr83, rEString91);
boolean boolean95 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr67, rEString91);
boolean boolean96 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr54, rEString91);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass97 = matchStr54.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean56 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean56 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean66 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean66 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean82 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean82 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean88 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean88 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean92 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean92 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean93 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean93 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean94 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean94 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean95 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean95 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean96 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean96 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test075() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test075");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr16 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper18 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString20 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean21 = regExpMatcherWrapper18.matches(matchStr19, rEString20);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr23, rEString24);
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr19, rEString24);
boolean boolean27 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr16, rEString24);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass28 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean21 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean21 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean27 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean27 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test076() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test076");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr48, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper74 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString76 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper74.matches(matchStr75, rEString76);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper78 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper78.matches(matchStr79, rEString80);
boolean boolean82 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr75, rEString80);
boolean boolean83 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr72, rEString80);
boolean boolean84 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr48, rEString80);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass85 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean82 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean82 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean83 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean83 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean84 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean84 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test077() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test077");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr5 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper7 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString9 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean10 = regExpMatcherWrapper7.matches(matchStr8, rEString9);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper11 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString13 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper11.matches(matchStr12, rEString13);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr8, rEString13);
boolean boolean16 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr5, rEString13);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
boolean boolean33 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr5, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper34 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper35 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean38 = regExpMatcherWrapper35.matches(matchStr36, rEString37);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
boolean boolean43 = regExpMatcherWrapper34.matches(matchStr36, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper46 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper47 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr48 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString49 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean50 = regExpMatcherWrapper47.matches(matchStr48, rEString49);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper51 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString53 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean54 = regExpMatcherWrapper51.matches(matchStr52, rEString53);
boolean boolean55 = regExpMatcherWrapper46.matches(matchStr48, rEString53);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper56 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr57 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString58 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean59 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr57, rEString58);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper61 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper66 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString68 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean69 = regExpMatcherWrapper66.matches(matchStr67, rEString68);
boolean boolean70 = regExpMatcherWrapper61.matches(matchStr63, rEString68);
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr60, rEString68);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr72 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper74 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString76 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper74.matches(matchStr75, rEString76);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper78 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper78.matches(matchStr79, rEString80);
boolean boolean82 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr75, rEString80);
boolean boolean83 = regExpMatcherWrapper56.matches(matchStr72, rEString80);
boolean boolean84 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr48, rEString80);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass85 = rEString80.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean10 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean10 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean16 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean16 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean33 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean33 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean38 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean38 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean43 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean43 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean50 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean50 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean54 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean54 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean55 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean55 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean59 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean59 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean69 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean69 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean70 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean70 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean82 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean82 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean83 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean83 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean84 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean84 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test078() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test078");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper1 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString3 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean4 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr2, rEString3);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper15 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr17 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean19 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr17, rEString18);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr20 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper21 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr23 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean25 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr23, rEString24);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper26 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr27 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean29 = regExpMatcherWrapper26.matches(matchStr27, rEString28);
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper21.matches(matchStr23, rEString28);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr20, rEString28);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper32 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr33 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean35 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr33, rEString34);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr36 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper37 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr39 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean41 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr39, rEString40);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper42 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr43 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean45 = regExpMatcherWrapper42.matches(matchStr43, rEString44);
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper37.matches(matchStr39, rEString44);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper32.matches(matchStr36, rEString44);
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr20, rEString44);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper49 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper50 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr51 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean53 = regExpMatcherWrapper50.matches(matchStr51, rEString52);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper54 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString56 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper54.matches(matchStr55, rEString56);
boolean boolean58 = regExpMatcherWrapper49.matches(matchStr51, rEString56);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean60 = regExpMatcherWrapper15.matches(matchStr51, rEString59);
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr7, rEString59);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper62 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr63 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean65 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr63, rEString64);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr66 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper67 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr69 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean71 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr69, rEString70);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper72 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr73 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean75 = regExpMatcherWrapper72.matches(matchStr73, rEString74);
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper67.matches(matchStr69, rEString74);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper62.matches(matchStr66, rEString74);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper78 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString80 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper78.matches(matchStr79, rEString80);
boolean boolean82 = regExpMatcherWrapper1.matches(matchStr66, rEString80);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper83 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr84 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString85 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean86 = regExpMatcherWrapper83.matches(matchStr84, rEString85);
boolean boolean87 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr66, rEString85);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass88 = matchStr66.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean4 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean4 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean19 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean19 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean25 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean25 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean29 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean29 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean35 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean35 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean41 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean41 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean45 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean45 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean53 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean53 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean58 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean58 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean60 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean60 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean65 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean65 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean71 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean71 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean75 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean75 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean82 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean82 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean86 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean86 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean87 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean87 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test079() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
System.out.format("%n%s%n", "RegressionTest0.test079");
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper0 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr1 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString2 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean3 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr1, rEString2);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr4 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper5 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper6 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr7 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString8 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean9 = regExpMatcherWrapper6.matches(matchStr7, rEString8);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper10 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr11 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString12 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean13 = regExpMatcherWrapper10.matches(matchStr11, rEString12);
boolean boolean14 = regExpMatcherWrapper5.matches(matchStr7, rEString12);
boolean boolean15 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr4, rEString12);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper16 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper17 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr18 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString19 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean20 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr18, rEString19);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr21 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper22 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper23 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr24 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString25 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean26 = regExpMatcherWrapper23.matches(matchStr24, rEString25);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper27 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr28 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString29 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean30 = regExpMatcherWrapper27.matches(matchStr28, rEString29);
boolean boolean31 = regExpMatcherWrapper22.matches(matchStr24, rEString29);
boolean boolean32 = regExpMatcherWrapper17.matches(matchStr21, rEString29);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper33 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr34 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString35 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean36 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr34, rEString35);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr37 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper38 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper39 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr40 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString41 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean42 = regExpMatcherWrapper39.matches(matchStr40, rEString41);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper43 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr44 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString45 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean46 = regExpMatcherWrapper43.matches(matchStr44, rEString45);
boolean boolean47 = regExpMatcherWrapper38.matches(matchStr40, rEString45);
boolean boolean48 = regExpMatcherWrapper33.matches(matchStr37, rEString45);
boolean boolean49 = regExpMatcherWrapper16.matches(matchStr21, rEString45);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString50 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean51 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr21, rEString50);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr52 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper53 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper54 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr55 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString56 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean57 = regExpMatcherWrapper54.matches(matchStr55, rEString56);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper58 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr59 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString60 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean61 = regExpMatcherWrapper58.matches(matchStr59, rEString60);
boolean boolean62 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr55, rEString60);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper63 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr64 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString65 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean66 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr64, rEString65);
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr67 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper68 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper69 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr70 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString71 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean72 = regExpMatcherWrapper69.matches(matchStr70, rEString71);
st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper regExpMatcherWrapper73 = new st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper();
st1920.automaton.MatchStr matchStr74 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNeeded();
st1920.automaton.REString rEString75 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean76 = regExpMatcherWrapper73.matches(matchStr74, rEString75);
boolean boolean77 = regExpMatcherWrapper68.matches(matchStr70, rEString75);
boolean boolean78 = regExpMatcherWrapper63.matches(matchStr67, rEString75);
st1920.automaton.REString rEString79 = st1920.automaton.RegExpMatcherWrapper.isThisNecessary();
boolean boolean80 = regExpMatcherWrapper53.matches(matchStr67, rEString79);
boolean boolean81 = regExpMatcherWrapper0.matches(matchStr52, rEString79);
java.lang.Class<?> wildcardClass82 = rEString79.getClass();
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean3 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean3 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean9 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean9 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean13 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean13 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean14 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean14 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean15 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean15 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean20 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean20 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean26 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean26 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean30 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean30 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean31 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean31 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean32 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean32 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean36 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean36 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean42 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean42 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean46 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean46 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean47 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean47 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean48 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean48 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean49 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean49 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean51 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean51 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean57 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean57 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean61 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean61 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean62 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean62 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean66 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean66 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean72 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean72 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean76 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean76 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean77 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean77 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean78 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean78 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean80 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean80 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + boolean81 + "' != '" + false + "'", boolean81 == false);
// Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code)
public void test080() throws Throwable {
if (debug)
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