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Forked from LS80/
Last active July 13, 2024 12:33
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Demo PostgreSQL 13 Point-in-time Recovery with Docker
function cleanup() {
docker rm -f master replica >&/dev/null
rm -Rf $(pwd)/data $(pwd)/wal_archive
function wait_until_ready() {
docker exec "$1" sh -c 'until pg_isready --user=postgres >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done'
function print_table() {
docker exec "$1" psql --user=postgres --command='SELECT * FROM temp'
docker network create postgres >&/dev/null
set -e
# Start the master service
docker run --network=postgres --name=master -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=demo -d \
--volume=$(pwd)/wal_archive:/root \
postgres:${VERSION} \
postgres \
-c log_line_prefix='%m ' -c log_statement=all \
-c synchronous_commit='on' \
-c wal_level=replica -c archive_mode=on -c archive_command='test ! -f /root/%f && cp %p /root/%f' -c archive_timeout=1 \
# Create base backup to local ./data
wait_until_ready master
docker exec master sh -c 'echo host replication postgres trust >> "${PGDATA}/pg_hba.conf"; \
su - postgres -c "PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/pg_ctl reload"'
docker run --rm --network=postgres \
--volume=$(pwd)/data:/tmp/data \
postgres:${VERSION} \
sh -c 'until pg_isready --host=master --user=postgres >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done &&
pg_basebackup --host=master --user=postgres -D /tmp/data --progress' >/dev/null
# Generate some WAL in local ./wal_archive
docker exec master psql --user=postgres --command='CREATE TABLE temp(i int, t timestamp)' >/dev/null
for i in {1..10}; do
docker exec master psql --user=postgres --command="INSERT INTO temp VALUES (${i}, current_timestamp)" >/dev/null
sleep 1
print_table master
# Create recovery.conf to setup a recovery
target_time=$(docker exec master psql -qtAX --user=postgres --command='SELECT t FROM temp WHERE i = 6;')
echo "hot_standby = on
restore_command = 'cp /root/%f %p'
recovery_target_time = '${target_time}'" >> $(pwd)/data/postgresql.conf
echo "" > $(pwd)/data/standby.signal
# Start the recovery
docker run --network=postgres --name=replica --detach \
--volume=$(pwd)/wal_archive:/root \
--volume=$(pwd)/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
postgres:${VERSION} \
postgres -c log_destination=csvlog -c logging_collector=on -c log_filename=postgresql.log >/dev/null
wait_until_ready replica
# Wait for recovery to complete
until [ "$(docker exec replica psql -qtAX --user=postgres --command='SELECT pg_is_wal_replay_paused()')" == 't' ]; do
sleep 1
cat $(pwd)/data/log/postgresql.csv
print_table replica
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