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Created November 15, 2019 09:46
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package kz.technodom.merchant.service
//Simple hello world
fun main() {
println("Hello, World")
printMessageWithPrefix("Hello", "Toxa")
printMessageWithPrefix("Hello2" )
//infix functions
println("dude ".repeat(3))
infix fun Int.times (str:String) = str.repeat(this)
println(3 times "Bob ")
printAll("test1", "test2", "test3")
val a : String = "teststring"
val b = "kotlin"
var x : Int = 5
x =4
//null safety
var str : String ? = "Koltin tutorial"
str = null
//safe call ?.
val listWithNulls : List<String?> = mutableListOf("MutTest", null, "Modric")
for ( l in listWithNulls){
l?.let { println(it) }
//elvis operator
val be : String ? = null
val l = if (be != null) be.length else -1
val c = be?.length ?: -1
val p = Person("Alice")
println( = "New name"
val ani = Car(1, "monkey")
val dog: Animal = Dog()
val list = listOf("1", "2", "3")
fun length (str : String?) : Int? {
return str?.length
fun printMessage(message:String){
fun printMessageWithPrefix(message : String, info : String = "Info"){
println("[$info] $message")
fun sum (x:Int, y:Int) : Int{
return x + y
fun multiply(x : Int, y: Int) = x * y
//Varargs allow you to pass any number of arguments by separating them with commas.
fun printAll(vararg messages : String){
for (m in messages){
class Customer
class Person(var name: String){
fun printName(){
data class Car (val id: Long, val name: String)
//Kotlin classes are final by default, in order to make them inheritable mark them as open classes
open class Animal(){
open fun makeSound(){
println("def def")
class Dog : Animal() {
override fun makeSound() {
println("au au")
class Cat : Animal() {
override fun makeSound() {
println("miau miau")
package kz.technodom.merchant.service
import java.lang.StringBuilder
fun Int.abs() : Int = if (this < 0) -this else this
fun List<String>.midElement() : String {
if (this.isEmpty()){
throw NoSuchElementException("List is empty")
return this[this.size/2]
fun main() {
val sb = StringBuilder()
println("sb is $sb")
val cakes = listOf("one", "two", "three")
for (c in cakes){
for (i in 1..3){
for (i in 2..8 step 2){
val authors = setOf("Shakespeare", "Hemingway", "Twain")
val writers = setOf("Twain", "Shakespeare", "Hemingway")
println(authors == writers)
println(authors === writers)
val map = mapOf("One" to 1, "Two" to 2)
val x = -5
val colors = listOf("blue", "red", "yellow")
println(colors.midElement() )
fun cases(obj:Any){
when(obj) {
1 -> println("One")
"Hello"-> println("Greeting")
is Long -> println("$obj is long")
!is String -> println("Not a string")
else -> println("Unknown")
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