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Forked from mlouro/gulpfile.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var del = require('del');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var gulpif = require('gulp-if');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var notify = require('gulp-notify');
var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer');
var argv = require('yargs').argv;
// sass
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer-core');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
// BrowserSync
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
// js
var watchify = require('watchify');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
// image optimization
var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
// linting
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var stylish = require('jshint-stylish');
// testing/mocha
var mocha = require('gulp-mocha');
// gulp build --production
var production = !!argv.production;
// determine if we're doing a build
// and if so, bypass the livereload
var build = argv._.length ? argv._[0] === 'build' : false;
var watch = argv._.length ? argv._[0] === 'watch' : true;
// ----------------------------
// Error notification methods
// ----------------------------
var beep = function() {
var os = require('os');
var file = 'gulp/error.wav';
if (os.platform() === 'linux') {
// linux
exec("aplay " + file);
} else {
// mac
console.log("afplay " + file);
exec("afplay " + file);
var handleError = function(task) {
return function(err) {
message: task + ' failed, check the logs..',
sound: false
gutil.log(gutil.colors.bgRed(task + ' error:'),;
// --------------------------
// --------------------------
var tasks = {
// --------------------------
// Delete build folder
// --------------------------
clean: function(cb) {
del(['build/'], cb);
// --------------------------
// Copy static assets
// --------------------------
assets: function() {
return gulp.src('./client/assets/**/*')
// --------------------------
// --------------------------
// html templates (when using the connect server)
templates: function() {
// --------------------------
// SASS (libsass)
// --------------------------
sass: function() {
return gulp.src('./client/scss/*.scss')
// sourcemaps + sass + error handling
.pipe(gulpif(!production, sourcemaps.init()))
sourceComments: !production,
outputStyle: production ? 'compressed' : 'nested'
.on('error', handleError('SASS'))
// generate .maps
.pipe(gulpif(!production, sourcemaps.write({
'includeContent': false,
'sourceRoot': '.'
// autoprefixer
.pipe(gulpif(!production, sourcemaps.init({
'loadMaps': true
.pipe(postcss([autoprefixer({browsers: ['last 2 versions']})]))
// we don't serve the source files
// so include scss content inside the sourcemaps
'includeContent': true
// write sourcemaps to a specific directory
// give it a file and save
// --------------------------
// Browserify
// --------------------------
browserify: function() {
var bundler = browserify('./client/js/index.js', {
debug: !production,
cache: {}
// determine if we're doing a build
// and if so, bypass the livereload
var build = argv._.length ? argv._[0] === 'build' : false;
if (watch) {
bundler = watchify(bundler);
var rebundle = function() {
return bundler.bundle()
.on('error', handleError('Browserify'))
.pipe(gulpif(production, buffer()))
.pipe(gulpif(production, uglify()))
bundler.on('update', rebundle);
return rebundle();
// --------------------------
// linting
// --------------------------
lintjs: function() {
return gulp.src([
.on('error', function() {
// --------------------------
// Optimize asset images
// --------------------------
optimize: function() {
return gulp.src('./client/assets/**/*.{gif,jpg,png,svg}')
progressive: true,
svgoPlugins: [{removeViewBox: false}],
// png optimization
optimizationLevel: production ? 3 : 1
// --------------------------
// Testing with mocha
// --------------------------
test: function() {
return gulp.src('./client/**/*test.js', {read: false})
'ui': 'bdd',
'reporter': 'spec'
gulp.task('browser-sync', function() {
server: {
baseDir: "./build"
port: process.env.PORT || 3000
gulp.task('reload-sass', ['sass'], function(){
gulp.task('reload-js', ['browserify'], function(){
gulp.task('reload-templates', ['templates'], function(){
// --------------------------
// --------------------------
gulp.task('clean', tasks.clean);
// for production we require the clean method on every individual task
var req = build ? ['clean'] : [];
// individual tasks
gulp.task('templates', req, tasks.templates);
gulp.task('assets', req, tasks.assets);
gulp.task('sass', req, tasks.sass);
gulp.task('browserify', req, tasks.browserify);
gulp.task('lint:js', tasks.lintjs);
gulp.task('optimize', tasks.optimize);
gulp.task('test', tasks.test);
// --------------------------
// --------------------------
gulp.task('watch', ['assets', 'templates', 'sass', 'browserify', 'browser-sync'], function() {
// --------------------------
// watch:sass
// --------------------------'./client/scss/**/*.scss', ['reload-sass']);
// --------------------------
// watch:js
// --------------------------'./client/js/**/*.js', ['lint:js', 'reload-js']);
// --------------------------
// watch:html
// --------------------------'./templates/**/*.html', ['reload-templates']);
gutil.log(gutil.colors.bgGreen('Watching for changes...'));
// build task
gulp.task('build', [
gulp.task('default', ['watch']);
// gulp (watch) : for development and livereload
// gulp build : for a one off development build
// gulp build --production : for a minified production build
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