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Created December 21, 2021 05:01
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function __($message) {
$messages = array(
'Download' => '文件下载',
'Gateway' => '网关管理',
'Log Analysis' => '日志分析',
'Monitor' => '性能监控',
'Server Information' => '服务器参数',
'IP Address' => 'IP 地址',
'Client Infomation' => '客户端信息',
'Uname' => '内核标识',
'OS' => '操作系统',
'Server Software' => '服务器软件',
'Language' => '语言',
'Port' => '端口',
'User' => '用户',
'Hostname' => '主机名称',
'Server Port' => '端口',
'Prober Path' => '探针路径',
'Server Realtime Data' => '服务器实时数据',
'Time' => '当前时间',
'Uptime' => '已运行时间',
'CPU Model' => 'CPU 型号',
'L2 Cache' => '二级缓存',
'Frequency' => '频率',
'CPU Instruction Set' => 'CPU 指令集',
'BIOS Version' => 'BIOS 版本',
'Board Vendor' => '主板厂商',
'HardDisk Model' => '硬盘型号',
'CPU Usage' => 'CPU 使用状况',
'CPU Temperature' => 'CPU 温度',
'GPU Temperature' => 'GPU 温度',
'Memory Usage' => '内存使用状况',
'Physical Memory' => '物理内存',
'Used' => '已用',
'Cached' => '已缓存',
'Free' => '空闲',
'Percent' => '使用率',
'Total Space' => '总空间',
'Disk Usage' => '硬盘使用状况',
'Loadavg' => '系统平均负载',
'Sockets' => '网络连接数',
'Network Usage' => '网络使用状况',
'Tx' => '出网',
'Rx' => '入网',
'Realtime' => '实时',
'Network Neighborhood' => '网络邻居',
'Type' => '类型',
'Device' => '设备',
'PHP Information' => 'PHP 信息',
'Version' => '版本',
'Zend OpCache' => 'Zend OpCache',
'Server API' => '服务器接口',
'Memory Limit' => '内存限制',
'POST Max Size' => '最大上传大小',
'Upload Max FileSize' => '最大上传文件',
'Max Execution Time' => '最大执行时间',
'Default Socket Timeout' => '默认 Socket 超时',
'PHP Extension' => 'PHP 扩展',
'Prober' => '探针',
'Turbo Version' => '极速版',
'Back to top' => '返回顶部',
if (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2) === 'zh') {
print isset($messages[$message]) ? $messages[$message] : $message;
} else {
print $message;
function human_filesize($bytes) {
if ($bytes == 0)
return '0 B';
$units = array('B','K','M','G','T');
$size = '';
while ($bytes > 0 && count($units) > 0) {
$size = strval($bytes % 1024) . ' ' .array_shift($units) . ' ' . $size;
$bytes = intval($bytes / 1024);
return $size;
function get_remote_addr()
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"])) {
return $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"];
} else if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
return preg_replace('/^.+,\s*/', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]);
} else {
function get_server_addr()
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] != "") {
} else {
return gethostbyname(php_uname('n'));
function get_stat()
$content = file('/proc/stat');
$array = array_shift($content);
$array = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($array));
return array_slice($array, 1);
function get_sockstat()
$info = array();
$content = file('/proc/net/sockstat');
foreach ($content as $line) {
$parts = explode(':', $line);
$key = trim($parts[0]);
$values = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($parts[1]));
$info[$key] = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i += 2) {
$info[$key][$values[$i]] = $values[$i+1];
return $info;
function get_cpuinfo()
$info = array();
if (!($str = @file("/proc/cpuinfo")))
return false;
$str = implode("", $str);
@preg_match_all("/processor\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\w\s\)\(\@.-]+)([\r\n]+)/s", $str, $processor);
@preg_match_all("/model\s+name\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}(.+?)([\r\n]+)/s", $str, $model);
if (count($model[0]) == 0)
@preg_match_all("/Hardware\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\w\s\)\(\@.-]+)([\r\n]+)/s", $str, $model);
@preg_match_all("/cpu\s+MHz\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $mhz);
if (count($mhz[0]) == 0)
$values = @file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq");
$mhz = array("", array(sprintf('%.3f', intval($values[0])/1000)));
@preg_match_all("/cache\s+size\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+\s{0,}[A-Z]+[\r\n]+)/", $str, $cache);
@preg_match_all("/(?i)bogomips\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $bogomips);
@preg_match_all("/(?i)(flags|Features)\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}(.+)[\r\n]+/", $str, $flags);
$zh = (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2) === 'zh');
if (is_array($model[1])) {
$info['num'] = sizeof($processor[1]);
$info['model'] = $model[1][0];
$info['frequency'] = $mhz[1][0];
$info['bogomips'] = $bogomips[1][0];
if (count($cache[0]) > 0)
$info['l2cache'] = trim($cache[1][0]);
$info['flags'] = $flags[2][0];
return $info;
function get_uptime()
if (!($str = @file('/proc/uptime')))
return false;
$zh = (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2) === 'zh');
$uptime = '';
$str = explode(' ', implode('', $str));
$str = trim($str[0]);
$min = $str / 60;
$hours = $min / 60;
$days = floor($hours / 24);
$hours = floor($hours - ($days * 24));
$min = floor($min - ($days * 60 * 24) - ($hours * 60));
$duint = !$zh ? (' day'. ($days > 1 ? 's ':' ')) : '';
$huint = !$zh ? (' hour'. ($hours > 1 ? 's ':' ')) : '小时';
$muint = !$zh ? (' minute'. ($min > 1 ? 's ':' ')) : '分钟';
if ($days !== 0)
$uptime = $days.$duint;
if ($hours !== 0)
$uptime .= $hours.$huint;
$uptime .= $min.$muint;
return $uptime;
function get_tempinfo()
$info = array();
if ($str = @file('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp'))
$info['cpu'] = $str[0]/1000.0;
#if ($str = @file('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone10/temp'))
# $info['gpu'] = $str[0]/1000.0;
return $info;
function get_meminfo()
$info = array();
if (!($str = @file('/proc/meminfo')))
return false;
$str = implode('', $str);
preg_match_all("/MemTotal\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?MemFree\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?Cached\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?SwapTotal\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+).+?SwapFree\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)/s", $str, $buf);
preg_match_all("/Buffers\s{0,}\:+\s{0,}([\d\.]+)/s", $str, $buffers);
$info['memTotal'] = round($buf[1][0]/1024, 2);
$info['memFree'] = round($buf[2][0]/1024, 2);
$info['memBuffers'] = round($buffers[1][0]/1024, 2);
$info['memCached'] = round($buf[3][0]/1024, 2);
$info['memUsed'] = round($info['memTotal']-$info['memFree']-$info['memBuffers']-$info['memCached'], 2);
$info['memUsedPercent'] = (floatval($info['memTotal'])!=0)?round($info['memUsed']/$info['memTotal']*100,2):0;
$info['memBuffersPercent'] = (floatval($info['memTotal'])!=0)?round($info['memBuffers']/$info['memTotal']*100,2):0;
$info['memCachedPercent'] = (floatval($info['memTotal'])!=0)?round($info['memCached']/$info['memTotal']*100,2):0;
$info['swapTotal'] = round($buf[4][0]/1024, 2);
$info['swapFree'] = round($buf[5][0]/1024, 2);
$info['swapUsed'] = round($info['swapTotal']-$info['swapFree'], 2);
$info['swapPercent'] = (floatval($info['swapTotal'])!=0)?round($info['swapUsed']/$info['swapTotal']*100,2):0;
foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, 'Percent') > 0)
if ($value < 1024)
$info[$key] .= ' M';
$info[$key] = round($value/1024, 3) . ' G';
return $info;
function get_loadavg()
if (!($str = @file('/proc/loadavg')))
return false;
$str = explode(' ', implode('', $str));
$str = array_chunk($str, 4);
$loadavg = implode(' ', $str[0]);
return $loadavg;
function get_distname()
foreach (array('redhat', 'centos', 'system') as $name)
if ($content = @file("/etc/$name-release"))
return array_shift($content);
$release_info = @parse_ini_file('/etc/os-release');
if (isset($release_info['DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION']))
return $release_info['DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'];
if (isset($release_info['PRETTY_NAME']))
return $release_info['PRETTY_NAME'];
if ($content = file('/etc/issue'))
foreach ($content as $i => $line)
if (strpos($line, 'elcome to ') > 0)
return substr($line, 11);
return php_uname('s').' '.php_uname('r');
function get_boardinfo()
$info = array();
if ($content = @file('/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES))
$info['BIOSVendor'] = array_shift($content);
if ($content = @file('/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES))
$info['BIOSVersion'] = array_shift($content);
if ($content = @file('/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_date', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES))
$info['BIOSDate'] = array_shift($content);
if ($content = @file('/sys/class/dmi/id/board_vendor', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES))
$info['boardVendor'] = array_shift($content);
if (!isset($info['boardVendor']))
if ($content = @file('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES))
$info['boardVendor'] = array_shift($content);
if ($content = @file('/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES))
$info['boardName'] = array_shift($content);
if ($content = @file('/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES))
$info['boardVersion'] = array_shift($content);
if ($names=array_filter(scandir('/dev/disk/by-id'), function($k) { return $k[0] != '.' && strpos($k, 'DVD-ROM') === false; })) {
$parts = explode("_", array_shift($names));
$parts = explode("-", array_shift($parts), 2);
$info['diskVendor'] = strtoupper($parts[0]);
$info['diskModel'] = $parts[1];
return $info;
function get_diskinfo()
$info = array();
$info['diskTotal'] = round(@disk_total_space('.')/(1024*1024*1024),2);
$info['diskFree'] = round(@disk_free_space('.')/(1024*1024*1024),2);
$info['diskUsed'] = round($info['diskTotal'] - $info['diskFree'],2);
$info['diskPercent'] = 0;
if (floatval($info['diskTotal']) != 0)
$info['diskPercent'] = round($info['diskUsed']/$info['diskTotal']*100, 2);
return $info;
function get_netdev()
$info = array();
$ts = round(microtime(true) * 1000);
$strs = @file('/proc/net/dev');
for ($i = 2; $i < count($strs); $i++ ) {
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($strs[$i]));
$dev = trim($parts[0], ':');
$info[$dev] = array(
'ts' => $ts,
'rx' => intval($parts[1]),
'human_rx' => human_filesize($parts[1]),
'tx' => intval($parts[9]),
'human_tx' => human_filesize($parts[9]),
return $info;
function get_netarp()
$info = array();
$seen = array();
$strs = @file('/proc/net/arp');
for ($i = 1; $i < count($strs); $i++ ) {
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $strs[$i]);
if ('0x2' == $parts[2] && !isset($seen[$parts[3]])) {
$seen[$parts[3]] = true;
$info[$parts[0]] = array(
'hw_type' => $parts[1]=='0x1'?'ether':$parts[1],
'hw_addr' => $parts[3],
'device' => $parts[5],
return $info;
function my_json_encode($a=false)
if (is_null($a))
return 'null';
if ($a === false)
return 'false';
if ($a === true)
return 'true';
if (is_scalar($a)) {
if (is_float($a)) {
return floatval(str_replace(',', '.', strval($a)));
if (is_string($a)) {
static $jsonReplaces = array(array("\\", "/", "\n", "\t", "\r", "\b", "\f", '"'), array('\\\\', '\\/', '\\n', '\\t', '\\r', '\\b', '\\f', '\"'));
return '"' . str_replace($jsonReplaces[0], $jsonReplaces[1], $a) . '"';
return $a;
$isList = true;
for ($i = 0, reset($a); $i < count($a); $i++, next($a)) {
if (key($a) !== $i) {
$isList = false;
$result = array();
if ($isList) {
foreach ($a as $v)
$result[] = my_json_encode($v);
return '[' . join(',', $result) . ']';
} else {
foreach ($a as $k => $v)
$result[] = my_json_encode($k).':'.my_json_encode($v);
return '{' . join(',', $result) . '}';
if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
function json_encode($a) {
return my_json_encode($a);
if (isset($_GET['method'])) {
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
switch ($_GET['method']) {
case 'raw':
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tz.php"');
case 'phpinfo':
case 'sysinfo':
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array(
'stat' => get_stat(),
'stime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'uptime' => get_uptime(),
'tempinfo' => get_tempinfo(),
'meminfo' => get_meminfo(),
'loadavg' => get_loadavg(),
'sockstat' => get_sockstat(),
'diskinfo' => get_diskinfo(),
'netdev' => get_netdev(),
$time_start = microtime(true);
$stat = get_stat();
$LC_CTYPE = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0);
$uname = php_uname();
$stime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$distname = get_distname();
$server_addr = get_server_addr();
$remote_addr = get_remote_addr();
$uptime = get_uptime();
$cpuinfo = get_cpuinfo();
$tempinfo = get_tempinfo();
$meminfo = get_meminfo();
$loadavg = get_loadavg();
$sockstat = get_sockstat();
$boardinfo = get_boardinfo();
$diskinfo = get_diskinfo();
$netdev = get_netdev();
$netarp = get_netarp();
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title><?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?></title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
html {
scroll-behavior: smooth;
body {
margin: 0;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Luxi Sans", "DejaVu Sans", Tahoma, "Hiragino Sans GB", "Microsoft Yahei", sans-serif;
.container {
padding-right: 15px;
padding-left: 15px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
@media(min-width:768px) {
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max-width: 750px;
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.container {
max-width: 970px;
@media(min-width:1200px) {
.container {
max-width: 1170px;
<div class="container">
<th colspan="4"><?php __('Server Information'); ?></th>
<td><?php __('Hostname'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3"><?php $os = explode(' ', $uname); echo $os[1];?>(<?php echo $server_addr; ?>)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<?php __('Client Infomation'); ?>:
<span id="remoteip"><?php echo $remote_addr;?></span>
<span id="iploc"></span>
<td><?php __('Uname'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3"><?php echo $uname;?></td>
<td><?php __('OS'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $distname; ?></td>
<td><?php __('Language'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $LC_CTYPE=='C'?'POSIX':$LC_CTYPE;?></td>
<td><?php __('Server Software'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . " php/" . phpversion();?></td>
<td><?php __('Server Port'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];?></td>
<td><?php __('Prober Path'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3"><?php echo str_replace('\\','/',__FILE__)?str_replace('\\','/',__FILE__):$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];?></td>
<th colspan="4"><?php __('Server Realtime Data'); ?></th>
<td><?php __('Time'); ?></td>
<td><span id="stime"><?php echo $stime;?></span></td>
<td><?php __('Uptime'); ?></td>
<td><span id="uptime"><?php echo $uptime;?></span></td>
<td><?php __('CPU Model'); ?> [<?php echo $cpuinfo['num'];?>x]</td>
<td colspan="3">
<?php echo $cpuinfo['model']; ?>
| <?php __('Frequency'); ?>: <?php echo $cpuinfo['frequency']; ?> MHz
| <?php __('L2 Cache'); ?><?php echo $cpuinfo['l2cache']; ?>
| Bogomips: <?php echo $cpuinfo['bogomips']; ?> ×<?php echo $cpuinfo['num'];?>
<td><?php __('CPU Instruction Set'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3" style="word-wrap: break-word;width: 64em;"><?php echo $cpuinfo['flags'];?></td>
<?php if (isset($tempinfo['cpu'])) : ?>
<td><?php __('CPU Temperature'); ?></td>
<td><span id="cpu_temp"><?php echo $tempinfo['cpu'];?></span></td>
<td><?php __('GPU Temperature'); ?></td>
<td><span id="gpu_temp"><?php echo $tempinfo['gpu'];?></span></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (isset($boardinfo['BIOSVendor'])) : ?>
<td><?php __('BIOS Version'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $boardinfo['BIOSVendor'] . " " . $boardinfo['BIOSDate'];?></td>
<td><?php __('Board Vendor'); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $boardinfo['boardVendor'] . " " . $boardinfo['boardName'] . " " . $boardinfo['boardVersion'];?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (isset($boardinfo['diskModel'])) : ?>
<td><?php __('HardDisk Model'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3"><?php echo $boardinfo['diskModel'] . " " . $boardinfo['diskVendor'];?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<td><?php __('CPU Usage'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3">
<span id="stat_user" class="text-info">0.0</span> user,
<span id="stat_sys" class="text-info">0.0</span> sys,
<span id="stat_nice">0.0</span> nice,
<span id="stat_idle" class="text-info">99.9</span> idle,
<span id="stat_iowait">0.0</span> iowait,
<span id="stat_irq">0.0</span> irq,
<span id="stat_softirq">0.0</span> softirq,
<span id="stat_steal">0.0</span> steal
<div class="progress">
<div id="stat_UserBar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" role="progressbar" style="width:1px" ></div>
<div id="stat_SystemBar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" role="progressbar" style="width:0px" ></div>
<td><?php __('Memory Usage'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3">
<?php __('Physical Memory'); ?> <span id="meminfo_Total" class="text-info"><?php echo $meminfo['memTotal'];?> </span>
, <?php __('Used'); ?> <span id="meminfo_Used" class="text-info"><?php echo $meminfo['memUsed'];?></span>
, <?php __('Cached'); ?> <span id="meminfo_Buffers" class="text-info"><?php echo $meminfo['memBuffers'];?></span>
/ <span id="meminfo_Cached" class="text-info"><?php echo $meminfo['memCached'];?></span>
, <?php __('Free'); ?> <span id="meminfo_Free" class="text-info"><?php echo $meminfo['memFree'];?></span>
, <?php __('Percent'); ?> <span id="meminfo_UsedPercent"><?php echo $meminfo['memUsedPercent'];?></span>%<br>
<div class="progress">
<div id="meminfo_UsedBar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" role="progressbar" style="width:<?php echo $meminfo['memUsedPercent'];?>%" ></div>
<div id="meminfo_BuffersBar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" role="progressbar" style="width:<?php echo $meminfo['memBuffersPercent'];?>%" ></div>
<div id="meminfo_CachedBar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" role="progressbar" style="width:<?php echo $meminfo['memCachedPercent'];?>%" ></div>
<?php if($meminfo['swapTotal']>0): ?>
SWAP:<span id="meminfo_swapTotal"><?php echo $meminfo['swapTotal'];?></span>
, <?php __('Used'); ?> <span id="meminfo_swapUsed"><?php echo $meminfo['swapUsed'];?></span>
, <?php __('Free'); ?> <span id="meminfo_swapFree"><?php echo $meminfo['swapFree'];?></span>
, <?php __('Percent'); ?> <span id="meminfo_swapPercent"><?php echo $meminfo['swapPercent'];?></span>%
<div class="progress"><div id="meminfo_swapBar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" role="progressbar" style="width:<?php echo $meminfo['swapPercent'];?>%" ></div> </div>
<?php endif; ?>
<td><?php __('Disk Usage'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3">
<?php __('Total Space'); ?> <?php echo $diskinfo['diskTotal'];?>&nbsp;G,
<?php __('Used'); ?> <span id="diskinfo_Used"><?php echo $diskinfo['diskUsed'];?></span>&nbsp;G,
<?php __('Free'); ?> <span id="diskinfo_Free"><?php echo $diskinfo['diskFree'];?></span>&nbsp;G,
<?php __('Percent'); ?> <span id="diskinfo_Percent"><?php echo $diskinfo['diskPercent'];?></span>%
<div class="progress"><div id="diskinfo_UsedBar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-black" role="progressbar" style="width:<?php echo $diskinfo['diskPercent'];?>%" ></div> </div>
<td><?php __('Loadavg'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3" class="text-danger"><span id="loadAvg"><?php echo $loadavg;?></span></td>
<td><?php __('Sockets'); ?></td>
<td colspan="3"><span id="sockets"><?php echo $sockstat['sockets']['used'];?></span></td>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">
<tr><th colspan="5"><?php __('Network Usage'); ?></th></tr>
<?php foreach ($netdev as $dev => $info ) : ?>
<td style="width:13%"><?php echo $dev;?> : </td>
<td style="width:29%"><?php __('Rx'); ?>: <span class="text-info" id="<?php printf('netdev_%s_human_rx', $dev);?>"><?php echo $info['human_rx']?></span></td>
<td style="width:14%"><?php __('Realtime'); ?>: <span class="text-info" id="<?php printf('netdev_%s_delta_rx', $dev);?>">0B/s</span></td>
<td style="width:29%"><?php __('Tx'); ?>: <span class="text-info" id="<?php printf('netdev_%s_human_tx', $dev);?>"><?php echo $info['human_tx']?></span></td>
<td style="width:14%"><?php __('Realtime'); ?>: <span class="text-info" id="<?php printf('netdev_%s_delta_tx', $dev);?>">0B/s</span></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">
<tr><th colspan="5"><?php __('Network Neighborhood'); ?></th></tr>
<?php foreach ($netarp as $ip => $info ) : ?>
<td><?php echo $ip;?> </td>
<td>MAC: <span class="text-info"><?php echo $info['hw_addr'];?></span></td>
<td><?php __('Type'); ?>: <span class="text-info"><?php echo $info['hw_type'];?></span></td>
<td><?php __('Device'); ?>: <span class="text-info"><?php echo $info['device'];?></span></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">
<tr><th colspan="12"><a href="?method=phpinfo"><?php __('PHP Information'); ?></a></th></tr>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('Version'); ?></td><td><?php echo phpversion(); ?></td>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('Zend OpCache'); ?></td><td><?php echo ini_get('opcache.enable') == 1 ? 'On':'Off'; ?></td>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('Server API'); ?></td><td><?php echo php_sapi_name(); ?></td>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('Memory Limit'); ?></td><td><?php echo ini_get('memory_limit'); ?></td>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('POST Max Size'); ?></td><td><?php echo ini_get('post_max_size'); ?></td>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('Upload Max FileSize'); ?></td><td><?php echo ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); ?></td>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('Max Execution Time'); ?></td><td><?php echo ini_get('max_execution_time'); ?>s</td>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('Default Socket Timeout'); ?></td><td><?php echo ini_get('default_socket_timeout'); ?>s</td>
<td style="width:16.7%"><?php __('PHP Extension'); ?></td>
<td colspan="9"><?php echo join(' ', get_loaded_extensions()); ?></td>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">
<td>PHP <?php __('Prober'); ?>(<a href=""><?php __('Turbo Version'); ?></a>) v1.0</td>
<td>Processed in <?php printf('%0.1f', (microtime(true) - $time_start)*1000);?> ms, <?php echo round(memory_get_usage()/1024, 0).' KB';?> memory usage.</td>
<td><a href="javascript:scroll(0,0)"><?php __('Back to top'); ?></a></td>
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var stat = <?php echo json_encode($stat); ?>;
var netdev = <?php echo json_encode($netdev); ?>;
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var info = netdev[dev]
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netdev = data.netdev
function getIploc() {
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$("#iploc").html('(检测到分流代理,'+ data + ')')
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