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Last active September 3, 2019 15:28
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comparison of coingecko API prices with makerbot coinpaprika all prices
import requests
import json
api_coins = {"BTC":"bitcoin","BCH":"bitcoin-cash","DGB":"digibyte","DASH":"dash",
"ETH":"ethereum", "BAT":"basic-attention-token",
"USDC":"usd-coin", "LTC":"litecoin", "VRSC":"verus-coin","OMG":"omisego",
def get_prices_in_usd(coins_dict):
url = ''
coin_string = ",".join(list(coins_dict.values()))
params = dict(ids=coin_string,vs_currencies='usd')
r = requests.get(url=url, params=params)
prices = r.json()
return prices
# getting usd prices from coingecko
gecko_prices = get_prices_in_usd(api_coins)
# changing coin names to tickers for consistency with makerbot api
gecko_prices_with_tickers = {}
for coin_name in gecko_prices.keys():
for key in api_coins.keys():
if api_coins[key] == coin_name:
gecko_prices_with_tickers[key] = gecko_prices[coin_name]
# calculating ratios with pair format similar to makerbot
gecko_ratios = {}
for ticker_a in gecko_prices_with_tickers:
for ticker_b in gecko_prices_with_tickers:
if ticker_a != ticker_b:
gecko_ratios[ticker_a + "/" + ticker_b] = gecko_prices_with_tickers[ticker_a]["usd"] / gecko_prices_with_tickers[ticker_b]["usd"]
# getting ratio prices from makerbot
makerbot_ratios_original = requests.get("").json()
# converting for easier comparison
makerbot_ratios = {}
for ticker in makerbot_ratios_original:
for ticker_ratio in ticker:
for ratio in ticker[ticker_ratio]:
for k,v in ratio.items():
makerbot_ratios[k] = v
# compare gecko ratio with makerbot ratio
for gecko_ticker in gecko_ratios:
if gecko_ticker in makerbot_ratios:
percentage_difference = ((gecko_ratios[gecko_ticker] - float(makerbot_ratios[gecko_ticker])) / gecko_ratios[gecko_ticker] * 100)
if abs(percentage_difference) > 1:
print(gecko_ticker + " ratio diff is more than 1%. Diff is: " + str(percentage_difference))
print(gecko_ticker + " ratio is almost the same")
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