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Throughout the course of evolution, the human ego has evolved as a critical tool for survival, enabling us to navigate and endure the harsh, impersonal forces of nature. Once essential for distinguishing ourselves from the herd, this once-valuable concept has now become a potential threat to our very existence.
The ego creates a sense of self, allowing us to declare, “This is me.” In today’s culture, this declaration extends further: “This is what I believe… This is what I expect… This is what I demand.” Our identity as human beings—members of a biologically similar species—depends on this concept. It is within this framework that we, as a democratic collective, have defined what it means to be a person, an individual in the modern world. We assert equality, but this equality is only possible because of an ego structure that demands recognition and validation.
Yet, the ego is a deceiver. For some, it inflates their sense of self beyond reason, earning the contempt of others. For others, it diminishes their
tong /
Created April 19, 2024 19:48
Nerdfont map to be used with fzf and that like
 account
 activate_breakpoints
 add
 archive
 arrow_both
 arrow_circle_down
 arrow_circle_left
 arrow_circle_right
 arrow_circle_up
 arrow_down
tong / devicons-by_extension.json
Last active July 12, 2023 20:28
List of nvim-web-devicons in json format
"icon": "",
"color": "#519aba",
"name": "Cp",
"cterm_color": 74
"icon": "",
"color": "#77AA99",
tong / nvim-api.json
Created December 15, 2022 08:45
Nvim api definition in json format
"ui_options": [
tong / armory
Last active December 3, 2022 14:26
Armory fortunes
Translate object:
transform.translate(1, 2, 3);
Get world location:;
Access transform properties in world-space:
## Armory3D html5 player launcher
if ! [[ $1 =~ https?://.* ]]; then
echo "invalid url"
#if [ -z "$1" ] || [ $1 != http?(s)://* ]; then
#echo "Usage: armory-browser <url>"
tong / Dockerfile
Last active January 14, 2022 13:15
Dockerfile for building static libv8_monolith.a for linux
FROM debian:buster-slim
WORKDIR /build
RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y git curl python lsb-release sudo
RUN git clone
ENV PATH="/build/depot_tools:${PATH}"
RUN gclient
RUN fetch v8
WORKDIR /build/v8
RUN git checkout branch-heads/9.0
tong / Tris.hx
Created November 11, 2020 14:37
import js.Browser.document;
import js.Browser.window;
import js.html.CanvasElement;
import js.html.CanvasRenderingContext2D;
import om.Random;
class Tris {
public var canvas(default,null) : CanvasElement;
tong / App.hx
Last active November 11, 2020 13:49
CiCi Spiral
import js.Browser.document;
import js.Browser.window;
import js.html.CanvasElement;
import js.html.CanvasRenderingContext2D;
class App {
static var canvas : CanvasElement;
static var ctx : CanvasRenderingContext2D;