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Checking out the cryptids behind the local Denny's

Tom Swartz tomswartz07

Checking out the cryptids behind the local Denny's
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Support Documentation For Log Check Issue

The commands listed in this document use BOSH CLI v2+.


The current Crunchy PostgreSQL for PCF tile release included high availability features that in the event of a problem on the Primary PostgreSQL server, our configuration would automatically fence the Primary and promote a replica to Primary status. Our recent release of the v04.090513.001 tile version included some additional statistics gathering as part of our health check process.

The high availability functions are based on the status of each server in Consul. On each of the PostgreSQL servers, there exists a script at /var/vcap/store/service/ Every service has one, haproxy, pgbackrest, postgresql, etc. in the same location. The Consul application on each VM runs that script, if it exits with a status code of 0, it is in passing state, if it is 1 warning state and anything 2 or above it is marked critical. Our HA configuration is such that if the status of a PostgreSQ

PGC Parameter Troubleshooting

The commands listed in this document use BOSH CLI v2+ and CF CLI version 6.37.0+a40009753.2018-05-25+


In addition to standard PCF service parameters, Our recent releases have included the ability for customers to modify the PostgreSQL configuration parameters while creating or updating service instances.

In Crunchy PCF release version 03.090512.109, users could create a service instance with the pgc_ parameters.

An example of creating a service instance with modifying the max_wal_senders and log_rotation_size PostgreSQL options is as follows:

tomswartz07 /
Last active November 29, 2017 21:19

Explain different services (MT vs ODB) and explain older services (code-a-thon vs dev etc)

  • Document current AWS resources for each plan

Create service

  • MT vs ODB
  • Required vs Optional tags
  • Add postgis extention
  • IP Subnets from external domains (see Connecting to the Service from external VPC)
  • Compliance Profiles
  • Document pgAudit settings for each profile
diff --git a/owncloud.wxs b/owncloud.wxs
index d24d042..2272f33 100644
--- a/owncloud.wxs
+++ b/thunderbird.wxs
@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<?define PrevProductVersion = "1.8.2"?> <!-- Match previous ownCloud Client version -->
-<?define ProductVersion = "1.8.3"?> <!-- Match ownCloud Client version -->
-<?define ExeSourceFile = "ownCloud-"?> <!-- Match new .exe : use a relative path -->
+<?define PrevProductVersion = "1.8"?> <!-- Match previous Thunderbird version, can be `ProductVersion-1` if new install -->
import random
words = ['gamification', 'informal', 'learning', 'individualized', 'E-', 'Differentiated', 'Massive open online course', 'virtual', 'environment']
choices = [random.choice(words) for _ in range(10)]
print(' '.join(choices))