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malloc and free implementation in Z80 assembly
heap_start .equ 0x9000 ; Starting address of heap
heap_size .equ 0x0100 ; Number of bytes available in heap
.org 0
jp main
.org 0x100
ld HL, 0x8100
ld SP, HL
call heap_init
; Make some allocations
ld HL, 12
call malloc ; Allocates 0x9004
ld HL, 12
call malloc ; Allocates 0x9014
ld HL, 12
call malloc ; Allocates 0x9024
; Free some allocations
ld HL, 0x9014
call free
ld HL, 0x9004
call free
ld HL, 0x9024
call free
; heap_init :
; :
; Description :
; Initialise the heap and make it ready for malloc and free operations. :
; :
; The heap is maintained as a linked list, starting with an initial :
; "dummy block" of zero size which is mainly used to hold a pointer to :
; the first free block in the heap. Each block then points to the next :
; free block within the heap, and the free list ends at the first block :
; with a null pointer to the next free block. :
; :
; Parameters :
; Inputs are compile-time only. Two defines which specify the starting :
; address of the heap and its size are required, along with a memory :
; allocation of 4 consecutive bytes which is used for a dummy block which :
; principally stores a pointer to the first free block in the heap. :
; :
; Returns :
; Nothing :
push HL
; Initialise free list struct
ld HL, heap_start
ld (free_list), HL
ld HL, 0
ld (free_list+2), HL
; Insert first free block at bottom of heap, consumes entire heap
ld HL, heap_start+heap_size-4
ld (heap_start), HL ; Next block (end of free list)
ld HL, heap_size-4
ld (heap_start+2), HL ; Block size
; Insert end of free list block at top of heap - two null words will
; terminate the free list
ld HL, 0
ld (heap_start+heap_size-2), HL
ld (heap_start+heap_size-4), HL
pop HL
; malloc :
; :
; Description :
; Allocates the wanted space from the heap and returns the address of the :
; first useable byte of the allocation. :
; :
; Allocations can happen in one of two ways: :
; :
; 1. A free block may be found which is the exact size wanted. In this :
; case the block is removed from the free list and retuedn to the :
; caller. :
; 2. A free block may be found which is larger than the size wanted. In :
; this case, the larger block is split into two. The first portion of :
; this block will become the requested space by the malloc call and :
; is returned to the caller. The second portion becomes a new free :
; block, and the free list is adjusted to maintain continuity via this :
; newly created block. :
; :
; malloc does not set any initial value in the allocated space, the :
; caller is required to do this as required. :
; :
; This implementation of malloc uses the stack exclusively, and is :
; therefore re-entrant. But due to the Z80's lack of atomicity, it is :
; advisable to disable interrupts before calling malloc, and recommended :
; to avoid the use of malloc inside ISRs in general. :
; :
; NOTE: heap_init must be called before malloc and free can be used. :
; :
; Parameters :
; HL Number of bytes wanted :
; :
; Returns :
; HL Address of the first useable byte of the allocation :
; :
; Flags :
; Z Set if the allocation did not succeed, clear otherwise :
; :
; Stack frame :
; | | :
; +-------------+ :
; | BC | :
; +-------------+ :
; | DE | :
; +-------------+ :
; | IX | :
; +-------------+ :
; | prev_free | :
; +4 +-------------+ :
; | this_free | :
; +2 +-------------+ :
; | next_free | :
; +0 +-------------+ :
; | | :
; :
push BC
push DE
push IX
ld A, H ; Exit if no space requested
or L
jp Z, malloc_early_exit
; Set up stack frame
ex DE, HL
ld HL, -6 ; Reserve 6 bytes for stack frame
add HL, SP
ld SP, HL
ld IX, 0 ; Use IX as a frame pointer
add IX, SP
; Setup initial state
ld HL, 4 ; want must also include space used by block struct
add HL, DE
ld B, H ; Move want to BC
ld C, L
ld HL, free_list ; Store prev_free ptr to stack
ld (IX+4), L
ld (IX+5), H
ld E, (HL) ; Store this_free ptr to stack
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
ld (IX+2), E
ld (IX+3), D
ex DE, HL ; this_free ptr into HL
; Loop through free block list to find some space
ld E, (HL) ; Load next_free ptr into DE
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
ld A, D ; Check for null next_free ptr - end of free list
or E
jp Z, malloc_no_space
ld (IX+0), E ; Store next_free ptr to stack
ld (IX+1), D
; Does this block have enough space to make the allocation?
inc HL ; Load free block size into DE
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
ex DE, HL ; Check size of block against want
or A ; Ensure carry flag clear
sbc HL, BC
push HL ; Store the result for later (new block size)
jr Z, malloc_alloc_fit ; Z means block size matches want - can allocate
jr NC, malloc_alloc_split ; NC means block is bigger than want - can allocate
; this_free block is not big enough, setup ptrs to test next free block
pop HL ; Discard previous result
ld L, (IX+2) ; Move this_free ptr into prev_free
ld H, (IX+3)
ld (IX+4), L
ld (IX+5), H
ld L, (IX+0) ; Move next_free ptr into this_free
ld H, (IX+1)
ld (IX+2), L
ld (IX+3), H
jr malloc_find_space
; split a bigger block into two - requested size and remaining size
ex DE, HL ; Calculate address of new free block
dec HL
dec HL
dec HL
add HL, BC
; Create a new block and point it at next_free
ld E, (IX+0) ; Load next_free ptr into DE
ld D, (IX+1)
ld (HL), E ; Store next_free ptr into new block
inc HL
ld (HL), D
pop DE ; Store size of new block into new block
inc HL
ld (HL), E
inc HL
ld (HL), D
; Update this_free ptr to point to new block
dec HL
dec HL
dec HL
ld E, (IX+2) ; Take a copy of current this_free ptr
ld D, (IX+3)
ld (IX+2), L ; Store new block addr as this_free ptr
ld (IX+3), H
; Modify this_free block to be allocation
ex DE, HL
xor A ; Null the next block ptr of allocated block
ld (HL), A
inc HL
ld (HL), A
inc HL ; Store want size into allocated block
ld (HL), C
inc HL
ld (HL), B
inc HL
push HL ; Address of allocation to return
jr malloc_update_links
pop HL ; Dont need new block size, want is exact fit
; Modify this_free block to be allocation
ex DE, HL
dec HL
dec HL
dec HL
xor A ; Null the next block ptr of allocated block
ld (HL), A
inc HL
ld (HL), A
inc HL ; Store address of allocation to return
inc HL
inc HL
push HL
; Copy next_free ptr to this_free, remove allocated block from free list
ld L, (IX+0) ; next_free to HL
ld H, (IX+1)
ld (IX+2), L ; HL to this_free
ld (IX+3), H
; Update prev_free ptr to point to this_free
ld L, (IX+4) ; prev_free ptr to HL
ld H, (IX+5)
ld E, (IX+2) ; this_free ptr to DE
ld D, (IX+3)
ld (HL), E ; this_free ptr into prev_free
inc HL
ld (HL), D
; Clear the Z flag to indicate successful allocation
ld A, D
or E
pop DE ; Address of allocation
ld HL, 6 ; Clean up stack frame
add HL, SP
ld SP, HL
ex DE, HL ; Alloc addr into HL for return
pop IX
pop DE
pop BC
; free :
; :
; Description :
; Return the space pointed to by HL to the heap. HL must be an address as :
; returned by malloc, otherwise the behaviour is undefined. :
; :
; Where possible, directly adjacent free blocks will be merged together :
; into larger blocks to help ensure that the heap does not become :
; excessively fragmented. :
; :
; free does not clear or set any other value into the freed space, and :
; therefore its contents may be visible through subsequent malloc's. The :
; caller should clear the freed space as required. :
; :
; This implementation of free uses the stack exclusively, and is :
; therefore re-entrant. But due to the Z80's lack of atomicity, it is :
; advisable to disable interrupts before calling free, and recommended :
; to avoid the use of free inside ISRs in general. :
; :
; NOTE: heap_init must be called before malloc and free can be used. :
; :
; Parameters :
; HL Pointer to address of first byte of allocation to be freed :
; :
; Returns :
; Nothing :
; :
; Stack frame :
; | | :
; +-------------+ :
; | BC | :
; +-------------+ :
; | DE | :
; +-------------+ :
; | IX | :
; +-------------+ :
; | prev_free | :
; +2 +-------------+ :
; | next_free | :
; +0 +-------------+ :
; | | :
; :
push BC
push DE
push IX
ld A, H ; Exit if ptr is null
or L
jp Z, free_early_exit
; Set up stack frame
ex DE, HL
ld HL, -4 ; Reserve 4 bytes for stack frame
add HL, SP
ld SP, HL
ld IX, 0 ; Use IX as a frame pointer
add IX, SP
; The address in HL points to the start of the useable allocated space,
; but the block struct starts 4 bytes before this. Sub 4 to get the
; address of the block itself.
ex DE, HL
ld DE, -4
add HL, DE
; An allocated block must have a null next block pointer in it
ld A, (HL)
inc HL
or (HL)
jp NZ, free_done
dec HL
ld B, H ; Copy HL to BC
ld C, L
; Loop through the free list to find the first block with an address
; higher than the block being freed
ld HL, free_list
ld E, (HL) ; Load next ptr from free block
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
dec HL
ld (IX+0), E ; Save ptr to next free block
ld (IX+1), D
ld (IX+2), L ; Save ptr to prev free block
ld (IX+3), H
ld A, B ; Check if DE is greater than BC
cp D ; Compare MSB first
jr Z, $+4 ; MSB the same, compare LSB
jr NC, free_find_higher_block_skip
ld A, C
cp E ; Then compare LSB
jr C, free_found_higher_block
ld A, D ; Reached the end of the free list?
or E
jp Z, free_done
ex DE, HL
jr free_find_higher_block
; Insert freed block between prev and next free blocks
ld (HL), C ; Point prev free block to freed block
inc HL
ld (HL), B
ld H, B ; Point freed block at next free block
ld L, C
ld (HL), E
inc HL
ld (HL), D
; Check if the freed block is adjacent to the next free block
inc HL ; Load size of freed block into HL
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
ex DE, HL
add HL, BC ; Add addr of freed block and its size
ld E, (IX+0) ; Load addr of next free block into DE
ld D, (IX+1)
or A ; Clear the carry flag
sbc HL, DE ; Subtract addrs to compare adjacency
jr NZ, free_check_adjacent_to_prev
; Freed block is adjacent to next, merge into one bigger block
ex DE, HL ; Load next ptr from next block into DE
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
push HL ; Save ptr to next block for later
ld H, B ; Store ptr from next block into freed block
ld L, C
ld (HL), E
inc HL
ld (HL), D
pop HL ; Restore ptr to next block
inc HL ; Load size of next block into DE
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
push DE ; Save next block size for later
ld H, B ; Load size of freed block into HL
ld L, C
inc HL
inc HL
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
ex DE, HL
pop DE ; Restore size of next block
add HL, DE ; Add sizes of both blocks
ex DE, HL
ld H, B ; Store new bigger size into freed block
ld L, C
inc HL
inc HL
ld (HL), E
inc HL
ld (HL), D
; Check if the freed block is adjacent to the prev free block
ld L, (IX+2) ; Prev free block ptr into HL
ld H, (IX+3)
inc HL ; Size of prev free block into DE
inc HL
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
dec HL
dec HL
dec HL
add HL, DE ; Add prev block addr and size
or A ; Clear the carry flag
sbc HL, BC ; Subtract addrs to compare adjacency
jr NZ, free_done
; Freed block is adjacent to prev, merge into one bigger block
ld H, B ; Load next ptr from freed block into DE
ld L, C
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
push HL ; Save freed block ptr for later
ld L, (IX+2) ; Store freed block ptr into prev block
ld H, (IX+3)
ld (HL), E
inc HL
ld (HL), D
pop HL ; Restore freed block ptr
inc HL ; Load size of freed block into DE
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
push DE ; Save freed block size for later
ld L, (IX+2) ; Load size of prev block into DE
ld H, (IX+3)
inc HL
inc HL
ld E, (HL)
inc HL
ld D, (HL)
pop HL ; Add sizes of both blocks
add HL, DE
ex DE, HL
ld L, (IX+2) ; Store new bigger size into prev block
ld H, (IX+3)
inc HL
inc HL
ld (HL), E
inc HL
ld (HL), D
ld HL, 4 ; Clean up stack frame
add HL, SP
ld SP, HL
pop IX
pop DE
pop BC
.org 0x8000
free_list .dw 0 ; Block struct for start of free list (MUST be 4 bytes)
.dw 0
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