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Created June 28, 2019 12:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
1. Convert CommonJS to typescript module
1.1 Remove IIFE wrapping
1.2 Use ES6 style import
1.3 Use ES6 style export
1.4 Import from other modules
1.5 Remove from .eslintrc
1.6 Remove from js_typings
1.7 Remove from app.js bundle
1.8 Modifiy entry in test-js-with-node with .ts extension
1.9 Search codebase for mention of <module>.js
2. Add typings (use dts-gen?)
3. var -> let/const
4. Use typescript/es6 stuff
import argparse
import os
import re
# from subprocess import call, check_output
from typing import Text, AnyStr
STATIC_JS_PATH = 'static/js/'
# Map name to module path
'md5': 'blueimp-md5',
'ClipboardJS': 'clipboard',
'XDate': 'xdate',
'$': 'jquery',
'jQuery': 'jquery',
'toMarkdown': 'to-markdown',
'marked': '../third/marked/lib/marked.js',
'emoji_codes': '../generated/emoji/emoji_codes.js',
'pygments_data': '../generated/pygments_data.js',
'$': 'jquery',
'jQuery': 'jquery',
'_': 'underscore',
'Handlebars': 'handlebars/runtime',
'Sortable': 'sortablejs',
'WinChan': 'winchan',
def _remove_iife(ts_content: Text, module: Text) -> Text:
ts_content = ts_content.replace(f'var {module} = (function () {{\n\nvar exports = {{}};\n\n', '')
ts_content = re.sub(f'return exports;.+window\\.{module} = {module};\n', '', ts_content, flags=re.DOTALL)
return ts_content.strip() + '\n'
def _es6_imports(ts_content: Text) -> Text:
""" Check whether the module uses any third party libraries and import
them accordingly """
third_party_functions = THIRD_PARTY_FUNCTION.keys()
third_party_namespace = THIRD_PARTY_NAMESPACE.keys()
# Dict is already imported but with require
ts_content = ts_content.replace(
"var Dict = require('./dict').Dict;",
"import { Dict } from './dict';")
function_match = re.findall(rf'({"|".join(third_party_functions)})\(', ts_content)
namespace_match = re.findall(rf'({"|".join(third_party_namespace)})\.', ts_content)
unique_matches = list(set(function_match + namespace_match))
imports = []
if unique_matches:
for library in unique_matches:
imports.append(f"import {library} from '{combined[library]}';")
ts_content = '\n'.join(imports) + '\n' + ts_content
return ts_content
def _es6_exports(ts_content: Text) -> Text:
""" Use es6's exports when declaring public functions """
ts_content = re.sub(
'exports\\.([a-z_]+) = function (?:[a-z_]+)?\\((.*?)\\) {',
'export function \\g<1>(\\g<2>) {',
ts_content = re.sub('\n};', '\n}', ts_content)
ts_content = ts_content.replace('exports.', '')
return ts_content
def _require_from_other_js_modules(module: Text) -> None:
for filename in os.listdir(STATIC_JS_PATH):
if filename.endswith('.js'):
with open(STATIC_JS_PATH + filename) as f:
content =
if module + '.' in content:
require = f"var {module} = require('./{module}');"
# Check whether there are existing requires and insert at
# appropriate position by alphabetical order
lines = content.split('\n')
for insert_idx, line in enumerate(lines):
if 'require' not in line:
lines.insert(insert_idx, require)
if insert_idx == 0:
lines.insert(insert_idx + 1, '')
elif require < line:
lines.insert(insert_idx, require)
with open(STATIC_JS_PATH + filename, 'w') as f:
def _replace_in_file(pattern: AnyStr, replacement: AnyStr, filepath: str) -> None:
with open(filepath) as f:
content =
with open(filepath, 'w') as wf:
wf.write(re.sub(pattern, replacement, content))
def convert_module_system(module: Text) -> None:
js = STATIC_JS_PATH + module + '.js'
ts = STATIC_JS_PATH + module + '.ts'
with open(js) as f:
js_content =
ts_content = js_content
ts_content = _remove_iife(ts_content, module)
ts_content = _es6_imports(ts_content)
ts_content = _es6_exports(ts_content)
_replace_in_file(f' +\"{module}\": false,\n', '', '.eslintrc.json')
_replace_in_file(f'declare var {module}: any;\n', '', STATIC_JS_PATH + 'js_typings/zulip/index.d.ts')
_replace_in_file(f'import \"js/{module}.js\";\n', '', STATIC_JS_PATH + 'bundles/app.js')
_replace_in_file(f'static/js/{module}\.js', f'static/js/{module}.ts', 'tools/test-js-with-node')
with open(ts, 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('module', type=str, help='JS module to be converted to TS')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--convert-module-system', action='store_true')
group.add_argument('--add-types', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check this module exists
if not os.path.isfile(STATIC_JS_PATH + args.module + '.js'):
raise Exception('Cannot find module ' + args.module)
if args.convert_module_system:
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