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Created September 25, 2012 14:24
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Save tommorris/3782244 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
query to get all universities with lat-longs in Alabama
how to use this query:
simply paste it into <>
Choose the results format (HTML, XML, CSV etc.)
Enjoy. currently seems to be a bit shaky. you can also use
<> or
PREFIX category: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
SELECT ?college ?lat ?long
?college a dbpedia-owl:University;
dbpedia-owl:state dbpedia:Alabama.
?college dcterms:subject category:Universities_and_colleges_in_Alabama.
geo:long ?long;
geo:lat ?lat .
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maiomar commented Nov 16, 2020

can u help me please .. to get the deans of the faculties in Syrian Virtual University...
the university website is but dbpedia did not have so info about it..

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Hi @maiomar, DBpedia (and Wikidata) is only likely to contain material that's on Wikipedia. I don't know if the university you mentioned is on there. Instead, you might want to use scraping tools like Scrapy to get data from their website - have a look at this Scrapy tutorial for more details.

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maiomar commented Nov 18, 2020 via email

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