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Last active June 20, 2024 00:40
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.zshrc file (or /etc/zshrc) to automatically change terminal colour and prompt for different tabs/windows or remote hosts
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Terminal window colour from context
# Italic: "\x1b[38;2;3m"
# Bright: "\x1b[38;2;0m"
tty_color () {
local C=$1
# Set this to empty to exclude the current dir snippet
local INCLUDE_DIR='%8>…>%1~%<< '
if [[ -z "$C" ]]; then
# No parameter so override to white-on-black, old-style
local BG="rgb:0/0/0"
local FG="rgb:f/f/f"
PS1=$'%B%(!.%S.)%n%s@%m%u %! %0(?.%?.%F{red}%?%f) '$INCLUDE_DIR$'%#%b '
local PALETTE=(
rgb:0d/0d/0d rgb:80/80/80
rgb:19/0b/0e rgb:ff/66/85
rgb:0f/19/0b rgb:99/ff/66
rgb:0b/0f/19 rgb:66/99/ff
rgb:1a/1a/09 rgb:ff/ff/66
rgb:0c/16/18 rgb:66/e5/ff
rgb:12/0b/19 rgb:b2/66/ff
rgb:1a/0f/09 rgb:ff/99/66
rgb:17/17/17 rgb:80/80/80
rgb:23/1d/1e rgb:c6/9f/a7
rgb:1f/23/1d rgb:ac/c6/9f
rgb:1d/1f/23 rgb:9f/ac/c6
rgb:24/24/1c rgb:c9/c9/9c
rgb:1e/22/23 rgb:a3/bd/c2
rgb:20/1d/23 rgb:b2/9f/c6
rgb:24/1f/1c rgb:c9/ab/9c
[[ -f ~/.tty_color_palette ]] && . ~/.tty_color_palette
local BG=$PALETTE[$((1+$C*2))]
local FG=$PALETTE[$((2+$C*2))]
# We use colour 231 (a duplicate white) and redefine it using \033]4;231;rgb\007
# If this is a problem, we could expand PALETTE to include appropriate codes in
# the 255 color palette. This is because simple inline text colour can't be arbitrary
# RGB, as far as I know.
PS1=$'%B%(!.%S.)%{\033[38;5;231m%}%n%s@%m%{\033[39m%}%u %! %0(?.%?.%S%?%s) '$INCLUDE_DIR$'%#%b '
[[ -n $BG ]] && PS1=$'%{\033]11;'$BG$'\007%}'$PS1
[[ -n $FG ]] && PS1=$'%{\033]12;'$FG$'\007\033]4;231;'$FG$'\007%}'$PS1
function () {
local C=''
local S=$HOST
if [[ -r ~/.tty_color.$HOST ]]; then
tty_color "$(< ~/.tty_color.$HOST)"
elif [[ -r ~/.tty_color ]]; then
tty_color "$(< ~/.tty_color)"
if [[ -z $SSH_TTY ]]; then
# Local: color by tty; use the offset palette (8-15)
C=$(( 8 + ${$(tty)##*[!0-9.]} % 8 ))
# Remote host; use the base palette (0-7))
if [[ $HOST =~ [0-9]+$ ]]; then
# Color by digits in hostname
C=$(( ${HOST##*[!0-9]} % 8 ))
# No digits: "hash" the hostname. Yuck.
while [[ -n "$S" ]]; do
C=$((C>>1 + $(printf "%d" "'${S[1]}'") ))
C=$(( C % 8 ))
tty_color $C
# Set terminal title to $HOST
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