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Last active June 3, 2024 17:36
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My post-rationalisation for this is that when testing fountain pens and inks, it's good to have things to write. Pangrams are traditional, but I really just tend to write “unilluminating minimum aluminium”. And the lyrics to “Prisencolinensinainciusol” is something I've tried several times to write out neatly... one day I'll do it.

  • Ugh. False equivalence makes my bile ooze with extreme prejudice

  • Queen Elizabeth intoxicatedly vowed, "Mick Jagger is perfect!"

  • Just a few expectorant lozenges quickly abbreviated my cough.

  • Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson's political views quickly begat sleaze

  • 'Lazy' dog quickly disemboweled the poor fox in just five seconds.

  • Lazy but famished dog quickly wrecked puckish vixen's jugular.

  • Eliza's vacant quim engorged Alexander Hamilton's beef jerky weapon

  • That jackdaw and the quartzy sphinx best go fuck themselves

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