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Created April 17, 2023 07:58
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Move Roam block to today Daily Page (from any page)
;; Warning: this plugin adds a "→ Move to today" item on both mobile and desktop Roam apps
;; to the context plugin menu and to command pallete (Mac: Cmd-P / Windows: Ctrl-P, then search for "Move" or "today" etc.).
;; To activate Roam context menu on mobile, you need to install Victor Tabori's Long-tap script first:
;; Installation:
;; 1) copy this block as children block `clojure` code block under parent containing {{[[roam/cljs]]}} anywhere
;; in [[roam/cljs]] page
;; 2) confirm "Yes, I know what I am doing"
;; 3) restart Roam
;; 4) desktop: right-click on any block context menu (on the bullet) / mobile: long-tap the bullet
;; 5) choose Plugins/Move to tomorrow (attention: moves block including it's children; but do not worry: Cmd/Ctrl-Z works well)
;; PS: if the today's Daily Page does not exist, it is created first
;; My thanks to Josh Brown for helping me.
(ns my-custom-roam-16042023
[roam.block :as block]
[ :as page]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(defn move-block [block-uid parent-uid]
(-> (block/move
{:location {:parent-uid parent-uid
:order 0}
:block {:uid block-uid}})
(.then #(js/console.log "Block moved!"))
(.catch #(js/console.log "Block move failed " %))))
(defn today []
(js/window.roamAlphaAPI.util.dateToPageUid (new js/Date (.now js/Date))))
(defn today-title []
(js/window.roamAlphaAPI.util.dateToPageTitle (new js/Date (.now js/Date))))
(defn main []
{:label "Move to today"
(fn [e]
(let [parent-uid (:block-uid (js->clj (js/window.roamAlphaAPI.ui.getFocusedBlock) :keywordize-keys true))]
{:page {:title (today-title)}})
(.then #(js/console.log "Created new Daily Page!"))
(.catch (fn [error]
(js/console.log (.-message error)))))
parent-uid (today)))))}))
{:label "↧ Move to today"
(fn [ctx]
(-> (
{:page {:title (today-title)}})
(.then #(js/console.log "Created new Daily Page!"))
(.catch (fn [error]
(js/console.log (.-message error)))))
(:block-uid (js->clj ctx :keywordize-keys true))
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