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Forked from miyagawa/gist:308569
Created February 19, 2010 09:13
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use strict;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
sub get($);
sub mirror($$);
sub untar;
if (eval { require LWP::Simple }) {
*get = \&LWP::Simple::get;
*mirror = \&LWP::Simple::mirror;
# TODO curl, wget
if (eval { require Archive::Tar }) {
*untar = sub {
my $t = Archive::Tar->new($_[0]);
my $root = ($t->list_files)[0];
return -d $root ? $root : undef;
my $Base = "$ENV{HOME}/.cpanm";
mkdir $Base, 0777 unless -e $Base;
for my $module (@ARGV) {
sub run($) {
my $cmd = shift;
!system $cmd;
sub install_module {
my $module = shift;
my $uri = $module =~ /^(ftp|https?|file):/ ? $module : find_module($module);
unless ($uri) {
warn "Can't find module $module\n";
chdir $Base;
warn "Fetching $uri ...\n";
my $name = basename $uri;
mirror($uri, $name);
unless (-e $name) {
warn "Failed to download $uri\n";
warn "Unpacking $name ...\n";
my $dir = untar $name;
unless ($dir) {
warn "Failed to unpack $name: no directory\n";
warn "Buidling $dir ...\n";
chdir $dir;
if (-e 'Build.PL') {
run "$^X Build.PL" &&
run './Build' &&
run './Build test' &&
run './Build install';
} elsif (-e 'Makefile.PL') {
run "$^X Makefile.PL" &&
run 'make' &&
run 'make test' &&
run 'make install';
} else {
warn "Don't know how to build $dir\n";
sub find_module {
my $module = shift;
$module =~ s/::/-/g;
my $html = get("$module");
$html =~ m!\[<a href="(/CPAN/.*)">Download</a>\]!
and return "$1";
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