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Created May 20, 2019 15:29
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wheel of tics content
Sneezes when in proximity to higher clones.
OBSESSED with collecting zippers and buttons. Even if they are still attatched.
Feels compelled to abuse anyone in Blue
Thinks they're really a tigerLyke.
Likes to wear unusual things as hats.
Is unable to speak a GM chosen letter. Moans in annoyance any time someone else speaks it.
Right hand fights with left hand.
Likes to breakdance to the sound of weapon fire.
Pretends they are a cop show announcer when they can see goons.
Disassembles anything nearby unless concentrating on not doing so.
Constantly makes up titles and assigns them to other team members.
Thinks "They" are watching. "They" are ALWAYS watching.
Believes they can fly.
Red/Yellow/Green colorblind.
Emotionally affected by seeing colors (e.g. RED=angry)
Obsessed with smelling things... all things...
Likes to show off by doing things with their eyes shut.
Necrotechnophiliac. (Likes dead bots)
Believes any method of identification ("Are you the Team Leader?") requires an extra tongueprint.
Windmills their arms wildly whenever they feel unbalanced (Even mentally).
Licks up anything liquidlyke they can.
Enjoys fiddling with important looking buttons and switches.
Finger constantly up their nose.
Enjoys randomly changing their speech volume.
Tries to touch their elbow to their nose at inappropriate moments.
Thinks winners don't do drugs.
Beleives they are exploring 18th century Africa.
Drunken Master - Believes they gain amazing unarmed combat abilities after drinking Liquidlyke.
Thinks they are an organic transformer.
Lithps their worth.
Carries a security blanket around with them.
Convinced they can make things disappear by pointing at them and saying "Zot".
Thinks that anything can be fixed if its kicked hard enough.
Congenital liar, can't tell the truth under any circumstances whatsoever.
Ends any sentence containing a lie with "bip".
Can't sit still, fidgets with anything to hand.
Believes they are living a musical.
Believes they are living a Shakespeare play.
Thinks they can understand anything if they lick it enough times.
Lives by the code of chivalry or bushido.
Uncontrollably twitchy trigger finger.
Shoes are people too.
Likes to splash water on people.
Believes they are naked, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Thinks they are in a war movie.
Loathes explosives of any sort.
Tries to eat anything *REMOTELY* edible. And remember, normal clones subsist on soylent.
Believes they are clothed, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Believes themself to be a Star Trek character (e.g. Mr. Spock.)
Loathes any sort of fluidlyke.
Refuses to sit down because of a hideous case of uncurable hemmhoroids.
When someone mentions a word relating to "", gets horrible flashbacks.
Believes their belt is really a pet snakelyke.
Believes they being stalked by a hideous sewer monster.
Enjoys thinking of themself as furniture.
Fitness fanatic.
Obsessed with proving that spoons are the ultimate in combat equipment.
Loathes spoons.
Afraid of being alone.
Easily distracted by shiny things.
Rebel without a clue.
Likes to unplug things.
Thinks they had a chip implanted in their butt by a bunch of dirty mutants.
Uses his PDC for EVERYTHING (eating, sleeping, the loo, etc.)
Enjoys contorting body parts into strange shapes.
Frantic to "Get to the choppah!", though doesn't know where it is, or even what it is.
Believes INDIGOS and VIOLETS are secretly purple people eaters.
Enjoys playing with severed limbs.
Knows 1001 uses for fire suppressant foam.
Enjoys pretending to be a jumpsuit ninja.
Likes to do fun things with pants.
Enjoys making up marching songs.
Likes to add their own sound effects to things.
Compulsive gambler, likes to wager on anything uncertain.
Likes to narrate things going on around them, occasionally making interesting things up.
Likes to ride on anything they can get mobile.
Likes to eat shiny things.
Mortally afraid of feet.
Has nasty allergic reactions to any kind of approved pills.
Likes to hoard shiny things.
Claims that everything he does is "Manly".
Believes one of the other team members is their long lost petbot.
Believes they will spontaneously combust in intense light.
Doesn't just lick superior clones' boots, likes to masticate, and if possible, consume them.
Likes to pretend flattish things are frisbees.
Likes to rip the stuffing out of seats.
Likes bug butts and cannot lie.
Enjoys finger painting with fluids, including blood.
Thinks they actually starring in a vidshow and other clones they meets are actors.
Believes they are made from ceramic.
Likes to do the 'boto.
Thinks they are a clone tamer, complete with whips and chairs.
Fond of the art of mime.
Likes to boast about things.
All this can't be real, they are obviously playing an RPG.
Enjoys tearing things into small shreds.
Likes to lift things, anything to show how strong they are.
Likes to point at people, wink, and spout off catchy slogans.
Obsessed with doing their part to further the compconomy.
Refuses to believe their fellow troubleshooters are anything but altruistic.
Doesn't believe in all this secret society business, its all actually run by IntSec.
Owns a sock puppet they like to play with.
Laser barrels are people too.
Believes that mutants are spying on them from inside the air vents.
Insists that everything be divided into exactly equal portions.
Overdoes it with the hygiene supplies.
Is the leader of an imaginary mob.
Vidscreens are all fake, its all done some other way, like clones in the next room with sock puppets.
Enjoys tipping things over.
Is obsessed with collecting spoons, spoons, spoons!
Loves to give things new and exciting names.
Sees carpets as just wrong, believes they should be removed.
Always looking for the latest in clone fashions.
Can't stand to let others have the last word in a conversation.
Compelled to point out when things have gone wrong.
Afraid of the lights going out.
Wants more candy. MORE.
Constantly explaining how Teela-O would have done it.
Cries at the thought of another portion of soylent.
Sneezes when near bots.
Finds that their right foot itches constantly.
Finds their own pockets substandard.
Likes downloading inappropriate PDC desktops.
Afraid of fire.
Talks to an imaginary Doglyke.
Constantly trying to get a passerby to take the team's picture.
Constantly looks guilty and shifty.
Keeps forgetting that [other team member] is real.
Obsessed with sniffing new things.
Calls all other clones either Bill or Ted.
Over concerned with finding out how people taste.
Unaware of their horrible foot odor.
Hates to touch doorknobs or controls. Would rather kick doors open.
Never uses one shot when six will do.
Looks forward to the next Teela-O show... a bit TOO much.
Likes wearing a variety of bad wigs and fake moustaches.
Compulsion to call anyone uttering the word "Team" a liar.
Likes to pose naked for security cameras.
Is scared that people will vanish if he doesn't hold them periodically.
Finds the bleeping of PDCs to be intolerable.
Can't sit still for more than 30 seconds.
Claps enthusiastically at the smallest things.
Has to verbally tell their hands what to do before they will do it.
Is sure that they are somehow in the wrong body.
Is constantly muttering things about the children of the night.
Believes that holding one's breath is a viable defence against lasers.
Wonders why clones can't all just get along.
Talks in rhyme all the time.
Constantly looking for elusive powerups.
Incorrectly corrects the word use of other clones.
Involuntarily shouts "MARCO!" when trying to hide.
Tends to put things down and forget about them.
Can't remember own name. Has it on a peice of paper.
Believes that all plans need to have exactly 12 steps.
Plays with a long cardboard tube, making "whumwhum" noises.
Can't resist drawing moustaches and spectacles on images of clones.
Enjoys giving other clones makeovers.
Longs to wear a cape, to twirl it during missions.
Collects teeth. Clone teeth. Makes them into necklaces.
Is on a never ending quest to find the perfect DonutLyke.
Likes to use all the hygeine booths they can.
Constantly trying to gross their team mates out.
Can't stand being late. Has panic attacks when is.
Likes putting their hands over the eyes of the clone in front. "Guess who!"
Always roughhousing like they are playing funball.
Thinks they can talk to animallykes.
Constantly picking at their nails and skin.
Strives to say the wisest things ever said.
Can't resist a good climb.
Talks like a CB radio user "10-4 Good Buddy" etc.
Panics at the drop of a hat, screaming "Code blue! Code blue!"
Loves playing Pat-Y-CKE with bots.
Giggles in a shy manner when they hear their name.
Becomes faint at the sight of blood.
Looks at the necks of other clones oddly, and tries for the occasional bite.
Assumes that everything is voice operated.
Can't resist pausing to look at "great architecture" at inappropriate times.
Is plagued by a beeLyke that no one else can see.
Keeps self busy by arranging a team reunion for a years time.
Has a fear of fading from existance.
Doesn't like hearing bad news. Covers ears and hums to block it out.
Is constantly using their PDC to research rude words.
Can't stop talking about FC approved soap-operas.
Is scared of hurting other clones' feelings.
Gets very annoyed by repetetive/obvious tics.
Can't stand queues.
Is scared by fire suppresant systems.
Fails to get the punchlines of any jokes.
Confesses to anything when nervous.
Can't resist the urge to tell other clones how unfashionable they look.
Cries if they miss a chance to kill something.
Suffers from hysterical blindness occasionally, especially when driving.
Likes the taste of bot oil.
Constantly pops their knuckles.
Hyperactive, resorts to running on the spot if asked to stand still.
Hums tunelessly, louder the more in danger they seem.
Has heard a rumour that dancing on tables earns credits. Somehow.
Does not believe in combots.
Miserly, doesn't like spending credits. For anything.
Constantly talking about earlier, better times.
Always finding soylent products that resemble clones.
Believes that clones should have to hunt their own food.
Tends to walk sideways, crabLykelike.
Tends to use overdramitic combat manouvers for even the simplest tasks.
Loves to fill in and request forms.
Hates mess, tries to clean up after the team.
Is sleepy and lathargic about everything.
Makes up words and tries to get other people using them.
Tries to juggle any valuable objects they can grab.
Likes sticking "kick me" type signs to other clones.
Talks whilst eating snacks all the time.
Obsessed with petty rules; probably made up ones.
Gets the words Commies and Armed Forces confused.
Is sure they're being followed.
Must count to three before moving on stairs.
Loves to follow the crowd. Finds decision making hard.
Can't lie. Might omit details, but can't lie.
Finds boots funny.
Likes to make ghostLyke noises to scare other clones.
Enjoys saluting, but tends to injure self in the process.
Sniffs at fingers from time to time, and looks puzzled.
Has "A bad feeling" about any suggestions made.
Ends every other sentence with the name of a piece of furniture.
Makes hissing noises when around gas pipes.
Feels compelled to fix shoddy wiring. (Sees all wiring as shoddy).
Adopts another troubleshooter to train in "The Shwartz"
Makes farting sounds when other clones bend or sit.
Finds everything wonderful/overly cheerful.
Politely holds doors open for other clones.
Refers to bots as "Motorised Garbage Cans".
Says annoying things when when things go bad. "That's the way the cookie crumbles.."
Constantly complaining about the climate control settings.
Insists on people saying please when giving him orders.
Is afraid of cold draughts.
Gives nicknames to team mates, based on actions/events.
Chews on random equipment when bored or stressed.
Speaks in soundbytes from Teela-O movies, that don't quite fit the moment.
Can't resist complaining when in PLC depots.
Speaks only in psuedo-military terms.
Frequently warns people that "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
Gives random pop quizzes on AC heating system parts.
Easily spooked by junior clones, finds them creepy.
Goes into NAM sector flashbacks whenever tries to use a weapon.
Can't kill anyone without asking if they have a last request.
Loves to spend credits like they're going out of fashion.
Always on about how they've worked their way out of the slums they were decanted in.
Obsessed with adjusting things so that they are activated by clapping.
Can't use single s's in words, mussst ussse a few at once.
Constantly worried that there's someone missing.
Shows no surprise at anything ever, acts as if whatever happened was expected.
Coughs loudly when having nothing at all to say.
Remembers how equipment was so much better last yearcycle.
Refuses to talk to lower clearance clones.
Hates having to walk places.
Talks utter nonsensical gibberish when stressed.
Desperate to belong.
Never stopped acting like a junior clone.
Bone idle. Will only take action when threatened.
Glutton. Always after snacks.
Constantly investigating tight spaces with their fingers.
One-up-cloneship: Whatever happens, something better/worse has previously befallen them.
Is bothered by bright lights, tries to slink along in shadows.
Allergic to dogbots.
Can't resist running after thrown items.
Views IRs a bit like trading cards.
Likes to operate machinery/vehicles with their feet.
Eats like a pig and loves it.
Makes horrible slurping noises when drinking.
Flatulent when under stress.
Tries to take credit for *everything*.
Carries a pillow everywhere, ready to sleep at the drop of a hat.
Is convinced that one member of the team is an hallucination.
Very jumpy, easily suprised even by the obvious.
Can't sing a note, but that doesn't stop them from trying.
Will do ANYTHING for money.
Wonders what flavour Docbots are.
Becomes flustered and confused in combat, often shooting the wrong target.
Has deja-vu a lot.
Compulsively removes and collects nuts and bolts.
Constantly correcting the posture of the rest of the team.
Hysterical Invisibility - when stressed, believes they've turned invisible.
Craves coldfun, but invariably gets brain freeze from eating too fast.
Loves to play with light switches.
Shouts annoying things when other clones are "On the phone"
Knows 1001 bad "Why did the chickenLyke cross the road" jokes.
Always on the lookout for the perfect gift for FC.
Gives out wedgies whenever possible.
Compulsively counts things that crop up in conversation.
The clone's hair begins to come out in clumps whenever he tells a lie.
You find it hard to hold still, always fidgeting and making up childish games to keep occupied.
You hate being away from action, always cracking your knuckles, pumping your fist, etc.
You like to add your own verbal sound-effects to things.
Verbally narrates the surrounding events, over-exaggerating them when bored or stressed.
You love it when people say your name, in a possibly too personal manner.
You grow angrier the more you hear your name. You calm gradually.
Rushing wind, loud explosions, stunts. Deep down inside, you're really a closet Death Leopard.
You have a childish love for riding stuff. Any stuff, as long as it moves.
Intelligent equipment and bots freak the hell out of you.
You have a fetish for intelligent equipment and bots, that transcends even hormone surpressants.
You find wrecked bots deeply disturbing.
You have a fetish for wrecked bots, that transcends even hormone surpressants.
Tourettes. Sudden, violent, compulsive cursing 'twinges'.
Roadrage! You become mindlessly aggressive when in a vehicle... even when not piloting.
You genuinely believe you can fly, but are baffled why FC wont register it as a mutant power.
Believes the world is an FC-approved virtual reality game. Only concerned with getting more points.
Believes that shadows are registered IntSec surveillance mutants.
Certain the rest of the clone family is trying to frame him.
Always trying to invent the next big thing.
Thinks they can mind-control someone just by staring at them intensely.
Has an alternate personality; a drill-sergeant.
Tries to scare off threats by making himself 'look big'.
Thinks they can deeply understand something, if they lick it.
Chronic habit of chewing on things.
Deep-seated fear of infrareds.
Every time you lie, you compulsively end your sentence with "bip".
Trusts docbots unconditionally.
Believes he is the escaped cyborg embodiment of the one true Computer.
Has no fingers, but has been given one velcro glove and one magnetic glove.
The hamlet tic: Keeps seeing the ghost of a clone that they turned over for execution.
Walks with a pronounced limp (war wound) that keeps changing sides.
In any gun fight, starts looking for "The second shooter".
Is fretting about being late back cause the vidscreen repair man is finally due.
Feels that they are constantly being victimised because they have red hair.
Is constantly worried about baldness.
Has false teeth and loves to take them out and grin.
Keeps developing an itch on their back that they can't reach.
Clumsy with doors - always trapping (their own) fingers or clothing.
Finds public transport disgusting.
Manages to aquire papercuts with remarkable ease.
Acts like a chav.
Has a fondness for tin foil anti-mutant -mind-reading head gear.
Likes to stay unnoticed when people in authority are around.
Enjoys trying out different names for theirself.
Always trying to make up the next smash hit song for AC.
Tends to borrow things without giving them back.
Constantly trying to compare notes with other clones about differant CheeseLykes.
Stops to talk to random clones about their jobs and daycycles.
Quotes adverts nearly every time he opens his mouth.
Is sure there are less transbots than there used to be, and that this bodes ill.
Is convinced that doing things in slow motion makes them stronger and faster.
Beleive's it's opposite day.
Communicates with bots in 1's and Zeros.
Loves to pause and read any and all signs and labels.
Tries to turn anything to hand into a musical instrument.
Always making excuses, even when nothing's gone wrong.
Terrified by the idea that SmurfLykes could be real.
Has a commie sensing bunion on their foot
Constantly after free handouts, of any kind.
Can't stand silence, feels compelled to make a noise if everything else is quiet.
Likes to try and teach other clones the Cha-Cha.
Spends far too much time polishing their equipment.
Troubleshooting is just a stop gap whilst the clone writes their biography.
Can only read things that are upside down.
Looks smug, and constantly lets others know he knows something they don't.
Wears a very bad toupee, and is always adjusting it.
Has an odd desire to wear make-up.
Crawlingly apologetic all the time.
Can't help but sound sarcastic, except when they try to be.
Loves to look into mirrors, and other reflective surfaces.
Constantly claiming to be "Better than this".
Complains about stomach problems etc when asked to do something.
Often daydreaming about eating the best meal in the world.
Wears their undergarmets on the outside, and poses heroically, often.
Phobic about opening boxes
Enjoys dancing with wolfLykes, or indeed, any other bots.
Must get in the last word in any conversation.
Only hears things properly if they are said twice.
Shakes hands with other clones at every opportunity.
Humms tunlessly and irritatingly.
Answers questions in a very longwinded manner.
Doesn't do anything without a soylentSnack of somekind.
Lives in constant fear that someone will uncover his ineptness.
Loves being treated like scum and being shouted at.
Performs a dramatic countdown for random events.
Has an exallent moustache, that they are constantly twirling.
Tends to sneeze on other clones, unhygenically.
Likes to show off their fine, shapley legs.
Speaks out against using PDCs for games.
Blabbermouth. Excitedly tells anyone that listens about being on a mission.
Collects boots. Smokeing one especially.
Mental Lag. Responds to conversation/ questions just that little bit late.
Relationship counciler, always trying to get other clones to be friends.
Shy - communicates only in whispers or PDC mail.
Due to a nasal injury, is constantly finding that things smell fishy.
Thinks they know the layout of the whole of AC, and refuses to use a map.
Can't walk past a vendbot without buying something.
Makes "TicTok" sounds when impatiant or waiting for something.
Tries to be liked a little too hard.
Develops a nervous eye tic in the preasance of chairs.
Hysterical Invunrability - beleives they are indestructable in times of great stress.
Finds locked doors and cupboards irrisistable, and must open them.
Decides another team mate is a "nerd" and must prank them at every opportunity.
After seeing an OR wildlife video, is determined to mark their teritory.
Likes to try and drag an IR around as a sidekick.
Can't beleive that it's not Soylent.
Beleives one of the boots of one of the team is out to kill them.
Constantly complaining about their own bad luck, even if someone else just got killed.
Thinks that all troubleshooters should have small bells atttached.
Often looses small items, only to later discover them up his nose.
Talks incessantly about the "OLD" sector, and how much better it is there.
Fond of talking JohnWayneLyke and of refusing to do things until peanuts have been eaten.
Chews gun a lot, unless sticking it to seats and under tables.
Will bet on anything.. ANYTHING..
Disagrees with the last thing any clone said.
Is worried about an outbreak of earwigs in the area.
Shows off their ability to fit their whole fist into their mouth at once.
Speaks in made up slang all the time in an effort to be cool.
Dangles pieces of string for bots to play with.
Follows any death with the words "Well, that shut him(her) up!".
Bursts into song at innoportune moments.
Treats anything dangerous as if it were a white knuckle ride.
Hears the voices of a mini DevilClone and mini AngelClone discussing his decisions.
Must answer a question with a question.
Addicted to bomberclone.
Beleives Spam Cmail is real, and replies to it all. Can't get enough of it.
A champion of the lower clearance, or more oppressed, clones.
Can't use anything without first stateing they're going to use it.
Won't step on any cracks on the floor.
Loves wheeled office chairs - it's the best way to travel.
Always feels either too hot or cold (pick one) and adjusts clothing to suit.
Mutters the words out loud when reading or writing.
Can't resist having food fights.
Always thirsty - drinks like a fish. Always needing to find a WC too, oddly.
Checks all nearby surfaces for dust.
Loves to explain in detail how things work. Pedanticaly so.
Tells any clones that will listen that "she" can't take much more.
Unhygenically sneezes on other clones all the time.
Alpha Male with sloping forehead / nerd bashing Jock.
Always gets names wrong, especially when under stress.
Always looking for commie surveilance bugs in everything.
Always has something negitive to say about a plan.
Constantly telling stories about his life as a junior clone.
Always trying to hide a hammer-and-sickle shaped birthmark.
Amazed at how buff he is, and likes to show others too.
Answers every sentance with a question.
Assigns eveyone aliases, and uses only those names.
Beleives odd numbers are bad luck. Likes two of stuff.
Blanks out ...for long periods of time.
Calls everyone DUDE or CHICK, and thinks stuff is AWSOME or TOTALY SUCKS.
Carries around and talks to a small scrubbot plushie.
Character gets obnoxiously inquisitive to anyone trying to concentrate.
Character has a hand puppet called Socko, that speaks it's mind.
Loves to scare the crap out of people in his team, and snap a picture.
Loves to use his laser as a generic tool, flyswatter, hammer, tinopener...
Constantly labeling things with small sticky bits of paper.
Constantly fussing with his messy hair.
Constanly glum, like Marvin the android.
Constantly overestimating the dangers of the situation.
Overuses words like SCORE! YES! HEEEEEY!
Convinced that he's suffering from a terrible desease.
Cracks knuckles, shoulders, back etc loudly and constantly.
Beleives he will one day be a UV, and is arrogant as Hel.
Disagreas with any plan that doesn't involve a chose obsession (Drugs, mints..).
Does comical impersonations of teammates.
Ducks for cover at every loud noise.
Easily distracted, can't keep focu... oh look, a scrubbot..
EMphisises THE FIRST SYlable OF EVery WORD.
Exceedingly sensitive to comments about his height.
Self proclaimed expert on everything. Read it in a book.. saw it on tv..
Flatters everyone and everything, including himself, chairs, tables..
Foghorn Leghorn syndrome.
Follows treasure maps that are "hidden" in printed documents.
Gets brilliant ideas/plans but immediatly forgets them.
Gets destracted by humming/ noises that no one else can hear.
Greatly ammused my innuendo that he can't really explain...
Takes after Baron M
nchhausen - tells lots of tall tales.
Has a nickname that he insists everyone uses. Can't stand his real name.
Has divided everything in life into Honorable and Dishonorable.
Hopes to attract a vidshow scout by comming up with a good catchphrase.
Hums/sings theme music for every occasion.
In denial about his tic (choose an additional tic). "I'm not humming..."
Jealously competitice. Must prove he's better at everything.
Jumps from polite and calm to angry in seconds.
Keeps an audio diary on his PDC, and get's mad if he thinks people have "read" it.
Likes to keep stretching so he won't pull a muscle.
Likes to reminisce about old bot-homicide cases.
Makes autocar sounds whilst walking.
Loves to hum, whistle, and sing B3 commercial jingles.
Makes inexplicable puns.
Marvels at how everything uses power in some way.
Needs to figure out the survival probability of dangerous situations.
Needs to use the restroom. ALL THE TIME.
Obsessed with making very accurate reports.
Obsessive compulsive about hygeine (wears lates gloves to touch things).
Passionate about guns and bombs.
Prefers to address real situations by talking about hypothericals.
Pretends to take very important calls on his PDC to impress others.
Projectile vommits when nervous or agitated.
Records a running sportscaster-like commentary on his teammate' actions.
Refers to himself in the third person, by name.
Says "I see" a lot, and nods at every comment.
Screams "RELAX!" to help calm nervous people.
Sees numerology in normal, everyday numbers.
Shy; always puts his had up to ask questions.
Sighs a lot. Each sigh is a little differant.
Slow thinker. Not nessessarily stupid, just takes a while to answer.
Sniffs things to determin if they're clean/safe etc.
Speaks about nearby people as tho they can't hear him.
Speaks in third person.
Suggests grand, nonsensical battle plans for mundane things.
Stares at laser fire, 'cause it's so pretty.
Speaks without articles. (a, an, the)
Takes deep breaths between each word.
Talks in rhyme, nearly all the time.
Tells knock knock jokes when things are dull. Or exiting.
Bursts into song when stressed.
The worse things get, the more the tells others to smile.
Thinks he's a bot.
Trying to learn how to juggle, and likes to practice.
Twirls the hair of other clones absentmindedly.
Uses baby talk to talk to someone who is confused or frightened.
Uses HMA (home made abreviations) for EST (every single thing).
Very easily startled.
Vulture Squadren fan. Always say what the vultures would do right now.
Waves and smiles at hidden cameras, hopeing his friend is watching.
Doomsayer. "That's it man, game over!"
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