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Created February 13, 2014 12:51
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API Manager api_manager_extra_software_status_data filter hook function usage example
function api_manager_example_get_activation_info( $activation_info ) {
return $activation_info;
add_filter( 'api_manager_extra_software_status_data', 'api_manager_example_get_activation_info' );
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trueqap commented Apr 4, 2023

It's really hard to reach you, Todd! I found some security issues in the API plugin. Where can I send them that isn't woo support? You're my role model, seriously. It even costs money if someone wants to write to you :D I love it...

Other bugs:

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (2023.03.31. 11:50) at position 5 (0): Double time specification in plugins/woocommerce-api-manager/includes/wc-am-format.php on line 168
public function date_to_time( $date, $offset = true ) {
		if ( $date == 0 ) {
			return 0;

		$date_time = new WC_DateTime( $date, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );

		return ( $offset ) ? intval( $date_time->getOffsetTimestamp() ) : intval( $date_time->getTimestamp() );

My fix:

public function date_to_time($date, $offset = true)
        if ($date == 0) {
            return 0;

	   $date = str_replace(".", "-", substr($date, 0, 10)) . " " . substr($date, 11);

        $date_time = new WC_DateTime($date, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

        return ($offset) ? intval($date_time->getOffsetTimestamp()) : intval($date_time->getTimestamp());

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@trueqap No changes are required for the date_to_time().

The error indicates the date string passed to date_to_time() was not properly formatted for the DateTime class.

There are methods that use date_to_time() in the API Manager that can serve as an example.

If you'd like to list the security issues here I'd be happy to look at them.

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