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Last active January 21, 2022 13:06
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`.geoTransform` is off in different raster formats


GDAL 3.4.1, released 2021/12/27

get source cache (mbtile)

curl -kJLOR ""
cp 9.mbtile 9.mbtiles

create extracts

gdal_translate -srcwin 68000 44000 500 500 9.mbtiles vrt.vrt
gdal_translate -srcwin 68000 44000 500 500 9.mbtiles rasterlite.sqlite -co DRIVER=PNG -of rasterlite
gdal_translate -srcwin 68000 44000 500 500 9.mbtiles gpkg.gpkg         -co TILE_FORMAT=PNG
gdal_translate -srcwin 68000 44000 500 500 9.mbtiles mbtiles.mbtiles   -co TILE_FORMAT=PNG
gdal_translate -srcwin 68000 44000 500 500 9.mbtiles geotiff.tif       -co COMPRESS=LZW

get details

gdalinfo -json vrt.vrt           | jq .geoTransform
gdalinfo -json rasterlite.sqlite | jq .geoTransform
gdalinfo -json gpkg.gpkg         | jq .geoTransform
gdalinfo -json mbtiles.mbtiles   | jq .geoTransform
gdalinfo -json geotiff.tif       | jq .geoTransform

list details & differences

"vrt.vrt":           [753363.3507786989212036,305.7481131407050157,0.0,6584591.3645982239395380,0.0,-305.7481131407050157],
"rasterlite.sqlite": [753363.3507786989212036,305.7481131407050157,0.0,6584591.3645982239395380,0.0,-305.7481131407050157],
"geotiff.tif":       [753363.3507786989212036,305.7481131407050157,0.0,6584591.3645982239395380,0.0,-305.7481131407050157],
"gpkg.gpkg":         [753363.3507786990376189,305.7481131407050157,0.0,6584591.3645982202142477,0.0,-305.7481131407050157],
"mbtiles.mbtiles":   [753363.3507786989212036,305.7481131407050157,0.0,6584591.3645982258021832,0.0,-305.7481131407050157]
                                     ^^^^^^^^                                          ^^^^^^^^

create TFWs

gdal gdal_translate rasterlite.sqlite rasterlite.tif
gdal gdal_translate gpkg.gpkg         gpkg.tif
gdal gdal_translate mbtiles.mbtiles   mbtiles.tif

gdal gdal_translate --config GDAL_PAM_ENABLED NO rasterlite.sqlite rasterlite.tif -co PROFILE=BASELINE -co TFW=YES; \
gdal gdal_translate --config GDAL_PAM_ENABLED NO gpkg.gpkg         gpkg.tif       -co PROFILE=BASELINE -co TFW=YES; \
gdal gdal_translate --config GDAL_PAM_ENABLED NO mbtiles.mbtiles   mbtiles.tif    -co PROFILE=BASELINE -co TFW=YES; \

list details & differences of TFWs

"geotiff.tif"   : [305.7481131407 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -305.7481131407 753516.2248352693 6584438.4905416537],
"rasterlite.tif": [305.7481131407 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -305.7481131407 753516.2248352693 6584438.4905416537],
"gpkg.tif"      : [305.7481131407 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -305.7481131407 753516.2248352693 6584438.4905416556],
"mbtiles.tif"   : [305.7481131407 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -305.7481131407 753516.2248352694 6584438.4905416500]
                                                                                            ^                 ^^


  • Somewhy, .geoTransform is off in gpkg and mbtiles.
  • Even when this is an IEEE754 issue, all the values should be equal.
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