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Created September 15, 2017 13:15
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bad deployments
export pkg=./test/extended && go test -v -i ${pkg} && go test -v ${pkg} -ginkgo.focus 'deployment.*history.*limit'
Sep 15 15:13:30.947: INFO: Overriding default scale value of zero to 1
Sep 15 15:13:30.947: INFO: Overriding default milliseconds value of zero to 5000
I0915 15:13:31.065200 19469 test.go:93] Extended test version unknown
=== RUN TestExtended
Running Suite: Extended
Random Seed: 1505481210 - Will randomize all specs
Will run 1 of 805 specs
I0915 15:13:31.102680 19469 e2e.go:69] The --provider flag is not set. Treating as a conformance test. Some tests may not be run.
Sep 15 15:13:31.102: INFO: >>> kubeConfig: /home/tnozicka/go/src/
Sep 15 15:13:31.104: INFO: Waiting up to 4h0m0s for all (but 0) nodes to be schedulable
Sep 15 15:13:31.113: INFO: Waiting up to 10m0s for all pods (need at least 0) in namespace 'kube-system' to be running and ready
Sep 15 15:13:31.118: INFO: 0 / 0 pods in namespace 'kube-system' are running and ready (0 seconds elapsed)
Sep 15 15:13:31.118: INFO: expected 0 pod replicas in namespace 'kube-system', 0 are Running and Ready.
Sep 15 15:13:31.119: INFO: Waiting for pods to enter Success, but no pods in "kube-system" match label map[name:e2e-image-puller]
Sep 15 15:13:31.119: INFO: Dumping network health container logs from all nodes...
I0915 15:13:31.121010 19469 e2e.go:69] The --provider flag is not set. Treating as a conformance test. Some tests may not be run.
deploymentconfigs with revision history limits [Conformance]
should never persist more old deployments than acceptable after being observed by the controller
[BeforeEach] [Top Level]
[BeforeEach] deploymentconfigs
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
Sep 15 15:13:31.123: INFO: >>> kubeConfig: /home/tnozicka/go/src/
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Sep 15 15:13:31.174: INFO: configPath is now "/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig"
Sep 15 15:13:31.174: INFO: The user is now "extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user"
Sep 15 15:13:31.174: INFO: Creating project "extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq"
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
[It] should never persist more old deployments than acceptable after being observed by the controller
Sep 15 15:13:31.256: INFO: Running 'oc create --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq -f /tmp/fixture-testdata-dir899085327/test/extended/testdata/deployments/deployment-history-limit.yaml -o name'
Sep 15 15:13:35.669: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-1) is complete.
Sep 15 15:13:35.669: INFO: 00: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:13:35.669: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=0'
Sep 15 15:13:42.192: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-2) is complete.
Sep 15 15:13:42.192: INFO: 01: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:13:42.193: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=1'
Sep 15 15:13:42.420: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-2) is complete.
Sep 15 15:13:42.420: INFO: 02: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:13:42.420: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=2'
Sep 15 15:13:50.674: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-4) is complete.
Sep 15 15:13:50.674: INFO: 03: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:13:50.674: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=3'
Sep 15 15:13:50.984: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-4) is complete.
Sep 15 15:13:50.984: INFO: 04: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:13:50.984: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=4'
Sep 15 15:13:59.155: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-6) is complete.
Sep 15 15:13:59.155: INFO: 05: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:13:59.155: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=5'
Sep 15 15:14:06.349: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-7) is complete.
Sep 15 15:14:06.349: INFO: 06: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:14:06.350: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=6'
Sep 15 15:14:06.620: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-7) is complete.
Sep 15 15:14:06.620: INFO: 07: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:14:06.620: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=7'
Sep 15 15:14:16.897: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-9) is complete.
Sep 15 15:14:16.897: INFO: 08: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:14:16.897: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=8'
Sep 15 15:14:17.182: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-9) is complete.
Sep 15 15:14:17.182: INFO: 09: triggering a new deployment with config change
Sep 15 15:14:17.182: INFO: Running 'oc set env --config=/tmp/extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq-user.kubeconfig --namespace=extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq dc/history-limit A=9'
STEP: waiting for the deployment to complete
Sep 15 15:14:26.321: INFO: Latest rollout of dc/history-limit (rc/history-limit-11) is complete.
[AfterEach] with revision history limits [Conformance]
[AfterEach] deploymentconfigs
Sep 15 15:14:26.367: INFO: Waiting up to 3m0s for all (but 0) nodes to be ready
STEP: Destroying namespace "extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq" for this suite.
Sep 15 15:14:48.492: INFO: namespace: extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq, resource: bindings, ignored listing per whitelist
Sep 15 15:14:48.518: INFO: namespace extended-test-cli-deployment-cshck-6kxtq deletion completed in 22.146206932s
• [SLOW TEST:77.395 seconds]
with revision history limits [Conformance]
should never persist more old deployments than acceptable after being observed by the controller
Sep 15 15:14:48.520: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on node 1
Ran 1 of 805 Specs in 77.418 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 1 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 804 Skipped --- PASS: TestExtended (77.46s)
ok 77.772s
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