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Last active August 23, 2020 08:18
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; AddClearBtnToEdit.ahk
Function: AddClearBtnToEdit
Add a 'clear text' button over an edit control
1.21 (2015-3-21)
- Fixed a bug: Create a resizable GUI and edit control with some initialized text, resize the GUI around, the clear text button is not there, or disappears.
1.20 (2015-3-21)
- Added .ShowHideBtn() to show/hide the "Clear Btn".
A single-line edit's changing can now be detected when you using GuiContrl or ControlSetText.
But if it is a multi-line edit control, you have to call .ShowHideBtn(HEDIT), after using GuiContrl or ControlSetText.
1.10 (2015-3-21)
- Added 'OnClick' option
- Added '.AutoMove()' to move button when Edit's width changed
1.00 (2015-3-19)
AddClearBtnToEdit(HEDIT, obj_options="")
HEDIT - The hwnd of the Edit control
w - Width
h - Height
c - Text color
cBG - Background color
border - Display border (True or False)
round - Round the corners (value can be number, word "w" or "h")
left -
top -
tooltip - Tooltip text on hover
OnClick - Call function on button click
** On hover **
w_hot -
h_hot -
c_hot -
cBG_hot -
border_hot -
round_hot -
If your edit control has auto width changing
, call 'AutoMove' method in the GuiSize lable.
If it is a multi-line edit control, and you have changed the text via GuiContrl or ControlSetText,
you should call this method to show/hide the 'clear button'.
Example code from
just me (
Serenity (
AddClearBtnToEdit(p*) {
Class AddClearBtnToEdit {
static EM_SETMARGINS := 0x00D3, EC_RIGHTMARGIN := 0x0002
static oList := {}, oHEDIT := {}, changedHWND
static _Init := AddClearBtnToEdit.Init()
Init() {
OnMessage(0x200, "AddClearBtnToEdit.OnMouseMove") ; WM_MOUSEMOVE
OnMessage(0x202, "AddClearBtnToEdit.OnClick") ; WM_LBUTTONUP
OnMessage(0x101, "AddClearBtnToEdit.OnKeyUp") ; WM_KEYUP
OnMessage(0x111, "AddClearBtnToEdit.OnKeyUp") ; WM_COMMAND
Return True
OnMouseMove(lParam, msg, hwnd) {
this := AddClearBtnToEdit
If this.oList.HasKey(hwnd) { ; mouse hover
If (this.changedHWND = "") {
this.changedHWND := hwnd, HGUI := hwnd
color := this.oList[HGUI].c_hot,
opt_border := this.oList[HGUI].border_hot
opt_cBG := this.oList[HGUI].cBG_hot
opt_round := this.oList[HGUI].round_hot
If (this.oList[HGUI].tooltip != "")
ToolTip, % this.oList[HGUI].tooltip
SetTimer, __CheckIfMouseIsOutsideGui, 10
} Else If (this.changedHWND != "") { ; mouse leaved
HGUI := this.changedHWND, this.changedHWND := ""
color := this.oList[HGUI].c
opt_border := this.oList[HGUI].border
opt_cBG := this.oList[HGUI].cBG
opt_round := this.oList[HGUI].round
If (this.oList[HGUI].tooltip != "")
If (color = "")
; change text color
Gui, %HGUI%:Font, c%color%
GuiControl, %HGUI%:Font, % this.oList[HGUI].ctrl
; change background color
If (this.oList[HGUI].cBG this.oList[HGUI].cBG_hot != "")
Gui, %HGUI%:Color, % opt_cBG
; add/remove border
If (this.oList[HGUI].border this.oList[HGUI].border_hot)
WinSet, Style, % opt_border ? "+0x800000" : "-0x800000", % "ahk_id " this.oList[HGUI].ctrl
; round the GUI
If (this.oList[HGUI].round this.oList[HGUI].round_hot)
WinSet, Region, % opt_round, % "ahk_id " HGUI
If !this.changedHwnd
MouseGetPos,,, hWin
If (hWin != this.oList[this.changedHwnd].parentHGUI)
SetTimer, %A_ThisLabel%, Off
HGUI := this.ChangedHwnd, this.ChangedHwnd := ""
Gui, %HGUI%:Font, % "c" this.oList[this.changedHwnd].c
GuiControl, %HGUI%:Font, % this.oList[HGUI].ctrl
If (this.oList[HGUI].tooltip != "")
OnKeyUp(lParam, msg, hwnd) {
static WM_COMMAND := 0x111, EN_CHANGE := 0x0300
If (msg = WM_COMMAND) && (this>>16 = EN_CHANGE)
hwnd := lParam
this := AddClearBtnToEdit
If this.oHEDIT.HasKey(hwnd)
OnClick(lParam, msg, hwnd) {
this := AddClearBtnToEdit
If (hwnd = this.changedHWND) {
ControlSetText,,, % "ahk_id " this.oList[hwnd].HEDIT
WinHide, % "ahk_id " hwnd
this.oList[hwnd].isHidden := True
this.oList[hwnd].onClick.( this.oList[hwnd].HEDIT )
DoIt(HEDIT, obj_options="") {
; Button_Clear options
static defaultOpt := { w: 18, h: 18
, c : "Gray", cBG : "White", border : False, round : 0
, c_hot: "Red" , cBG_hot: "White", border_hot: False, round_hot: 0
, left: 0, top: 0, tooltip: "", onClick: "" }
opt := {}
For k, v in defaultOpt
opt[k] := (obj_options[k] = "") ? v : obj_options[k]
; GuiControlGet, Edit, Pos, %HEDIT%
ControlGetPos,,, EditW, EditH,, ahk_id %HEDIT%
If (EditH < opt.h)
opt.h := EditH
If (opt.border opt.border_hot)
opt.h -= 4, opt.w -= 4
If ( (EditH-opt.h) < 4 )
opt.h := EditH - 4
opt_str := "w" opt.w " h" opt.h " c" opt.c " " (opt.border ? "border" : "")
dpi := (A_ScreenDPI/96)
; Create Button_Clear (child GUI)
Gui, New, -Caption +Parent%HEDIT% +HwndHGUI +LabelAddClearBtnToEdit
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
fontSize := (opt.w < opt.h) ? opt.w//1.5 : opt.h//1.5
Gui, Font, % "s" fontSize, Marlett
Gui, Color, % opt.cBG
Gui, Add, Text, %opt_str% 0x201 hwndHTEXT, r ; r is the close button 'X'
x := EditW - opt.w*dpi - 4 + opt.left*dpi, y :=
ControlGetText, editText,, ahk_id %HEDIT%
Gui, %HGUI%:Show, % "x" x " y" y (editText = "" ? " Hide" : " NA")
; round_settings
rw := rh := (opt.round ? opt.round : opt.w)
rw_hot := rh_hot := (opt.round_hot ? opt.round_hot : opt.w)
rw := rh := RegExReplace(rw, "i)w", opt.w)
rw := rh := RegExReplace(rw, "i)h", opt.h)
rw_hot := rh_hot := RegExReplace(rw_hot, "i)w", opt.w)
rw_hot := rh_hot := RegExReplace(rw_hot, "i)h", opt.h)
roundValues := "0-0 w" opt.w " h" opt.h " r" rw "-" rh
roundValues_hot := "0-0 w" opt.w " h" opt.h " r" rw_hot "-" rh_hot
If opt.round
WinSet, Region, % roundValues, % "ahk_id " HGUI
GuiHwnd := DllCall("GetParent", "UInt", HEDIT)
Gui, %GuiHwnd%:Default
; Modify edit control
GuiControl, +0x02000000, %HEDIT% ; WS_CLIPCHILDREN := 0x02000000
WinSet, Style, -0x200000, % "ahk_id " HEDIT ; Remove VScroll
PostMessage, this.EM_SETMARGINS, this.EC_RIGHTMARGIN, % 65536*(opt.w-opt.left),, ahk_id %HEDIT%
; ------------------------------------
this.oList[HGUI] := { ctrl: HTEXT, parentHGUI: GuiHwnd, HEDIT: HEDIT, isHidden: (editText = "")
, c: opt.c, c_hot: opt.c_hot
, border: opt.border, border_hot: opt.border_hot
, cBG: opt.cBG, cBG_hot: opt.cBG_hot
, round: opt.round ? roundValues : "", round_hot: opt.round_hot ? roundValues_hot : ""
, tooltip: opt.tooltip, onClick: opt.onClick
, xPos: x, yPos: y }
; Auto move x postion of the 'clear button', when edit's width changing.
; Note: This method should call in the GuiSize label.
AutoMove(arr_hwnd*) {
static Ori_GuiWidth
If !Ori_GuiWidth
Return Ori_GuiWidth := A_GuiWidth
For i, HEDIT in arr_hwnd {
x := this.oList[HGUI].xPos + (A_GuiWidth - Ori_GuiWidth)
y := this.oList[HGUI].yPos
hide := (this.oList[HGUI].isHidden ? "Hide" : "NA")
Gui, %HGUI%:Show, x%x% y%y% %hide%
; Show/Hide the 'clear button', by checking the edit's text is null or not.
; Note: This method is only needed, when the edit is multiple line
; , and you have executed "ControlSetText" or "GuiControl" to change the edit text.
ShowHideBtn(HEDIT) {
ControlGetText, text,, % "ahk_id " HEDIT
If (text = "") && !this.oList[ this.oHEDIT[HEDIT] ].isHidden {
this.oList[ this.oHEDIT[HEDIT] ].isHidden := True
WinHide, % "ahk_id " this.oHEDIT[HEDIT]
Else If (text != "") && this.oList[ this.oHEDIT[HEDIT] ].isHidden {
this.oList[ this.oHEDIT[HEDIT] ].isHidden := False
WinShow, % "ahk_id " this.oHEDIT[HEDIT]
; AddClearBtnToEdit_Sample.ahk
#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines -1
Gui, +Resize
Gui, Add, Edit, hwndHEDIT w200
Gui, Add, Edit, y+30 w135 hwndHEDIT2 r4, Click Me --->
AddClearBtnToEdit(HEDIT2, { c : "White", cBG : "008000"
, c_hot : "008000", cBG_hot: "White"
, tooltip: "Clear text", onClick: "ClickedFunc" } )
Gui, Add, Edit, x+30 w135 hwndHEDIT3 r4
AddClearBtnToEdit(HEDIT3, { c : "Black", cBG : "White", border: True
, c_hot: "White", cBG_hot: "Black"
, w: 30, left: -20, top: 10 } )
Gui, Add, Edit, xm w300 h200 hwndHEDIT4
AddClearBtnToEdit(HEDIT4, { c: "Red", cBG: "White"
, c_hot: "White", cBG_hot: "Red", w: 50, h: 50, round_hot: "w"})
Gui, Show
AutoXYWH("w", HEDIT) ;
; Note: Only edit control has width changing needs to call "AutoMove"
ClickedFunc(ParentHEDIT) {
MsgBox, % ParentHEDIT " clicked."
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