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Created April 7, 2009 16:53
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From: Tom Moertel <>
To: Perl trainers and instructors:;
At YAPC|10, we're handling courses and training a bit differently than
at previous YAPCs. We are making the official Call For Courses soon,
but because you have led Perl training at past YAPCs or have indicated
interest in offering courses at YAPC|10, we wanted to let you know
directly. If you know of anybody else who would want to know, please
feel free to forward this email.
Tom Moertel
YAPC|10 Planning Committee
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10th Anniversary Yet Another Perl Conference
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
June 22-24, 2009
YAPC|10 Courses
June 20, 21, 25, 26
This year, for the 10th Anniversary Yet Another Perl Conference, we
want to offer the Perl community a wider selection of courses and
tutorials than have been offered at previous YAPCs. Here's our plan:
* We are opening YAPC|10 to all experienced Perl instructors who have
courses to offer. Want to offer a course? Submit a proposal and
name your per-student fee.
* We will collect proposals and add the proposed courses to the
YAPC|10 site as we get them -- first come, first served.
* The Perl community will select courses by registering for them.
* On June 1, we will allocate rooms for the courses based on
registration counts. If we don't have enough rooms, the
least-popular courses will be dropped and refunds issued.
Registration for the remaining courses will remain open.
* At the conference, instructors will give their courses. We
will take care of food and facilities. Instructors will take
care of everything else their courses require.
* After the conference, we will pay instructors 100% of their course
fees, less our actual expenses.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why the change?
A: Our goal is to serve the Perl community. If the community is
interested in more courses -- and it seems that it is -- we want
to make more courses available. There's certainly no shortage of
instructors who have asked to offer their courses at YAPC|10.
Our job, then, seems clear: to connect good instructors with
interested students.
Q: What's the YAPC|10 organizers' role in all this?
A: We're serving as matchmakers and facilitators on behalf of the
Perl community. We will collect course proposals, handle
registrations, and provide food and facilities (at our discounted
rates). The rest is between instructors and students.
Q: Is YAPC making money off of courses?
A: No. Our goal is to remain revenue neutral. After convering our
actual costs to provide "food and facilities," instructors will
keep the entire balance of their course fees.
Q: I'm an instructor. How do I submit a course proposal?
A: We will open online submission of course proposals in a few days.
Until then, prepare your submission by gathering the following
- The title of your course
- A one-sentence summary of your course
- The price per student
- The dates on which you would be willing to give your course
(list all acceptable from June 20, 21, 25, 26)
- The name(s) of your instructor(s)
- A short bio for each instructor
- A longer description of your course, including
- the course's length (e.g., full day, 2 day)
- the intended audience
- any prerequisites or expected level of knowledge
- any supplies you will be providing to students
- any supplies you expect students to bring
- a short course outline
- A list of requirements for the venue (A/V, Internet, etc.)
- A URL giving the location of a course page that you maintain to
provide additional information beyond the standard information
we are collecting for all YAPC|10 course offerings
Q: I'm an instructor. What should I know about offering a course?
A: First, if you offer a course, make sure it's good. You ought to
be an expert in your course's subject, and you ought to be
effective at teaching it. It's your job to make your students
happy they paid to attend your course.
Second, our rooms hold 20-40 students and come with projectors.
Larger rooms have amplified mics. If you need anything else,
say so in your course submission.
Third, write a good bio. If you don't give potential students
good reason to take a course from *you*, they probably won't.
Q: I'm an instructor. How should I price my course?
A: You must charge at least $60 per student per day to cover the
"food and facilities" expenses we will pass on to you. Beyond
that, it's your call. We will say, however, that YAPC is intended
to be a low-cost conference. In the past, one-day courses have
cost about $100. Feel free to charge more, but recognize that
attendees are savvy enough to comparison shop.
Q: I'm an instructor. Can I reduce my "food and facilities" expenses
by opting not to offer my students food?
A: No. We are providing a standard level of "food and facilities"
for all course offerings. This standardization helps us control
costs while offering quality food for everyone. Besides, do you
really want to compete for attention with your students' empty
Q: Where can I get more information?
A: From time to time, visit the Call for Courses page on the YAPC|10
web site for the latest information:
Q: I have a question. Whom do I ask?
A: Send your questions to We'll answer them
--- end ---
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