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Last active February 8, 2021 18:37
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Fulcro bug or edge case
(defn get-case-ident
(let [case-id? string?]
(-> props merge/nilify-not-found case-id?) [ ( props)]
(-> props merge/nilify-not-found case-id?) [ ( props)]
:else (log/error "Cannot derive a valid ident. Invalid props." props))))
(defsc AddState [_ _]
{:query []
(defsc ImageAnnotationCase [this props]
{:query [
;; -> not queried here but under :>/bla placeholder!
{:>/bla (comp/get-query AddState)}]
(defsc TestCase [this props]
{:query []
(defsc CaseUnion
"Union query component for different Case types."
[this props computed]
{:query (fn [] { (comp/get-query TestCase) (comp/get-query ImageAnnotationCase)})
:ident (fn [] (get-case-ident props))})
(deftest reproducing-the-problem
(behavior "Reproduce situation where the of the first case doesn't show up in merged props"
(let [response [{ "case-id-00000001" "Annotate Image 1" ::merge/not-found ;; Note: I captured this by logging data-tree in pre-merge
:>/bla { "case-id-00000001" "completed"}}
{ "case-id-00000004" "Test Case 1", "active"}]]
"Show that isn't merged"
(merge/merge-component {} CaseUnion response) =>
{ {"case-id-00000001" { "case-id-00000001" "Annotate Image 1"
;; "completed" <== EXPECTED!!
:>/bla [ "case-id-00000001"]}} {"case-id-00000004" { "case-id-00000004" "Test Case 1" "active"}}} ))))
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