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Leo tlkahn

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tlkahn /
Last active September 13, 2024 06:28

The idea of a snail crawling from Earth to Mars is a fun hypothetical scenario! While it's not physically possible for a snail to survive and move through space, we can calculate how long it would take based on average distances and the snail's typical speed.

Snail's Average Speed

  • Average speed of a common garden snail: Approximately 1 millimeter per second (mm/s), which is 0.001 meters per second (m/s).

Distance Between Earth and Mars

The distance between Earth and Mars varies due to their elliptical orbits around the Sun:

The idea of a snail crawling from Earth to Mars

tlkahn /
Created September 13, 2024 06:26

The idea of a snail crawling from Earth to Mars

tlkahn /
Created August 31, 2024 02:12 — forked from awni/
Conway's Game of Life Accelerated with Custom Kernels in MLX
import av
import numpy as np
import mlx.core as mx
def conway(a: mx.array):
source = """
uint i = thread_position_in_grid.x;
uint j = thread_position_in_grid.y;
uint n = threads_per_grid.x;
tlkahn /
Created August 26, 2024 03:28
my gcm
import git
def summarize_diffs(path: str, suffix: str) -> str:
repo = git.Repo(path)
index = repo.index
result = ""
# Get the staged changes as a text diff
staged_diff = index.diff(
tlkahn / gist:73e62ba0e5727bccf4cff770da8c4fb0
Created July 20, 2024 01:16
some mindmapping software alternatives
tlkahn / koan.ts
Created July 18, 2024 06:07
typescript koan
// Literal type
type Drinks = 'Coke' | 'Milk' | 'Water' | 'Coffee';
type UnUnite<T, K> = T extends K ? never : T;
type Result = UnUnite<string | number | boolean, string>; // Result: number | boolean
type HealthDrinks = UnUnite<Drinks, 'Coke'>;
// `infer`
// "destructuring type". "Pattern matching"
tlkahn / koan.ts
Created July 14, 2024 03:46
a koan collection for typescript
// Literal type
type Drinks = 'Coke' | 'Milk' | 'Water' | 'Coffee';
type UnUnite<T, K> = T extends K ? never : T;
type Result = UnUnite<string | number | boolean, string>; // Result: number | boolean
type HealthDrinks = UnUnite<Drinks, 'Coke'>;
// `infer`
// "destructuring type". "Pattern matching"
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"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#fff", // Background color of the current line
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