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Created May 7, 2017 08:18
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getToDay 何日前かを指定して日付をstringで取得、DateManager 日付と体重の組を管理(コンストラクタで乱数組作成)
func getToDay(day : Double = 0) -> String {
let now = Date( timeInterval: 60*60*24*day, since: Date() as Date )
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
return formatter.string(from: now as Date)
class DateManager {
var dateToWeight : Dictionary<String,String> = [:]
static let singleton = DateManager()
private init(){
for i in 10...20 {
dateToWeight[getToDay(day:(Double)(-i))] = String((Int)(arc4random()) % 50+50);
func saveWeight(day :String , weight : String){
dateToWeight[day] = weight;
func ToString() -> String {
var str : String = "";
for (key, value) in dateToWeight {
str += key + value + "\n";
return str;
func getWeight( day : String ) -> String {
if dateToWeight.contains(where:{
key,value in
return key.contains(day)}){
return dateToWeight[day]!;
return "";
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