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Created May 13, 2019 16:42
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External wrenches two ways
using RigidBodyDynamics
using Test
function randmech()
[Revolute{Float64} for i = 1 : 5]...,
[Fixed{Float64} for i = 1 : 5]...,
[Prismatic{Float64} for i = 1 : 5]...,
[Planar{Float64} for i = 1 : 5]...,
[SPQuatFloating{Float64} for i = 1:2]...,
[SinCosRevolute{Float64} for i = 1:2]...
mechanism = randmech()
state = MechanismState(mechanism)
worldframe = root_frame(mechanism)
external_wrenches = Dict(BodyID(b) => rand(Wrench{Float64}, worldframe) for b in bodies(mechanism))
c = dynamics_bias(state, external_wrenches)
c0 = dynamics_bias(state)
τ_external_wrenches = zeros(num_velocities(state))
world = root_body(mechanism)
for (bodyid, wrench) in external_wrenches
J = geometric_jacobian(state, path(mechanism, findbody(mechanism, bodyid), world))
global τ_external_wrenches += torque(J, wrench)
@test c c0 + τ_external_wrenches
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