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Last active August 26, 2024 08:06
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GCP Agentless Hub Model SaaS

Configure Agentless Scanning (GCP, Hub Model, SaaS)

This documents the steps to configure Prisma Cloud Agentless Scanning for GCP Projects, using the Hub and Target model with Prisma Cloud SaaS credentials.

Onboarding Projects in Prisma Cloud > Settings > Cloud Accounts provides almost all of the necessary configuration, with only cross-project configuration required to support the Hub and Target model.

In this document, each GCP Project and its Prisma Cloud Account use the same name. Doing so creates a one-to-one mapping of projects, accounts, resources, and filenames. This mapping is not required, but results in a simple series of steps.

Step 1

Set the following environment variables (locally, or in CloudShell) to define the name of the Hub and Target Projects:

export HUB_PROJECT_NAME="example_hub_project"
export TARGET_PROJECT_NAME="example_target_project"

Step 2

In Prisma Cloud > Settings > Cloud Accounts, onboard the Hub and Target Projects:

  • Click Add Cloud Account
  • Click Google Cloud
  • Enter the Project ID in the Account Name field
  • Click Next
  • Enter the Project ID in the Project ID field
  • Click Next
  • Enable Agentless Workload Scanning
  • Click Next
  • Download the Terraform template
  • Apply the Terraform template to the GCP Project
  • Upload the resulting Service Account Key to Prisma Cloud
  • Click Next
  • Optionally configure other settings ...

Step 3

In GCP, in the Target Project, grant access to the Hub Project Service Account.

Save the following as

  "provider": {
    "google": {}
  "variable": {
    "target_project_id": {
      "type": "string"
    "hub_project_service_account_email": {
      "type": "string"
    "target_project_iam_policy_custom_hub_role_permissions": {
      "default": [
      "type": "list"
  "resource": {
    "google_project_iam_member": {
      "bind_custom_hub_role_to_target_project_iam_policy": {
        "role": "projects/${var.target_project_id}/roles/${google_project_iam_custom_role.prisma_cloud_target_project_custom_role.role_id}",
        "member": "serviceAccount:${var.hub_project_service_account_email}",
        "project": "${var.target_project_id}"
    "google_project_iam_custom_role": {
      "prisma_cloud_target_project_custom_role": {
        "role_id": "prismaCloudHubAccess",
        "permissions": "${var.target_project_iam_policy_custom_hub_role_permissions}",
        "project": "${var.target_project_id}",
        "description": "This is a custom role created for Prisma Cloud. Contains granular additional permission which is not covered by built-in roles",
        "title": "Prisma Cloud Hub Project Access"
  "terraform": {
    "required_providers": {
      "google-beta": "~> 3.90",
      "google": "~> 3.90"


export TF_VAR_target_project_id=${TARGET_PROJECT_NAME}
export TF_VAR_hub_project_service_account_email=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list --project ${HUB_PROJECT_NAME} --filter="displayName:Prisma Cloud Service Account" --format='value(email)' --sort-by=creationTimestamp --limit=1)

terraform init
terraform apply

Step 4

Test Agentless scanning.

Optionally, create an instance to scan:

# gcloud config set project ${TARGET_PROJECT_NAME}
# gcloud compute instances create ${TARGET_PROJECT_NAME}-agentless-test-instance --machine-type=e2-micro --zone=us-central1-a

In Prisma Cloud > Compute > Cloud Accounts, test Agentless Scanning:

  • Click Start Agentless Scan
  • Monitor the scan, via Job Progress, or summarized in the list of Cloud Accounts
  • Verify Agentless scan results in Compute > Monitor > Vulnerabilities > Hosts


  • You can speed up testing by create VMs in just one Region, and configuring Prisma Cloud to scan that Region via Custom Regions.
  • You cannot use a default subnet (or specify a custom subnet via Subnet) provided by a Shared VPC (
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