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Last active May 4, 2023 18:52
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Deploy WizCLI via an Azure Container Instance | TechNote

Deploy WizCLI as an Azure Container Instance | TechNote


This document outlines deploying the wiz-cli docker image as an Azure Container Instance.

By reusing the wiz-cli docker image (and changing its entrypoint) you leverage the supported docker image.

This TechNote illustrates scanning IaC templates, but can be extended or modified for other use cases.

Getting Started - Prerequisites

The prerequisites are:

  • Access to Wiz as a Global Contributor or Global Admin in order to create a Wiz Service Account
  • Access to Azure to create an Azure Resource Group, Storage Account and Share, and Container Instance with network connectivity to your Wiz Console

Create the Wiz Service Account

A Wiz Service Account Key is required for wiz-cli to authenticate, download scan configuration, and upload scan results.

Follow the documentation to create a Service Account with:

  • Account Type: Custom Integration (GraphQL API)
  • Permissions: create:security_scans

Save the Client ID and Client Secret of the Wiz Service Account for use as secure environment variables of the Azure Container Instance.

Create the Azure Resource Group, Storage Account and Share

Edit and execute the following to create the Azure Resource Group, Storage Account and Share.

export WIZ_CONTAINER_NAME=wizcli
export WIZ_LOCATION=westus3
export WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=wizclidata
export WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SHARE=wizclidatashare

az group create --name ${WIZ_RESOURCE_GROUP} --location ${WIZ_LOCATION}
az storage account create --name ${WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT} --location ${WIZ_LOCATION} --resource-group ${WIZ_RESOURCE_GROUP} --sku Standard_LRS
az storage share create --name ${WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SHARE} --account-name ${WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT}

export WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --account-name ${WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT} --resource-group ${WIZ_RESOURCE_GROUP} --query "[0].value" --output tsv)

Upload IAC files to the Azure Storage Account Share for scanning by Wiz.

You can upload files now, or after the Azure Container Instance is restarted.

Create the Azure Container Instance

Execute the following to create an Azure Container Instance that mounts and scans the files uploaded to the Azure Storage Account Share.

az container create \
    --name              ${WIZ_CONTAINER_NAME} \
    --resource-group    ${WIZ_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
    --image    \
    --ip-address        private \
    --registry-username Null \
    --registry-password Null \
    --restart-policy    Never \
    --azure-file-volume-account-name ${WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT} \
    --azure-file-volume-account-key  ${WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY} \
    --azure-file-volume-share-name   ${WIZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SHARE} \
    --azure-file-volume-mount-path   /data \
    --secure-environment-variables   WIZ_CLIENT_ID=${WIZ_CLIENTID} WIZ_CLIENT_SECRET=${WIZ_CLIENTSECRET} \
    --command-line "/bin/sh -c '/entrypoint auth --id \$WIZ_CLIENT_ID --secret \$WIZ_CLIENT_SECRET; /entrypoint iac scan --path /data'"


The Azure Container Instance is configured to execute once and stop via --restart-policy Never.

To restart the container after uploading files to scan, execute the following command.

az container start --name ${WIZ_CONTAINER_NAME} --resource-group ${WIZ_RESOURCE_GROUP}

Revision History

Date Revision Author Change Summary
05/04/2023 1.1 Tom Kishel Correct variable use
05/01/2023 1.0 Tom Kishel Initial document
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tkishel commented May 1, 2023

Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 1 36 43 PM

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