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TJ DeVries tjdevries

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davesnx /
Last active December 4, 2023 14:03
Safer Tailwind with OCaml-derived languages

Safer Tailwind with OCaml-derived languages (OCaml, Reason, ReScript or Melange)

Tailwind is optimised to work with JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystems, but other languages might have good integrations also.

This is the case for OCaml-derived languages that are used to do Frontend development. For the most part, a tighter integration might not be needed and using the Tailwind setup guide and regular classNames with strings is good enought.

let make = (~text) => {
  <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold underline">{React.string(text)}<h1>
tjdevries / this_is_for_prime.lua
Last active September 25, 2021 18:22
<30 minutes PogChamp
local pickers = require "telescope.pickers"
local finders = require "telescope.finders"
local previewers = require "telescope.previewers"
local actions = require "telescope.actions"
local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state"
local conf = require("telescope.config").values
local primeagen_execute = function(opts)
tjdevries / overlength_highlight.vim
Last active June 28, 2017 21:51
Highlight overlength
let g:highlight_overlength = v:true
let g:highlight_overlength_length = 72
let g:load_overlength = v:true
" Use :call ToggleOverlength()
" to toggle whether or not you show highlights
function! ToggleOverlength() abort
let g:highlight_overlength = !g:highlight_overlength
if g:highlight_overlength
romainl /
Last active August 27, 2024 20:42
The right way to override any highlighting if you don't want to edit the colorscheme file directly

The right way to override any highlighting if you don't want to edit the colorscheme file directly

Generalities first

Suppose you have weird taste and you absolutely want:

  • your visual selection to always have a green background and black foreground,
  • your active statusline to always have a white background and red foreground,
  • your very own deep blue background.