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Last active September 10, 2024 17:22
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syncPersonalToWorkCalendar() Google Apps Script


Use this to block off time in your Work calendar for events in your Personal Calendar


  1. Go to Google Apps Script and create a new project
  2. Paste in this code
  3. Update the personalCalendarId and workCalendarId emails
  4. Select setupTrigger() and hit Run in the Apps Script editor. This will setup a time-based recurring trigger.
  5. Done!

If you ever need to, you can delete all synced Personal Events by running the deletePersonalEvents() function.

const personalCalendarId = "<yourpersonalemail>";
const workCalendarId = "<yourworkemail>";
const personalCalendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(personalCalendarId);
const workCalendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(workCalendarId);
const DAYS_TO_SYNC = 30;
const now = new Date();
const future = new Date();
future.setDate(future.getDate() + DAYS_TO_SYNC); // Sync events for the next N days
* Syncs personal events to the work calendar
function syncPersonalToWorkCalendar() {
const getRecurrenceId = (event) => {
return event.isRecurringEvent() ? event.getStartTime().toISOString() : "";
const updateWorkEvent = (workEvent, personalEvent) => {
if (
workEvent.getStartTime().getTime() !==
personalEvent.getStartTime().getTime() ||
workEvent.getEndTime().getTime() !== personalEvent.getEndTime().getTime()
) {
// Update other properties if needed
const createWorkEvent = (personalEvent) => {
const personalEventId = personalEvent.getId();
const recurrenceId = getRecurrenceId(personalEvent);
"Personal Event",
description: `This time is blocked for a personal event. (ID: ${personalEventId}${recurrenceId})`,
const personalEvents = personalCalendar.getEvents(now, future);
const workEvents = workCalendar.getEvents(now, future, {
search: "Personal Event",
const workEventsMap = {};
// Create a map of existing work events
workEvents.forEach((workEvent) => {
const description = workEvent.getDescription();
const match = description.match(/\(ID: (.*?)\)/);
if (match) {
const personalEventId = match[1];
workEventsMap[personalEventId] = workEvent;
// Sync personal events to work calendar
personalEvents.forEach((personalEvent) => {
const personalEventId = personalEvent.getId();
const recurrenceId = getRecurrenceId(personalEvent);
const workEvent = workEventsMap[personalEventId + recurrenceId];
if (workEvent) {
// Update existing work event
updateWorkEvent(workEvent, personalEvent);
delete workEventsMap[personalEventId + recurrenceId];
} else {
// Create new work event
// Delete work events that no longer have corresponding personal events
Object.values(workEventsMap).forEach((workEvent) => workEvent.deleteEvent());
* Deletes personal events from the work calendar
function deletePersonalEvents() {
const workEvents = workCalendar.getEvents(now, future, {
search: "Personal Event",
// Remove existing personal events from work calendar
workEvents.forEach((workEvent) => {
* Sets up a trigger to run the syncPersonalToWorkCalendar function every N minutes
function setupTrigger() {
// Delete existing triggers
ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers().forEach((trigger) => {
if (trigger.getHandlerFunction() === "syncPersonalToWorkCalendar") {
// Create new trigger to run every N minutes
* Sets up a trigger to run the syncPersonalToWorkCalendar function every N minutes
function onDeployment() {
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