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Isn't She Lovely -- by Stevie Wonder
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\version "2.18.2"
\include "LilyJAZZ.ily"
\include "jazz-chords.ily"
\include "comp.ily"
\paper {
top-margin = 10
bottom-margin = 10
print-page-number = ##f
system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #20
system-system-spacing.minimum-distance = #8
system-system-spacing.padding = #0
score-system-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 10)
(minimum-distance . 4)
(padding . -1)
(stretchability . 0))
\header {
title = "Isn't She Lovely"
composer = \markup {\bold "Stevie Wonder"}
tagline = ##f
#(define fonts
#:roman "Century Schoolbook Std,Century Schoolbook L,"
#:sans "Univers,HelveticaNeueLT Com 67 MdCn, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif"
#:typewriter "Rockwell,Nimbus Mono PS,Courier New,monospace"
global = {
\time 4/4
\key e \major
\tempo \markup{\italic Shuffle} 4=120
\override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #5
chordNames = \chordmode {
\override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\mark \markup { \box "Intro"}
|cis1:m7 | fis1:9.13 | a1/b | e2: e4:/gis e4:/b | \break
\bar ".|:-||"
\mark \markup { \fontsize #2 \box "A"}
\repeat volta 2{
cis1:m7 | fis:7 | a1/b | e1 | \break
cis1:m7 | fis:7 | a1/b | e1 | \break
\mark \markup { \fontsize #2 \box "B"}
a,1:maj7 | gis,:7.13- | cis:m7 | fis:7 | \break
a1/b | s1 | e1 | s2 gis:7 | \break
melody = \relative c'' {
|s1|s1|s1|r2 \tuplet 3/2 {gis4 a gis } |
% [A]
|fis2 e | r2 \tuplet 3/2 {gis4 a gis } |fis2 e4. cis8 ( |b2 ) \tuplet 3/2{gis'4 a gis} |
|fis2 e | r2 \tuplet 3/2 {gis4 a gis } |fis2 e4. cis8 ( |b2 ) \tuplet 3/2{gis'4 a b~} |
% [B]
|b4 r8 gis8 a4 b8 a8~ |a2 \tuplet 3/2 {r4 gis gis}|gis8 fis e fis ~ fis4 e8 cis~|cis4 r8 b8 \tuplet 3/2{gis'4 a gis}|
fis2 e |cis b |e4 \tiny \tuplet 3/2 {r8 b cis e fis gis b cis e}|e4-. e-. \normalsize \tuplet 3/2{gis,4 a gis}|
lyric_one = \lyricmode{
\override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-size = #0
\override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-name = "Century Schoolbook L"
Is- n't she
love- ly Is- n't she won- der ful __ Is- n't she
pre- cious Less tha- n one minute old __ I never thought __
through love we'd be __ Ma- king one as lov- ely as she __ but is- n't she
love- ly made from love
\repeat unfold 10 {\skip 1}
Is- n't she
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordNames
\new Voice = melody \melody
\new Lyrics \lyricsto melody \lyric_one
\layout {
ragged-last = ##f
indent = #0
\midi { }
\vspace #1
"Verse 1."
"Isn't she lovely, Isn't she wonderful"
"Isn't she precious, Less than one minute old"
"I never thought through love we'd be Making one as lovely as she"
"But isn't she lovely made from love"
\vspace #2
"Verse 2."
"Isn't she pretty, Truly the angel's best"
"Boy, I'm so happy, We have been heaven blessed"
"I can't believe what God has done, Through us he's given life to one"
"But isn't she lovely made from love"
\vspace #2
"Verse 3."
"Isn't she lovely, Life and love are the same"
"Life is Aisha, The meaning of her name"
"Londie, it could have not been done, Without you who conceived the one"
"That's so very lovely made from love"
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tinbotu commented Aug 28, 2018

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