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Last active July 14, 2022 06:46
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\version "2.19.80"
\include "LilyJAZZ.ily"
\include "jazz-chords.ily"
\include "comp.ily"
\paper {
top-margin = 10
bottom-margin = 10
print-page-number = ##f
%%% Footer Title and Page
oddFooterMarkup = \markup{
\vspace #2
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\fontsize #-2 \fromproperty #'header:title
\fontsize #-2 " "
\fontsize #-2 \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
\fontsize #-2 " / 2"
evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup
tagline = ##f
page-count = #2
annotate-spacing = ##f
\header {
title = \markup{\bold"Spain"}
composer = \markup{\bold"Chick Corea"}
tagline = ##f
global = {
\time 4/4
\key b \minor
\tempo "Samba" 4=240
\override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #5
chordNames = \chordmode {
\override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\mark \markup{ \fontsize #2 \box "I" }
\bar ".|:-||"
\repeat volta 2{
|r1 | s1 | e1:m7 | s2 fis2:sus4 | s2 fis:7 |s1 | \break
\bar "||"
\mark \markup{ \fontsize #2 \box "A" }
g1:maj7 | s1 | fis:7 | s1 |
e1:m7 | a:7 | \break
d:maj7 | g:maj7 | cis:7 | fis:7 |
b4.:sus4 b8 s2 | s1 |
\bar "||"
\mark \markup{ \fontsize #2 \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" \fontsize #2 \box "B" }
g2:maj7 fis4.:7 b8:sus4 |s1 | s1|
g2:maj7 fis4.:7 b8:sus4~ |
\mark \markup{ \fontsize #2 \box "C" }
g1:maj7| s1| s1| s1| fis1:7 | s1 | s1| s1| e:m7 | s1 | a:7 | s1 |
d:maj7 | s1 | g:maj7 | s1 | cis:7 | s1 | fis:7 | s1 | b:m | s1 | b:7 |s1 |
e1:m7 | a:7 | d:maj7 | g:maj7 | cis:7.5- | fis:7 | b:7sus4 | b:7 |
\bar "||"
\mark \markup{ \fontsize #2 \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" \fontsize #2 \box "D" }
|g2:maj7 fis4.:7 b8:sus4|
\repeat volta 2{
g1:maj7 | s1 | s1 | s1 | fis:7 | s1 | s1| s1| \break
e:m7 | s1 | a:7 | s | d:maj7 | s | g:maj7 | s | \break
cis:7.5- | s | fis:7 | s | b:m7 | s |b:7 |s | \break
\mark \markup{ \fontsize #2 \box "E" }
e1:m7 | a:7 | d:maj7 | g:maj7 | cis:7 | fis:7 | b:7sus4 |b:7 |
\bar "||"
g1:maj7 | fis:7 |b:m7 |
\bar "|."
melody = \relative c' {
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #f #f)
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
% I
\repeat volta 2{
d'4 fis8 d e d b d | r8 cis a cis r b g4 | a4. a8 r4 a4~ | a2 fis4. fis8 |
r4 fis2. ~| fis2 r4 fis4 |
% A
g4. a8~a4 b4 | cis4. d8~d4 e4 | d4. cis8~cis2~ | cis2 r4 fis,4 |
g4. a8~a4 b4 | cis4. d8~d4 e4 | d4 e8 fis8~fis2 | fis2 r8 e4 d8|
cis4. d8~d4 e4 | d2 cis2 | cis4. b8~b2~|b2 r2 |
% B
b4_\markup{\italic "(unison)" } r8 e r4 r8 g8 | fis4 d8 b8 e4 r8 a, | r4 r8 d8 cis4 r4 | a8 b4 g8 r8g d'4 |
e4 r8 e g4 fis8 d | b4 d8 b e4 cis8 b | r8 fis e4 r8 fis r b | cis4. ais8~ais8 gis fis4 |
r8 cis fis cis gis' cis, ais' a | r8 fis r fis' r4^\markup{
\right-column {
\fontsize #0 \lower #0 \vcenter \bold {"[D, coda]" }
\fontsize #2 \musicglyph #"scripts.coda"
fis4 |
e2 d4. b8~ |b1~ |b2 r2|
e2 d4. b8~ |
b1~|b1~|b1| \tuplet 3/2 2 { r4 b cis d cis b} | d4. cis8~cis4 ais4~ | ais1~ | ais1 |
r2 fis'2 | e4. d8~d4 b4~ | b1 ~ | b1 | \tuplet 3/2 2 { r4 a b cis d e} | d4. e8~e4 fis4~| fis1~ |fis |
\tuplet 3/2 { r2 e d } |cis4. d8~d4 e4~ | e1~ |e1 | \tuplet 3/2 { r2 d cis} | cis2. b4~ | b1~ |b1 ~| b2r4 fis|\break
g4. a8~a4 b4 | cis4. d8~d4 e4 | d4 e8 fis8~fis2~ | fis2 r8 e4 d8 | \break
cis4. d8~d4 e | d2 cis | cis4. b8~b2~ |b2._\markup{\fontsize #2 \bold \italic " [B]" } r4 |
|e2 d4. b8~|
\repeat volta 2{
\once \hideNotes
b1_\markup{\italic \large "ad lib" }
\repeat unfold 22 { s1 }
s1_\markup{\italic "(open repeat)" }
g4. a8~a4 b4 |
cis4. d8~d4 e4 |
d4 e8 fis8~fis2~ | fis2 r8 e4 d8 | \break
cis4. d8~d4 e | d2 cis | cis4. b8~b2~ |b2. r4_\markup{\fontsize #3 \bold \italic " D.C." } |
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\mark \markup{
\fontsize #3
\musicglyph #"scripts.coda"
\fontsize #1 "coda"
|e1 \fermata| d \fermata| b \fermata|
\bar "|."
\bar ""
\score {
% piece = \markup {\bold "Master"}
\new ChordNames \chordNames
\new Voice = melody \melody
\layout {
ragged-last = ##f
indent = #0
\midi { }
% Comments
\vspace #2
\box "A"
\hspace #1
\box "B"
\hspace #1
\box "C"
\hspace #1
\box "B"
\hspace #1
\musicglyph #"scripts.coda" to \box "D" " (open repeat)"
\hspace #1
\box "I"
\hspace #1
\box "A"
\hspace #1
\box "B"
\hspace #1
\musicglyph #"scripts.coda" "to coda"
\vspace #2
\box "D"
\override #'(font-name . "ヒラギノ明朝 Pro")
\hspace #1
"Gmaj7: 9, #11"
"F#7: b13, (b9 or #9)"
"Em7: 9, "
"A7: なんでも"
"Dmaj7: 9"
"Gmaj7: 9, #11"
"C#7alt: なんでも with #11 or b13"
"F#7: なんでも"
"Bm7: 9"
"B7: b13, (b9 or #9)"
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