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李婷婷 Lee Ting Ting tina1998612

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts@4.6.0/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts@4.6.0/access/Ownable.sol";
contract RainbowKitNFT is ERC1155, Ownable {
uint256 public totalSupply;
constructor() ERC1155("") {}
Serial Keys:
bradtraversy /
Last active September 16, 2024 05:17
Docker Compose FIle For Wordpress, MySQL & phpmyadmin

Wordpress & Docker

This file will setup Wordpress, MySQL & PHPMyAdmin with a single command. Add the code below to a file called "docker-compose.yaml" and run the command

$ docker-compose up -d

# To Tear Down
$ docker-compose down --volumes
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract Math {
uint public ans;
function add(uint a,uint b) public {
ans = a + b;
atinux / async-foreach.js
Last active August 30, 2024 13:03
JavaScript: async/await with forEach()
const waitFor = (ms) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms))
const asyncForEach = async (array, callback) => {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
await callback(array[index], index, array)
const start = async () => {
await asyncForEach([1, 2, 3], async (num) => {
await waitFor(50)
SerpentChris / pyethereum-install-macos-sierra.txt
Created December 30, 2016 22:30
Installing pyethereum on macOS Sierra
Installing pyethereum on macOS Sierra took a few steps, which were not obvious.
First, you need to install the Xcode command line tools. To do this, open a terminal and type:
xcode-select --install
Next, you need to install Homebrew. You can find out how to do that by going to the website .
Once you have Homebrew, you need to install python. I prefer python 3:
brew install python3
DavidWells /
Last active September 11, 2024 15:21
Guide to aligning images in github files.

Aligning images

This is a guide for aligning images.

See the full Advanced Markdown doc for more tips and tricks

left alignment

sgnl /
Last active April 21, 2024 23:18
Installing Postgres via Brew (OSX) (outdated see top most note)

Outdated note: the process is a lot easier now: after you brew install postgresql you can initialize or stop the daemon with these commands: brew services start postgresql or brew services stop postgresql.

new out put may look like

To have launchd start postgresql now and restart at login:
  brew services start postgresql
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
  pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
superlayone /
Last active July 10, 2019 12:53
Reverse a linked list from position m to n in-place and in one-pass.

##Leetcode-Reverse Linked List II##

Reverse a linked list from position m to n. Do it in-place and in one-pass.

For example: Given 1->2->3->4->5->NULL, m = 2 and n = 4,

return 1->4->3->2->5->NULL.

Note: Given m, n satisfy the following condition:

rxaviers / gist:7360908
Last active September 20, 2024 17:33
Complete list of github markdown emoji markup


:bowtie: :bowtie: 😄 :smile: 😆 :laughing:
😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed:
😏 :smirk: 😍 :heart_eyes: 😘 :kissing_heart:
😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: 😳 :flushed: 😌 :relieved:
😆 :satisfied: 😁 :grin: 😉 :wink:
😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 😝 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 😀 :grinning:
😗 :kissing: 😙 :kissing_smiling_eyes: 😛 :stuck_out_tongue: