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Created December 23, 2014 22:19
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FizzBuzz with groovy-stream and no conditionals
def (n, f, b, fb) = [Closure.IDENTITY, { 'fizz' }, { 'buzz' }, {'fizzbuzz'}]
def fns = Stream.from([n, n, f, n, b, f, n, n, f, b, n, f, n, n, fb]).repeat()
def num = Stream.from(1..100).zip(fns) { counter, fn -> fn(counter) }
num.each { println it }
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I really like your code!

I am toying with idea of generating the array from similar principles but I haven't got a solution yet. I will keep you posted.

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It got this, but it lacks your elegance


def (n, f, b) = [
    { [ it[0], it[1] + '' ] },
    { [ it[0], it[1] + 'fizz' ] },
    { [ it[0], it[1] + 'buzz' ] }

def fizzs = Stream.from([f, n, n]).repeat()
def buzzs = Stream.from([b, n, n, n, n]).repeat()

def fizzbuzzs = { u, v -> [u, v] }

def s = Stream.from(0..100).zip(fizzbuzzs) {
    index, fs -> fs.inject([index, '']) { r, g -> g(r) }

def t = { tuple -> tuple[1].size() > 0 ? tuple[1] : tuple[0] }

t.each { println it }

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