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Created March 7, 2014 14:42
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testing a jquery selector value
//The method under test
on: function(event, fn){
$("#" + this.currentView.modalId).on(event, fn);
//The Jasmine spec
describe("account/company", function() {
Given(function() { this.view = { modalId: "modalId" } });
Given(function() { subject = new PopupView(this.view) });
describe("#on", function() {
Given(function() { this.event = "a major event" });
Given(function() { this.fn = function(){ return "a very cool function"} });
Given(function() { this.onSpy = spyOn($.fn, 'on') });
When(function() { subject.on(this.event, this.fn) });
Then(function() { expect($.fn.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.event, this.fn); });
Then(function() { expect(this.onSpy.mostRecentCall.object.selector).toEqual("#" + this.view.modalId); });
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