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Last active September 20, 2024 05:46
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Modern way to edit gmail signatures with python3 and the gmail API
from string import Template
import time
import pytest
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import *
from google.auth.exceptions import *
import easygui
import pandas as pd
def get_api_credentials(key_path):
API_scopes =['',
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(key_path,scopes=API_scopes)
return credentials
def update_sig(full_name, job_title, telephone, username, sig_template, credentials,live=False):
sig = sig_template.substitute(full_name=full_name, job_title=job_title,
print("Username: %s Fullname: %s Job title: %s" % (username, full_name, job_title))
if live:
credentials_delegated = credentials.with_subject(username)
gmail_service = build("gmail", "v1", credentials=credentials_delegated)
addresses = gmail_service.users().settings().sendAs().list(userId='me',
# this way of getting the primary address is copy & paste from google example
address = None
for address in addresses:
if address.get('isPrimary'):
if address:
rsp = gmail_service.users().settings().sendAs().patch(userId='me',
print(f"Signature changed for: {username}")
print(f"Could not find primary address for: {username}")
def main():
excelfile = easygui.fileopenbox(msg="Please open the .xlsx file with signature",title="Choose signatures .xlsx file")
if not excelfile:
print("No signature .xlsx file selected, so stopping")
user_data = pd.ExcelFile(excelfile)
# df = user_data.parse("testsheet")
df = user_data.parse("livedata")
key_path = easygui.fileopenbox(msg="Please open the confidential Google secret .json file",
title="Choose Google json secrets")
credentials = get_api_credentials(key_path=key_path)
if not credentials:
print("No credential file selected, so stopping")
sig_file = open("template.html", "r")
sig_template = Template(
except (FileNotFoundError,IOError):
print("Could not open the template file")
for r in df.values:
username = r[0]
first_name = "%s" % r[1]
if first_name == "nan":
first_name = ''
second_name = "%s" % r[2]
if second_name == "nan":
second_name = ''
full_name = "%s %s" % (first_name, second_name)
job_title = "%s" % r[3]
if job_title == 'nan':
job_title = ''
telephone = "%s" % r[4]
if telephone == 'nan':
telephone = "1300 863 824"
retry_count = 0
while retry_count < 3:
except (RefreshError,TransportError) as e:
retry_count += 1
print(f"Error encountered for: {username}, retrying (attempt {retry_count}). Error was: {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to update {username}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
def get_test_api_credentials():
return get_api_credentials(key_path='private/gmailsignatureproject-86b504154ef1.json')
def test_fetch_user_info(credentials):
credentials_delegated = credentials.with_subject("")
gmail_service = build("gmail","v1",credentials=credentials_delegated)
addresses = gmail_service.users().settings().sendAs().list(userId='me').execute()
assert gmail_service
def test_fetch_another_user(credentials):
credentials_delegated = credentials.with_subject("")
gmail_service = build("gmail", "v1", credentials=credentials_delegated)
addresses = gmail_service.users().settings().sendAs().list(userId='me').execute()
assert gmail_service
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Thanks a lot. Used your example and my code is working now.

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alexmzirai commented Mar 28, 2021

hi guys...can anyone help me with email delegation using gmail api?
This is my code so far:

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Could you provide an example HTML file? I am trying to make my code work.

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ivan-arizto commented Apr 7, 2021

Could you provide an example HTML file? I am trying to make my code work.

I think you can put the html as a string.

results = gmail.users().settings().sendAs().patch(userId='me', sendAsEmail=address['sendAsEmail'], body=signature).execute()

signature from above is signature = {'signature': '<div>something</div>' }

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hi guys...can anyone help me with email delegation using gmail api?
This is my code so far:

404 from the link

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Could you provide an example HTML file? I am trying to make my code work.

I think you can put the html as a string.

results = gmail.users().settings().sendAs().patch(userId='me', sendAsEmail=address['sendAsEmail'], body=signature).execute()

signature from above is signature = {'signature': '<div>something</div>' }

Thanks, I will give another try!

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BigEHead commented Feb 4, 2022

this is great. has anyone gotten it to work with information within workspace and not a separate Excel file?

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