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Last active July 11, 2024 14:49
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How to Become a Microsoft MVP (

Tim Warner' Contact info


Others' Opinions

Tim's Favorite Program Benefits

  • Direct access to Microsoft product teams
    • Access to NDA information
  • Bigger influence on those product teams
  • Direct access to other experts
  • Bountiful work opportunities
  • Azure credit
  • Microsoft software licenses

Tim's Suggestions

  1. Self-assess to determine your Microsoft specialty
  2. Never forget the benefit you provide to Microsoft - You are a living testimonial to their products
  3. Commit yourself to contributing the the Microsoft technical community no matter what
    • Contribute to open-source projects
    • Present virtually and in-person
    • If you can write, write
    • If you can teach, teach
  4. Develop professional connections, both at Microsoft and in the community
  5. Don't be afraid to ask, but don't be obnoxious about it
  6. Be patient

Daily Life as an MVP

  • Learn to track your contributions rigorously
  • Get to know your program lead
  • Never take the award / program membership for granted
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really useful this Tim, thanks for taking the time

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Really Useful.Thanks for sharing Tim

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Hey, if anybody has any additional tips, references, whatever - lemme have 'em! Thanks, Tim

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