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Last active October 10, 2022 17:34
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Process command line flags. So simple. Who needs docopt, click, fire, argparse, etc?
(defun argv () sb-ext:*posix-argv*)
(defmacro while (expr &body body)
`(do ((now ,expr ,expr)) ((not now)) ,@body))
(defun deepcopy (x)
(if (atom x) x (mapcar #'deepcopy x)))
(defun cli (flags &key
(help "help")
(args (cdr (deepcopy (argv))))
(group (getf flags 'all)))
(while (pop args)
(setf now (read-from-string (remove #\- now)))
(cond ((getf group now) (assert (not (null args)) (args))
(setf (getf group now)
(read-from-string (pop args))))
((getf flags now) (setf group (getf flags now)))
((member now group) (setf (getf group now) t))
((equalp now 'h) (format t "~a~%" help))))
(defun eg.cli(_)
"demo cli"
(cli '(all (fails 0 tries 0
seed 10013
data "../data/aa"
loud nil un nil)
col (p 2)
dom (samples 100
k 23)))))
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