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Last active August 11, 2024 22:29
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Apply branch name format check on commits

Enforce branch name conditions with git hooks

The pre-commit git hook tests branch name against a text pattern.

If commits don't match the pattern, they will error and contributors will have the opportunity to rename the branch before trying to commit again.


The example pattern ensures branch names are:

  • scoped by type of change and team owner
  • types feat|fix|spike|chore|docs|test|build
  • lowercase team name/initial/acronym (hyphenated), e.g. mobile-team
  • any valid name under scope (up to your convention)


First update .git/config to set a path for hooks.

This is so your hook file can be committed to source control.

	hooksPath = .githooks

Then copy the hook file to .githooks/pre-commit.


See matching and mismatching branch name examples on Regexr.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
local_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
There is something wrong with your branch name.
Please adhere to this contract: $valid_branch_regex
Branch name: $local_branch
if [[ $local_branch =~ $valid_main_regex ]] || [[ $local_branch =~ $valid_branch_regex ]]
exit 0
echo "$message"
exit 1
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