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Last active February 10, 2020 01:55
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from mixpanel import Mixpanel, Consumer, MixpanelException
class PostHogConsumer(Consumer):
_posthog_endpoints = {
'events': '',
'people': '',
'groups': '',
'imports': ''
_posthog_api_key = '<posthog_key>'
def send(self, endpoint, json_message=None, api_key=None):
if endpoint in self._endpoints:
self._write_request(self._posthog_endpoints[endpoint], json_message, self._posthog_api_key)
self._write_request(self._endpoints[endpoint], json_message, api_key)
raise MixpanelException('No such endpoint "{0}". Valid endpoints are one of {1}'.format(endpoint, self._endpoints.keys()))
mp = Mixpanel('<mixpanel_key>', consumer=PostHogConsumer())
mp.people_set('distinct_id', {'email': ''})
mp.track('distinct_id', 'some event')
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