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Last active April 11, 2023 20:39
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Cleanup IO wait and GC stacks from stackprof
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "stackprof"
require "optparse"
require "yaml"
require "json"
# To use run the script with: ruby cleanup_io_wait_and_gc_stacks.rb -s source_file.json -d destination_file.json
# To avoid interrupting the root frames when IO wait or garbage collection happens we modify the raw data to merge
# these stacks into the previous stacks or append previous stacks in the current stack.
# We are currently only updating the raw data and not the frames data. This is enough to make this display the data
# correctly in speedscope but it might not be enough for other tools, including the stackprof reports.
# We are also only supporting Puma IO wait, we will need to update this script to support other servers.
GC_FRAME_ID = 1 # This is static as defined in ext/stackprof/stackprof.c
IO_FRAME_NAMES = ["Puma::Single#run", "Puma::Cluster::Worker#run"].freeze
def cleanup_io_wait_and_gc_stacks(result)
raw = result[:raw]
frames = result[:frames]
updated_raw = []
previous_stack = nil
current_stack = nil
# Currently we are only supporting transforming puma IO wait
io_wait_frame_id = frames.find { |_key, frame| IO_FRAME_NAMES.include?(frame[:name]) }&.fetch(0)&.to_i
io_wait_root_frame_id = nil
index = 0
while (current_stack_height = raw[index])
index += 1
# We first get current_stack including the current stack number of samples and pop it out leaving only the stack
# in current_stack
current_stack = raw.slice(index, current_stack_height + 1)
current_stack_samples_count = current_stack.pop
# Leave index at the start of the next stack
index += current_stack_height + 1
# First iteration we just push the current stack
if previous_stack.nil?
updated_raw.push(current_stack_height, *current_stack, current_stack_samples_count)
previous_stack = current_stack
# When we know puma io wait frame exists we can check if current stack last frame is the io wait frame
if io_wait_frame_id && current_stack[-1] == io_wait_frame_id
# Update previous stack sample count if previous stack is io wait
if previous_stack[-1] == io_wait_root_frame_id
updated_raw[-1] += current_stack_samples_count
# First time we encounter io wait we need to update the frame name so it is displayed correctly in the UI
if io_wait_root_frame_id.nil?
io_wait_root_frame_id = current_stack[0]
frames[current_stack[0]] = frames[current_stack[0]].merge(name: "(io wait)", file: nil)
# When previous stack is gc we need to remove the gc frames from the previous stack before appending
if (previous_stack_gc_frame_index = previous_stack.find_index(GC_FRAME_ID))
new_stack = previous_stack[0..previous_stack_gc_frame_index - 1] + [current_stack[0]]
updated_raw.push(new_stack.length, *new_stack, current_stack_samples_count)
previous_stack = new_stack
# Otherwise we just append the current stack to the previous stack
new_stack = previous_stack + [current_stack[0]]
updated_raw.push(previous_stack.length + 1, *new_stack, current_stack_samples_count)
previous_stack = new_stack
# If current stack is not GC we don't need to do anything and just return the current stack
if current_stack[0] != GC_FRAME_ID
updated_raw.push(current_stack_height, *current_stack, current_stack_samples_count)
previous_stack = current_stack
previous_stack_gc_frame_index = previous_stack.find_index(GC_FRAME_ID)
# If the previous stack doesn't have GC we can append the current stack to the previous stack
if previous_stack_gc_frame_index.nil?
# When previous stack is io wait we need to remove the io wait frame from the previous stack before appending
if previous_stack[-1] == io_wait_root_frame_id
new_stack = previous_stack[0..-2] + current_stack
updated_raw.push(new_stack.length, *new_stack, current_stack_samples_count)
previous_stack = new_stack
# Otherwise we just append the current stack to the previous stack
new_stack = previous_stack + current_stack
updated_raw.push(previous_stack.length + current_stack_height, *new_stack, current_stack_samples_count)
previous_stack = new_stack
# If the previous gc frames are the same as the current gc frames (Array of frame IDs are the same) we update the
# previous stack by adding the current stack number of samples
if previous_stack[previous_stack_gc_frame_index..] == current_stack
updated_raw[-1] += current_stack_samples_count
# Otherwise we find the previous stack frame before the GC frame and append the current stack to it
new_stack = previous_stack[0..previous_stack_gc_frame_index - 1] + current_stack
updated_raw.push(new_stack.length, *new_stack, current_stack_samples_count)
result[:raw] = updated_raw
options = {}
parser = do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: cleanup_io_wait_and_gc_stacks.rb [options]"
opts.on("-s", "--source file", "Source file") { |v| options[:source_file] = v }
opts.on("-d", "--destination file", "Destination file") { |v| options[:destination_file] = v }
parser.abort( if options.size != 2
results = cleanup_io_wait_and_gc_stacks(StackProf::Report.from_file(options[:source_file]).data)
File.write(options[:destination_file], JSON.dump(results))
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