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Created October 6, 2022 01:32
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;; Hey Michi! Hope you're doing well
;; First of all, nice "homework" you sent! I like the idea :)
;; Now, I'm aware my comments might seem lengthy. Honestly, in a real world scenario I'd be more brief. As this
;; is part of the interview process, I intentionally chose to be more thorough, so you can also judge my thought
;; process.
;; The approach I'll be taking in this exercise is highlighting specific parts of the code
;; acknowledging the intention behind it and explaining if it falls short, trying to explain what are the
;; consequences of the choices made. After this first analysis, I'll suggest an equivalent function that could be
;; used as replacement, which presents significant improvements both in style and performance. These improvements
;; will be explained as well.
;; Let's dive in! Note that this gist is REPL friendly, so you can drop it right into an interactive buffer for
;; experimentation.
(def test-state
{:document {:paragraphs {:uuid-1 {,,,} ,,,}
:paragraph-order [:uuid-1 :uuid-2 :uuid-3 :uuid-4]}
:edit {:spellcheck {:mistakes {:uuid-1 [[4 12] [38 42]]
:uuid-3 [[7 12]]
:uuid-4 []
:uuid-X [[0 4]]}}}})
;; It's ok to have these "get" functions when the "path" to the data you want is complicated. In this
;; specific case I find it to be unnecessary, but no harm leaving it be. I'd prefer to name it
;; `get-paragraph-order` though.
(defn paragraph-order [state]
(get-in state [:document :paragraph-order]))
;; This next function is not named properly, as it's hard to guess what's supposed to achieve. Now, when you
;; read it, then it kinda makes sense.
(defn mistakes [state]
(let [paragraph-order (paragraph-order state)]
(->> (get-in state [:edit :spellcheck :mistakes])
;; only paragraphs with mistakes and present on paragraph-order
(filter (fn [[k v]] (and (seq v) (some #{k} paragraph-order)))))))
;; A improved version of this function would be:
(defn filter-out-mistakes
"Returns a vector of mistake, which is a tuple of paragraph uuid and vector of text ranges, leaving out paragraphs not present in the vector [:document :paragraph-order] or those with no mistakes."
;; Note how much cleaner the function is using destructuring to access the data
[{{:keys [paragraph-order]} :document
{{:keys [mistakes]} :spellcheck} :edit}]
;; We could do this:
#_(filter (fn [[k v]] (and (seq v) (some #{k} paragraph-order))) mistakes)
;; But `(some #{k} paragraph-order)` is not efficient, as it will have to sequentially iterate for every
;; "mistakes" item.
;; We could simply take the paragraph-order vector and build a map from it, making the code
;; more efficient. For filtering out empty mistakes, we combine filter and map using comp, which gives us a
;; transducer. Using a transducer lets us compose elegantly two different intentions (which makes it easier to
;; to read) while also keeping it efficient with one single interation. Note also that `k` becomes `p-uid`.
;; Worth mentioning that this approach preserves the order of `paragraph-order`, which will be handy.
(into [] (comp (filter (fn [p-uid] (not-empty (get mistakes p-uid))))
(map (fn [p-uid] [p-uid (get mistakes p-uid)])))
(mistakes test-state)
(filter-out-mistakes test-state))
;; Many of the same issues as I mentioned in the previuos function and a lack of care for efficient collection
;; iteration:
(defn ordered-mistakes [state]
;; Instead of let, we could have used destructuring
(let [paragraph-order (paragraph-order state)]
(->> (mistakes state)
;; You see, because the `mistakes` function doesn't guarantee order, we have to order ourselves. This
;; could be avoided as I demonstrated.
(sort-by (fn [[k _]] (.indexOf paragraph-order k)))
;; It's ok to have this mapcat followed by vec, because mapcat will return a lazy sequence that'll
;; be realised only once, but we could've used a single iteration over `paragraphs-order` instead.
;; We end up with three different iterations (`mistakes`, `sort-by`, `mapcat`)
(mapcat (fn [[k v]] (map (fn [i] [k i]) v)))
;; Let's take a look at a better implementation by firstly adapting our filter-out-mistakes to make it
;; reusable, returning a transducer which will be used for composition later.
(defn get-filter-out-mistakes-xform
"Returns a transducer which iterates over a vector of paragraph-uuid (e.g. `(get-in test-state [:document
:paragraph-order])`) and returns for every non-empty mistake a tuple of paragraph uuid and vector of text
[{{{:keys [mistakes]} :spellcheck} :edit}]
(comp (filter (fn [p-uid] (not-empty (get mistakes p-uid))))
(map (fn [p-uid] [p-uid (get mistakes p-uid)]))))
;; Usage:
(into []
(get-filter-out-mistakes-xform test-state)
(get-in test-state [:document :paragraph-order])))
;; Finally:
(defn get-ordered-mistakes
"Returns a vector containing tuples of paragraph-uid and text-range ordered by paragraph-order"
[{{:keys [paragraph-order]} :document
:as document-state}]
;; Using `into` with transducers is efficient. The implementation uses transients (mutable data structures)
;; under the hood, so you don't have to worry. It'll make a single collection traverse.
(into []
;; Transducer composition
(comp (get-filter-out-mistakes-xform document-state)
(mapcat (fn [[p-uid text-ranges]]
;; It's ok to abbreviate text-range to tr here because we're interating over
;; `text-ranges`, so no room for misinterpretation.
;; This is the "unpacking" part
(mapv (fn [tr] [p-uid tr]) text-ranges))))
(get-ordered-mistakes test-state))
;; A minimalist single function implementation:
(defn get-ordered-mistakes-v2
;; It's nice that the destructuring highlights the expected data format
[{{:keys [paragraph-order]} :document
{{:keys [mistakes]} :spellcheck} :edit}]
(into []
(mapcat (fn [p-uid]
;; If the mistakes vector doesn't exist or is empty, it'll be the same as if you had filtered
;; it out. Thus, no need for the filter xform.
(mapv (fn [text-range] [p-uid text-range])
(get mistakes p-uid))))
(get-ordered-mistakes-v2 test-state))
;; There are other possible stylistic and implementation choices, but the main feedbacks I'd give would be:
;; 1. Effort spent giving a function an appropriate name is effort well spent!
;; 2. Use destructuring where it makes sense. It's nice and reads well.
;; 3. Beware of the different iteration methods applicable and how those work: when is the iteration eager, how
;; to compose iterating functions (map, filter, etc.) using lazy sequences and transducers, and using composition
;; to be clearer on your intent while preserving efficiency.
;; That's it! I hope you find my remarks to be relevant.
;; Eagerly waiting for your feedback!
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