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Forked from amitsaha/koji-api
Created March 27, 2019 09:57
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Koji API
addExternalRPM(rpminfo, external_repo, strict=True)
description: Import an external RPM
This call is mainly for testing. Normal access will be through
a host call
addExternalRepoToTag(tag_info, repo_info, priority)
description: Add an external repo to a tag
addGroupMember(group, user, strict=True)
description: Add user to group
addHost(hostname, arches, krb_principal=None)
description: Add a host to the database
addHostToChannel(hostname, channel_name, create=False)
description: Add the host to the specified channel
Channel must already exist unless create option is specified
addRPMSig(an_rpm, data)
description: Store a signature header for an rpm
data: the signature header encoded as base64
addVolume(name, strict=True)
description: Add a new storage volume in the database
assignTask(task_id, host, force=False)
description: Assign a task to a host
Specify force=True to assign a non-free task
build(src, target, opts=None, priority=None, channel=None)
description: Create a build task
priority: the amount to increase (or decrease) the task priority, relative
to the default priority; higher values mean lower priority; only
admins have the right to specify a negative priority here
channel: the channel to allocate the task to
Returns the task id
buildFromCVS(url, tag)
buildImage(arch, target, ksfile, img_type, opts=None, priority=None)
Create an image using a kickstart file and group package list.
description: Map which builds were used in the buildroots of other builds
To be used for garbage collection
buildReferences(build, limit=None)
description: Cancel the build with the given buildID
If the build is associated with a task, cancel the task as well.
Return True if the build was successfully canceled, False if not.
cancelTask(task_id, recurse=True)
description: Cancel a task
description: Cancel a task's children, but not the task itself
cancelTaskFull(task_id, strict=True)
description: Cancel a task and all tasks in its group
chainBuild(srcs, target, opts=None, priority=None, channel=None)
description: Create a chained build task for building sets of packages in order
srcs: list of pkg lists, ie [[src00, src01, src03],[src20],[src30,src31],...]
where each of the top-level lists gets built and a new repo is created
before the next list is built.
target: build target
priority: the amount to increase (or decrease) the task priority, relative
to the default priority; higher values mean lower priority; only
admins have the right to specify a negative priority here
channel: the channel to allocate the task to
Returns a list of all the dependent task ids
changeBuildVolume(build, volume, strict=True)
description: Move a build to a different storage volume
checkTagAccess(tag_id, user_id=None)
description: Determine if user has access to tag package with tag.
Returns a tuple (access, override, reason)
access: a boolean indicating whether access is allowed
override: a boolean indicating whether access may be forced
reason: the reason access is blocked
checkTagPackage(tag, pkg)
description: Check that pkg is in the list for tag. Returns true/false
count(methodName, *args, **kw)
description: Execute the XML-RPC method with the given name and count the results.
A method return value of None will return O, a return value of type "list", "tuple", or "dict"
will return len(value), and a return value of any other type will return 1. An invalid
methodName will raise an AttributeError, and invalid arguments will raise a TypeError.
createBuildTarget(name, build_tag, dest_tag)
description: Create a new build target
createEmptyBuild(name, version, release, epoch, owner=None)
createExternalRepo(name, url)
description: Create a new external repo with the given name and url.
Return a map containing the id, name, and url
of the new repo.
createMavenBuild(build_info, maven_info)
Associate Maven metadata with an existing build. The build must
not already have associated Maven metadata. maven_info must be a dict
containing group_id, artifact_id, and version entries.
createNotification(user_id, package_id, tag_id, success_only)
description: Create a new notification. If the user_id does not match the currently logged-in user
and the currently logged-in user is not an admin, raise a GenericError.
createTag(name, parent=None, arches=None, perm=None, locked=False, maven_support=False, maven_include_all=False)
description: Create a new tag
createUser(username, status=None, krb_principal=None)
description: Add a user to the database
createWinBuild(build_info, win_info)
Associate Windows metadata with an existing build. The build must
not already have associated Windows metadata. win_info must be a dict
containing a platform entry.
debugFunction(name, *args, **kwargs)
deleteBuild(build, strict=True, min_ref_age=604800)
description: delete a build, if possible
Attempts to delete a build. A build can only be deleted if it is
If strict is true (default), an exception is raised if the build cannot
be deleted.
Note that a deleted build is not completely gone. It is marked deleted and some
data remains in the database. Mainly, the rpms are removed.
Note in particular that deleting a build DOES NOT free any NVRs (or NVRAs) for
Returns True if successful, False otherwise
description: Delete the build target with the given name. If no build target
exists, raise a GenericError.
description: Delete an external repo
description: Delete the notification with the given ID. If the currently logged-in
user is not the owner of the notification or an admin, raise a GenericError.
description: Delete the specified tag.
description: Mark a host as disabled
description: Disable logins by the specified user
downloadTaskOutput(taskID, fileName, offset=0, size=-1)
description: Download the file with the given name, generated by the task with the
given ID.
dropGroupMember(group, user)
description: Drop user from group
editBuildTarget(buildTargetInfo, name, build_tag, dest_tag)
description: Set the build_tag and dest_tag of an existing build_target to new values
editExternalRepo(info, name=None, url=None)
description: Edit an existing external repo
editHost(hostInfo, **kw)
description: Edit information for an existing host.
hostInfo specifies the host to edit, either as an integer (id)
or a string (name).
fields to be changed are specified as keyword parameters:
- arches
- capacity
- description
- comment
Returns True if changes are made to the database, False otherwise.
editTag(tagInfo, name, arches, locked, permissionID)
description: Edit information for an existing tag.
editTag2(tagInfo, **kwargs)
description: Edit information for an existing tag.
tagInfo specifies the tag to edit
fields changes are provided as keyword arguments:
name: rename the tag
arches: change the arch list
locked: lock or unlock the tag
perm: change the permission requirement
maven_support: whether Maven repos should be generated for the tag
maven_include_all: include every build in this tag (including multiple
versions of the same package) in the Maven repo
editTagExternalRepo(tag_info, repo_info, priority)
description: Edit a tag<->external repo association
This allows you to update the priority without removing/adding the repo.
description: Mark a host as enabled
description: Enable logins by the specified user
description: debugging. raise an error
exclusiveSession(*args, **opts)
description: Make this session exclusive
description: debugging. raise an error
filterResults(methodName, *args, **kw)
description: Execute the XML-RPC method with the given name and filter the results
based on the options specified in the keywork option "filterOpts". The method
must return a list of maps. Any other return type will result in a TypeError.
Currently supported options are:
- offset: the number of elements to trim off the front of the list
- limit: the maximum number of results to return
- order: the map key to use to sort the list; the list will be sorted before
offset or limit are applied
- noneGreatest: when sorting, consider 'None' to be greater than all other values;
python considers None less than all other values, but Postgres sorts
NULL higher than all other values; default to True for consistency
with database sorts
description: Free a task
description: Get data on all active repos
This is a list of all the repos that the repo daemon needs to worry about.
description: Return a list of all (canonical) arches available from hosts
description: Get a list of all permissions in the system. Returns a list of maps. Each
map contains the following keys:
- id
- name
getArchive(archive_id, strict=False)
Get information about the archive with the given ID. Returns a map
containing the following keys:
id: unique id of the archive file (integer)
type_id: id of the archive type (Java jar, Solaris pkg, Windows exe, etc.) (integer)
build_id: id of the build that generated this archive (integer)
buildroot_id: id of the buildroot where this archive was built (integer)
filename: name of the archive (string)
size: size of the archive (integer)
md5sum: md5sum of the archive (string)
If the archive is part of a Maven build, the following keys will be included:
If the archive is part of a Windows builds, the following keys will be included:
getArchiveFile(archive_id, filename)
Get information about a file with the given filename
contained in the archive with the given ID.
Returns a map with with following keys:
archive_id: id of the archive the file is contained in (integer)
name: name of the file (string)
size: uncompressed size of the file (integer)
getArchiveType(filename=None, type_name=None, type_id=None, strict=False)
Get the archive type for the given filename, type_name, or type_id.
description: Return a list of all supported archivetypes
description: Get the average duration of a build of the given package.
Returns a floating-point value indicating the
average number of seconds the package took to build. If the package
has never been built, return None.
getBuild(buildInfo, strict=False)
description: Return information about a build. buildID may be either
a int ID, a string NVR, or a map containing 'name', 'version'
and 'release. A map will be returned containing the following
id: build ID
package_id: ID of the package built
package_name: name of the package built
task_id: ID of the task that kicked off the build
owner_id: ID of the user who kicked off the build
owner_name: name of the user who kicked off the build
volume_id: ID of the storage volume
volume_name: name of the storage volume
creation_event_id: id of the create_event
creation_time: time the build was created (text)
creation_ts: time the build was created (epoch)
completion_time: time the build was completed (may be null)
completion_ts: time the build was completed (epoch, may be null)
If there is no build matching the buildInfo given, and strict is specified,
raise an error. Otherwise return None.
getBuildConfig(tag, event=None)
description: Return build configuration associated with a tag
description: Get the build notification with the given ID. Return None
if there is no notification with the given ID.
description: Get build notifications for the user with the given ID. If no ID
is specified, get the notifications for the currently logged-in user. If
there is no currently logged-in user, raise a GenericError.
getBuildTarget(info, event=None, strict=False)
description: Return the build target with the given name or ID.
If there is no matching build target, return None.
getBuildTargets(info=None, event=None, buildTagID=None, destTagID=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Return data on all the build targets
provide event to query at a different time
getBuildroot(buildrootID, strict=False)
description: Return information about a buildroot. buildrootID must be an int ID.
description: Return a list of packages in the buildroot
getChangelogEntries(buildID=None, taskID=None, filepath=None, author=None, before=None, after=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Get changelog entries for the build with the given ID,
or for the rpm generated by the given task at the given path
- author: only return changelogs with a matching author
- before: only return changelogs from before the given date (in UTC)
(a datetime object, a string in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS format, or integer seconds
since the epoch)
- after: only return changelogs from after the given date (in UTC)
(a datetime object, a string in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS format, or integer seconds
since the epoch)
- queryOpts: query options used by the QueryProcessor
If "order" is not specified in queryOpts, results will be returned in reverse chronological
Results will be returned as a list of maps with 'date', 'author', and 'text' keys.
If there are no results, an empty list will be returned.
getChannel(channelInfo, strict=False)
description: Return information about a channel.
Get information about the event with the given id.
A map will be returned with the following keys:
- id (integer): id of the event
- ts (float): timestamp the event was created, in
seconds since the epoch
If no event with the given id exists, an error will be raised.
getExternalRepo(info, strict=False, event=None)
description: Get information about a single external repo.
info can either be a string (name) or an integer (id).
Returns a map containing the id, name, and url of the
repo. If strict is True and no external repo has the
given name or id, raise an error.
getExternalRepoList(tag_info, event=None)
Get an ordered list of all external repos associated with the tags in the
hierarchy rooted at the specified tag. External repos will be returned
depth-first, and ordered by priority for each tag. Duplicates will be
removed. Returns a list of maps containing the following fields:
getFullInheritance(tag, event=None, reverse=False, stops={}, jumps={})
description: Get the members of a group
getHost(hostInfo, strict=False)
description: Get information about the given host. hostInfo may be
either a string (hostname) or int (host id). A map will be returned
containign the following data:
- id
- user_id
- name
- arches
- task_load
- capacity
- description
- comment
- ready
- enabled
getImageInfo(imageID=None, taskID=None, strict=False)
Return the row from imageinfo given an image_id OR build_root_id.
It is an error if neither are specified, and image_id takes precedence.
Filesize will be reported as a string if it exceeds the 32-bit signed
integer limit.
getInheritanceData(tag, event=None)
description: Return inheritance data for tag
Get the id and timestamp of the last event recorded in the system.
Events are usually created as the result of a configuration change
in the database.
If "before" (int or float) is specified, return the last event
that occurred before that time (in seconds since the epoch).
If there is no event before the given time, an error will be raised.
Note that due to differences in precision between the database and python,
this method can return an event with a timestamp the same or slightly higher
(by a few microseconds) than the value of "before" provided. Code using this
method should check that the timestamp returned is in fact lower than the parameter.
When trying to find information about a specific event, the getEvent() method
should be used.
description: Return the latest update timestampt for the host
The timestamp represents the last time the host with the given
ID contacted the hub. Returns None if the host has never contacted
the hub.
getLatestBuilds(tag, event=None, package=None, type=None)
description: List latest builds for tag (inheritance enabled)
getLatestMavenArchives(tag, event=None, inherit=True)
description: Return a list of the latest Maven archives in the tag, as of the given event
(or now if event is None). If inherit is True, follow the tag hierarchy
and return a list of the latest archives for all tags in the tree.
getLatestRPMS(tag, package=None, arch=None, event=None, rpmsigs=False, type=None)
description: List latest RPMS for tag (inheritance enabled)
description: Return information about the currently logged-in user. Returns data
in the same format as getUser(). If there is no currently logged-in user,
return None.
getMavenArchive(archive_id, strict=False)
Retrieve Maven-specific information about an archive.
Returns a map containing the following keys:
archive_id: id of the build (integer)
group_id: Maven groupId (string)
artifact_id: Maven artifact_Id (string)
version: Maven version (string)
getMavenBuild(buildInfo, strict=False)
Retrieve Maven-specific information about a build.
buildInfo can be either a string (n-v-r) or an integer
(build ID).
Returns a map containing the following keys:
build_id: id of the build (integer)
group_id: Maven groupId (string)
artifact_id: Maven artifact_Id (string)
version: Maven version (string)
getPackage(info, strict=False, create=False)
description: Get the id,name for package
getPackageConfig(tag, pkg, event=None)
description: Get config for package in tag
description: Get a list of the permissions granted to the currently logged-in user.
getRPM(rpminfo, strict=False, multi=False)
description: Get information about the specified RPM
rpminfo may be any one of the following:
- a int ID
- a string N-V-R.A
- a string N-V-R.A@location
- a map containing 'name', 'version', 'release', and 'arch'
(and optionally 'location')
If specified, location should match the name of an external repo
A map will be returned, with the following keys:
- id
- name
- version
- release
- arch
- epoch
- payloadhash
- size
- buildtime
- build_id
- buildroot_id
- external_repo_id
- external_repo_name
If there is no RPM with the given ID, None is returned, unless strict
is True in which case an exception is raised
If more than one RPM matches, and multi is True, then a list of results is
returned. If multi is False, a single match is returned (an internal one if
getRPMDeps(rpmID, depType=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Return dependency information about the RPM with the given ID.
If depType is specified, restrict results to dependencies of the given type.
Otherwise, return all dependency information. A list of maps will be returned,
each with the following keys:
- name
- version
- flags
- type
If there is no RPM with the given ID, or the RPM has no dependency information,
an empty list will be returned.
getRPMFile(rpmID, filename)
Get info about the file in the given RPM with the given filename.
A map will be returned with the following keys:
- rpm_id
- name
- digest
- md5 (alias for digest)
- digest_algo
- size
- flags
If no such file exists, an empty map will be returned.
getRPMHeaders(rpmID=None, taskID=None, filepath=None, headers=None)
Get the requested headers from the rpm. Header names are case-insensitive.
If a header is requested that does not exist an exception will be raised.
Returns a map of header names to values. If the specified ID
is not valid or the rpm does not exist on the file system, an empty map
will be returned.
getRepo(tag, state=None, event=None)
getTag(tagInfo, strict=False, event=None)
description: Get tag information based on the tagInfo. tagInfo may be either
a string (the tag name) or an int (the tag ID).
Returns a map containing the following keys:
- id
- name
- perm_id (may be null)
- perm (name, may be null)
- arches (may be null)
- locked
- maven_support
- maven_include_all
If there is no tag matching the given tagInfo, and strict is False,
return None. If strict is True, raise a GenericError.
Note that in order for a tag to 'exist', it must have an active entry
in tag_config. A tag whose name appears in the tag table but has no
active tag_config entry is considered deleted.
getTagExternalRepos(tag_info=None, repo_info=None, event=None)
Get a list of tag<->external repo associations.
Returns a map containing the following fields:
getTagGroups(tag, event=None, inherit=True, incl_pkgs=True, incl_reqs=True)
description: Return group data for the tag with blocked entries removed
Also scrubs data into an xmlrpc-safe format (no integer keys)
getTagID(info, strict=False, create=False)
description: Get the id for tag
getTaskChildren(task_id, request=False)
description: Return a list of the children
of the Task with the given ID.
getTaskDescendents(task_id, request=False)
description: Get all descendents of the task with the given ID.
Return a map of task_id -> list of child tasks. If the given
task has no descendents, the map will contain a single elements
mapping the given task ID to an empty list. Map keys will be strings
representing integers, due to limitations in xmlrpclib. If "request"
is true, the parameters sent with the xmlrpc request will be decoded and
included in the map.
getTaskInfo(task_id, request=False)
description: Get information about a task
getUser(userInfo=None, strict=False)
description: Return information about a user. userInfo may be either a str
(Kerberos principal) or an int (user id). A map will be returned with the
following keys:
id: user id
name: user name
status: user status (int), may be null
usertype: user type (int), 0 person, 1 for host, may be null
krb_principal: the user's Kerberos principal
description: Get a list of the permissions granted to the user with the given ID.
getVolume(volume, strict=False)
getWinArchive(archive_id, strict=False)
Retrieve Windows-specific information about an archive.
Returns a map containing the following keys:
archive_id: id of the build (integer)
relpath: the relative path where the file is located (string)
platforms: space-separated list of platforms the file is suitable for use on (string)
flags: space-separated list of flags used when building the file (fre, chk) (string)
getWinBuild(buildInfo, strict=False)
Retrieve Windows-specific information about a build.
buildInfo can be either a string (n-v-r) or an integer
(build ID).
Returns a map containing the following keys:
build_id: id of the build (integer)
platform: the platform the build was performed on (string)
grantPermission(userinfo, permission, create=False)
description: Grant a permission to a user
groupListAdd(taginfo, grpinfo, block=False, force=False, **opts)
description: Add to (or update) group list for tag
groupListBlock(taginfo, grpinfo)
description: Block the group in tag
groupListRemove(taginfo, grpinfo, force=False)
description: Remove group from the list for tag
Really this shouldn't be used except in special cases
Most of the time you really want to use the block or unblock functions
groupListUnblock(taginfo, grpinfo)
description: Unblock the group in tag
If the group is blocked in this tag, then simply remove the block.
Otherwise, raise an error
groupPackageListAdd(taginfo, grpinfo, pkg_name, block=False, force=False, **opts)
description: Add package to group for tag
groupPackageListBlock(taginfo, grpinfo, pkg_name)
description: Block the package in group-tag
groupPackageListRemove(taginfo, grpinfo, pkg_name, force=False)
description: Remove package from the list for group-tag
Really this shouldn't be used except in special cases
Most of the time you really want to use the block or unblock functions
groupPackageListUnblock(taginfo, grpinfo, pkg_name)
description: Unblock the package in group-tag
If blocked (directly) in this tag, then simply remove the block.
Otherwise, raise an error
groupReqListAdd(taginfo, grpinfo, reqinfo, block=False, force=False, **opts)
description: Add group requirement to group for tag
groupReqListBlock(taginfo, grpinfo, reqinfo)
description: Block the group requirement in group-tag
groupReqListRemove(taginfo, grpinfo, reqinfo, force=False)
description: Remove group requirement from the list for group-tag
Really this shouldn't be used except in special cases
Most of the time you really want to use the block or unblock functions
groupReqListUnblock(taginfo, grpinfo, reqinfo)
description: Unblock the group requirement in group-tag
If blocked (directly) in this tag, then simply remove the block.
Otherwise, raise an error
description: Check if the logged-in user has the given permission. Return False if
they do not have the permission, or if they are not logged-in.
host.assertPolicy(name, data, default='deny')
host.checkPolicy(name, data, default='deny', strict=False)
host.closeTask(task_id, response)
host.completeBuild(task_id, build_id, srpm, rpms, brmap=None, logs=None)
description: Import final build contents into the database
host.completeMavenBuild(task_id, build_id, maven_results, rpm_results)
description: Complete the Maven build.
host.completeWinBuild(task_id, build_id, results, rpm_results)
description: Complete a Windows build
host.createMavenBuild(build_info, maven_info)
Associate Maven metadata with an existing build. Used
by the rpm2maven plugin.
host.failBuild(task_id, build_id)
description: Mark the build as failed. If the current state is not
'BUILDING', or the current competion_time is not null, a
GenericError will be raised.
host.failTask(task_id, response)
description: Return information about this host
host.importArchive(filepath, buildinfo, type, typeInfo)
Import an archive file and associate it with a build. The archive can
be any non-rpm filetype supported by Koji. Used by the rpm2maven plugin.
host.importImage(task_id, filename, filesize, arch, mediatype, hash, rpmlist)
Import a built image, populating the database with metadata and
moving the image to its final location.
host.importWrapperRPMs(task_id, build_id, rpm_results)
description: Import the wrapper rpms and associate them with the given build. The build
must not have any existing rpms associated with it.
description: Create a stub build entry.
This is done at the very beginning of the build to inform the
system the build is underway.
host.initMavenBuild(task_id, build_info, maven_info)
description: Create a new in-progress Maven build
Synthesize the release number by taking the (integer) release of the
last successful build and incrementing it.
host.initWinBuild(task_id, build_info, win_info)
Create a new in-progress Windows build.
host.moveBuildToScratch(task_id, srpm, rpms, logs=None)
description: Move a completed scratch build into place (not imported)
host.moveMavenBuildToScratch(task_id, results, rpm_results)
description: Move a completed Maven scratch build into place (not imported)
host.moveWinBuildToScratch(task_id, results, rpm_results)
description: Move a completed Windows scratch build into place (not imported)
host.newBuildRoot(repo, arch, task_id=None)
host.repoAddRPM(repo_id, path)
description: Add an uploaded rpm to a repo
host.repoDone(repo_id, data, expire=False)
description: Move repo data into place, mark as ready, and expire earlier repos
repo_id: the id of the repo
data: a dictionary of the form { arch: (uploadpath, files), ...}
expire(optional): if set to true, mark the repo expired immediately*
* This is used when a repo from an older event is generated
host.repoInit(tag, with_src=False, with_debuginfo=False, event=None)
description: Initialize a new repo for tag
host.setBuildRootList(brootid, rpmlist, task_id=None)
host.setBuildRootState(brootid, state, task_id=None)
host.setTaskWeight(task_id, weight)
host.subtask(method, arglist, parent, **opts)
host.subtask2(_HostExports__parent, _HostExports__taskopts, _HostExports__method, *args, **opts)
description: A wrapper around subtask with optional signature
__parent: task id of the parent task
__taskopts: dictionary of task options
__method: the method to be invoked
Remaining args are passed on to the subtask
host.tagBuild(task_id, tag, build, force=False, fromtag=None)
description: Tag a build (host version)
This tags as the user who owns the task
If fromtag is specified, also untag the package (i.e. move in a single
No return value
host.tagNotification(is_successful, tag_id, from_id, build_id, user_id, ignore_success=False, failure_msg='')
description: Create a tag notification message.
Handles creation of tagNotification tasks for hosts.
host.taskSetWait(parent, tasks)
host.taskWaitResults(parent, tasks)
host.updateBuildRootList(brootid, rpmlist, task_id=None)
host.updateBuildrootArchives(brootid, task_id, archives, project=False)
host.updateHost(task_load, ready)
host.updateMavenBuildRootList(brootid, task_id, mavenlist, ignore=None, project=False, ignore_unknown=False)
importArchive(filepath, buildinfo, type, typeInfo)
Import an archive file and associate it with a build. The archive can
be any non-rpm filetype supported by Koji.
filepath: path to the archive file (relative to the Koji workdir)
buildinfo: information about the build to associate the archive with
May be a string (NVR), integer (buildID), or dict (containing keys: name, version, release)
type: type of the archive being imported. Currently supported archive types: maven, win
typeInfo: dict of type-specific information
description: Import a package already in the packages directory
This is used for bootstrapping the database
build: a dictionary with fields: name, version, release
importRPM(path, basename)
description: Import an RPM into the database.
The file must be uploaded first.
krbLogin(*args, **opts)
listArchiveFiles(archive_id, queryOpts=None)
Get information about the files contained in the archive with the given ID.
Returns a list of maps with with following keys:
archive_id: id of the archive the file is contained in (integer)
name: name of the file (string)
size: uncompressed size of the file (integer)
listArchives(buildID=None, buildrootID=None, componentBuildrootID=None, hostID=None, type=None, filename=None, size=None, md5sum=None, typeInfo=None, queryOpts=None)
Retrieve information about archives.
If buildID is not null it will restrict the list to archives built by the build with that ID.
If buildrootID is not null it will restrict the list to archives built in the buildroot with that ID.
If componentBuildrootID is not null it will restrict the list to archives that were present in the
buildroot with that ID.
If hostID is not null it will restrict the list to archives built on the host with that ID.
If filename, size, and/or md5sum are not null it will filter the results to entries matching the provided values.
Returns a list of maps containing the following keys:
id: unique id of the archive file (integer)
type_id: id of the archive type (Java jar, Solaris pkg, Windows exe, etc.) (integer)
type_name: name of the archive type
type_description: description of the archive
type_extensions: valid extensions for the type
build_id: id of the build that generated this archive (integer)
buildroot_id: id of the buildroot where this archive was built (integer)
filename: name of the archive (string)
size: size of the archive (integer)
md5sum: md5sum of the archive (string)
If componentBuildrootID is specified, then the map will also contain the following key:
project: whether the archive was pulled in as a project dependency, or as part of the
build environment setup (boolean)
If 'type' is specified, then the archives listed will be limited
those associated with additional metadata of the given type.
Currently supported types are:
maven, win
If 'maven' is specified as a type, each returned map will contain
these additional keys:
group_id: Maven groupId (string)
artifact_id: Maven artifactId (string)
version: Maven version (string)
if 'win' is specified as a type, each returned map will contain
these additional keys:
relpath: the relative path where the file is located (string)
platforms: space-separated list of platforms the file is suitable for use on (string)
flags: space-separated list of flags used when building the file (fre, chk) (string)
typeInfo is a dict that can be used to filter the output by type-specific info.
For the 'maven' type, this dict may contain one or more of group_id, artifact_id, or version,
and the output will be restricted to archives with matching attributes.
If there are no archives matching the selection criteria,
an empty list is returned.
description: Get information about all the RPMs generated by the build with the given
ID. A list of maps is returned, each map containing the following keys:
- id
- name
- version
- release
- arch
- epoch
- payloadhash
- size
- buildtime
- build_id
- buildroot_id
If no build has the given ID, or the build generated no RPMs, an empty list is returned.
listBuildroots(hostID=None, tagID=None, state=None, rpmID=None, archiveID=None, taskID=None, buildrootID=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Return a list of matching buildroots
Optional args:
hostID - only buildroots on host.
tagID - only buildroots for tag.
state - only buildroots in state (may be a list)
rpmID - only buildroots the specified rpm was used in
archiveID - only buildroots the specified archive was used in
taskID - only buildroots associated with task.
buildrootID - only the specified buildroot
queryOpts - query options
listBuilds(packageID=None, userID=None, taskID=None, prefix=None, state=None, volumeID=None, createdBefore=None, createdAfter=None, completeBefore=None, completeAfter=None, type=None, typeInfo=None, queryOpts=None)
description: List package builds.
If packageID is specified, restrict the results to builds of the specified package.
If userID is specified, restrict the results to builds owned by the given user.
If taskID is specfied, restrict the results to builds with the given task ID. If taskID is -1,
restrict the results to builds with a non-null taskID.
If volumeID is specified, restrict the results to builds stored on that volume
One or more of packageID, userID, volumeID, and taskID may be specified.
If prefix is specified, restrict the results to builds whose package name starts with that
If createdBefore and/or createdAfter are specified, restrict the results to builds whose
creation_time is before and/or after the given time.
If completeBefore and/or completeAfter are specified, restrict the results to builds whose
completion_time is before and/or after the given time.
The time may be specified as a floating point value indicating seconds since the Epoch (as
returned by time.time()) or as a string in ISO format ('YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS').
If type is not None, only list builds of the associated type. Currently the supported types are 'maven' and 'win'.
if typeInfo is not None, only list builds with matching type-specific info. Must be used in conjunction with
the type parameter.
Currently the only supported type is 'maven', and typeInfo is a dict containing
one or more of group_id, artifact_id, and/or version. Output will be restricted to builds with
matching Maven metadata.
Returns a list of maps. Each map contains the following keys:
- build_id
- version
- release
- epoch
- state
- package_id
- package_name
- name (same as package_name)
- nvr (synthesized for sorting purposes)
- owner_id
- owner_name
- volume_id
- volume_name
- creation_event_id
- creation_time
- creation_ts
- completion_time
- completion_ts
- task_id
If type == 'maven', each map will also contain the following keys:
- maven_group_id
- maven_artifact_id
- maven_version
If no builds match, an empty list is returned.
description: List channels. If hostID is specified, only list
channels associated with the host with that ID.
listExternalRepos(info=None, url=None, event=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Get a list of external repos. If info is not None it may be a
string (name) or an integer (id).
If url is not None, filter the list of repos to those matching the
given url.
listHosts(arches=None, channelID=None, ready=None, enabled=None, userID=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Get a list of hosts. "arches" is a list of string architecture
names, e.g. ['i386', 'ppc64']. If one of the arches associated with a given
host appears in the list, it will be included in the results. If "ready" and "enabled"
are specified, only hosts with the given value for the respective field will
be included.
listPackages(tagID=None, userID=None, pkgID=None, prefix=None, inherited=False, with_dups=False, event=None)
description: List if tagID and/or userID is specified, limit the
list to packages belonging to the given user or with the
given tag.
A list of maps is returned. Each map contains the
following keys:
- package_id
- package_name
If tagID, userID, or pkgID are specified, the maps will also contain the
following keys.
- tag_id
- tag_name
- owner_id
- owner_name
- extra_arches
- blocked
listRPMFiles(rpmID, queryOpts=None)
description: List files associated with the RPM with the given ID. A list of maps
will be returned, each with the following keys:
- name
- digest
- md5 (alias for digest)
- digest_algo
- size
- flags
If there is no RPM with the given ID, or that RPM contains no files,
an empty list will be returned.
listRPMs(buildID=None, buildrootID=None, imageID=None, componentBuildrootID=None, hostID=None, arches=None, queryOpts=None)
description: List RPMS. If buildID, imageID and/or buildrootID are specified,
restrict the list of RPMs to only those RPMs that are part of that
build, or were built in that buildroot. If componentBuildrootID is specified,
restrict the list to only those RPMs that will get pulled into that buildroot
when it is used to build another package. A list of maps is returned, each map
containing the following keys:
- id
- name
- version
- release
- nvr (synthesized for sorting purposes)
- arch
- epoch
- payloadhash
- size
- buildtime
- build_id
- buildroot_id
- external_repo_id
- external_repo_name
If componentBuildrootID is specified, two additional keys will be included:
- component_buildroot_id
- is_update
If no build has the given ID, or the build generated no RPMs,
an empty list is returned.
listTagged(tag, event=None, inherit=False, prefix=None, latest=False, package=None, owner=None, type=None)
description: List builds tagged with tag
listTaggedArchives(tag, event=None, inherit=False, latest=False, package=None, type=None)
description: List archives and builds within a tag
listTaggedRPMS(tag, event=None, inherit=False, latest=False, package=None, arch=None, rpmsigs=False, owner=None, type=None)
description: List rpms and builds within tag
listTags(build=None, package=None, queryOpts=None)
description: List tags. If build is specified, only return tags associated with the
given build. If package is specified, only return tags associated with the
specified package. If neither is specified, return all tags. Build can be
either an integer ID or a string N-V-R. Package can be either an integer ID
or a string name. Only one of build and package may be specified. Returns
a list of maps. Each map contains keys:
- id
- name
- perm_id
- perm
- arches
- locked
If package is specified, each map will also contain:
- owner_id
- owner_name
- blocked
- extra_arches
listTaskOutput(taskID, stat=False)
description: List the files generated by the task with the given ID. This
will usually include one or more RPMs, and one or more log files.
If the task did not generate any files, or the output directory
for the task no longer exists, return an empty list.
If stat is True, return a map of filename -> stat_info where stat_info
is a map containing the values of the st_* attributes returned by
listTasks(opts=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Return list of tasks filtered by options
option[type]: meaning
arch[list]: limit to tasks for given arches
state[list]: limit to tasks of given state
owner[int]: limit to tasks owned by the user with the given ID
host_id[int]: limit to tasks running on the host with the given ID
channel_id[int]: limit to tasks in the specified channel
parent[int]: limit to tasks with the given parent
decode[bool]: whether or not xmlrpc data in the 'request' and 'result'
fields should be decoded; defaults to False
method[str]: limit to tasks of the given method
createdBefore[float or str]: limit to tasks whose create_time is before the
given date, in either float (seconds since the epoch)
or str (ISO) format
createdAfter[float or str]: limit to tasks whose create_time is after the
given date, in either float (seconds since the epoch)
or str (ISO) format
startedBefore[float or str]: limit to tasks whose start_time is before the
given date, in either float (seconds since the epoch)
or str (ISO) format
startedAfter[float or str]: limit to tasks whose start_time is after the
given date, in either float (seconds since the epoch)
or str (ISO) format
completeBefore[float or str]: limit to tasks whose completion_time is before
the given date, in either float (seconds since the epoch)
or str (ISO) format
completeAfter[float or str]: limit to tasks whose completion_time is after
the given date, in either float (seconds since the epoch)
or str (ISO) format
listUsers(userType=0, prefix=None, queryOpts=None)
description: List all users in the system.
type can be either koji.USERTYPES['NORMAL']
or koji.USERTYPES['HOST']. Returns a list of maps with the
following keys:
- id
- name
- status
- usertype
- krb_principal
If no users of the specified
type exist, return an empty list.
description: List storage volumes
login(*args, **opts)
makeTask(*args, **opts)
mavenBuild(url, target, opts=None, priority=None, channel='maven')
description: Create a Maven build task
url: The url to checkout the source from. May be a CVS, SVN, or GIT repository.
target: the build target
priority: the amount to increase (or decrease) the task priority, relative
to the default priority; higher values mean lower priority; only
admins have the right to specify a negative priority here
channel: the channel to allocate the task to (defaults to the "maven" channel)
Returns the task ID
moveAllBuilds(tag1, tag2, package, force=False)
description: Move all builds of a package from tag1 to tag2 in the correct order
Returns the task id of the task performing the move
moveBuild(tag1, tag2, build, force=False)
description: Move a build from tag1 to tag2
Returns the task id of the task performing the move
description: Add a user group to the database
newRepo(tag, event=None, src=False, debuginfo=False)
description: Create a newRepo task. returns task id
packageListAdd(taginfo, pkginfo, owner=None, block=None, extra_arches=None, force=False, update=False)
description: Add to (or update) package list for tag
packageListBlock(taginfo, pkginfo)
description: Block the package in tag
packageListRemove(taginfo, pkginfo, force=False)
description: Remove package from the list for tag
Most of the time you really want to use the block or unblock functions
The main reason to remove an entry like this is to remove an override so
that the package data can be inherited from elsewhere.
packageListSetArches(taginfo, pkginfo, arches, force=False)
description: Set extra_arches for package in tag
packageListSetOwner(taginfo, pkginfo, owner, force=False)
description: Set the owner for package in tag
packageListUnblock(taginfo, pkginfo, force=False)
description: Unblock the package in tag
Generally this just adds a unblocked duplicate of the blocked entry.
However, if the block is actually in tag directly (not through inheritance),
the blocking entry is simply removed
queryHistory(tables=None, **kwargs)
description: Returns history data from various tables that support it
tables: list of versioned tables to search, no value implies all tables
valid entries: user_perms, user_groups, tag_inheritance, tag_config,
build_target_config, external_repo_config, tag_external_repos,
tag_listing, tag_packages, group_config, group_req_listing,
- Time options -
times are specified as an integer event or a string timestamp
time options are valid for all record types
before: either created or revoked before timestamp
after: either created or revoked after timestamp
beforeEvent: either created or revoked before event id
afterEvent: either created or revoked after event id
- other versioning options-
active: select by active status
editor: record created or revoked by user
- table-specific search options -
use of these options will implicitly limit the search to applicable tables
package: only for given package
build: only for given build
tag: only for given tag
user: only affecting a given user
permission: only relating to a given permission
external_repo: only relateing to an external repo
build_target: only relating to a build target
group: only relating to a (comps) group)
queryRPMSigs(rpm_id=None, sigkey=None, queryOpts=None)
removeChannel(channel_name, force=False)
description: Remove a channel
Channel must have no hosts, unless force is set to True
If a channel has associated tasks, it cannot be removed
removeExternalRepoFromTag(tag_info, repo_info)
description: Remove an external repo from a tag
removeHostFromChannel(hostname, channel_name)
description: Remove unused storage volume from the database
renameChannel(old, new)
description: Rename a channel
description: Attempt to mark repo deleted, return number of references
If the number of references is nonzero, no change is made
Does not remove from disk
description: mark repo expired
repoInfo(repo_id, strict=False)
description: mark repo as broken
description: Reset a build so that it can be reimported
WARNING: this function is potentially destructive. use with care.
nulls task_id
sets state to CANCELED
clears data in rpminfo
removes rpminfo entries from any buildroot_listings [!]
clears data in archiveinfo, maven_info
removes archiveinfo entries from buildroot_archives
remove files related to the build
note, we don't actually delete the build data, so tags
remain intact
description: Retry a canceled or failed task, using the same parameter as the original task.
The logged-in user must be the owner of the original task or an admin.
revokePermission(userinfo, permission)
description: Revoke a permission from a user
search(terms, type, matchType, queryOpts=None)
description: Search for an item in the database matching "terms".
"type" specifies what object type to search for, and must be
one of "package", "build", "tag", "target", "user", "host",
"rpm", "maven", or "win". "matchType" specifies the type of search to
perform, and must be one of "glob" or "regexp". All searches
are case-insensitive. A list of maps containing "id" and
"name" will be returned. If no matches are found, an empty
list will be returned.
setBuildOwner(build, user)
setBuildTimestamp(build, ts)
description: Set the completion time for a build
build should a valid nvr or build id
ts should be # of seconds since epoch or optionally an
xmlrpc DateTime value
setInheritanceData(tag, data, clear=False)
setTaskPriority(task_id, priority, recurse=True)
description: Set task priority
description: Drop out of exclusive mode
sslLogin(*args, **opts)
tagBuild(tag, build, force=False, fromtag=None)
description: Request that a build be tagged
The force option will attempt to force the action in the event of:
- tag locked
- missing permission
- package not in list for tag
- policy violation
The force option is really only effective for admins
If fromtag is specified, this becomes a move operation.
This call creates a task that was originally intended to perform more
extensive checks, but never has. We're stuck with this task system until
we're ready to break the api.
The return value is the task id
tagBuildBypass(tag, build, force=False)
description: Tag a build without running post checks or notifications
This is a short circuit function for imports.
Admin permission required.
Tagging with a locked tag is not allowed unless force is true.
Retagging is not allowed unless force is true. (retagging changes the order
of entries will affect which build is the latest)
tagChangedSinceEvent(event, taglist)
description: Report whether any changes since event affect any of the tags in list
The function is used by the repo daemon to determine which of its repos
are up to date.
This function does not figure inheritance, the calling function should
expand the taglist to include any desired inheritance.
Returns: True or False
tagHistory(build=None, tag=None, package=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Returns historical tag data
package: only for given package
build: only for given build
tag: only for given tag
description: Return data on active or recent tasks
untagBuild(tag, build, strict=True, force=False)
description: Untag a build
Unlike tagBuild, this does not create a task
No return value
untagBuildBypass(tag, build, strict=True, force=False)
description: Untag a build without any checks or notifications
Admins only. Intended for syncs/imports.
Unlike tagBuild, this does not create a task
No return value
untaggedBuilds(name=None, queryOpts=None)
description: Returns the list of untagged builds
updateNotification(id, package_id, tag_id, success_only)
description: Update an existing build notification with new data. If the notification
with the given ID doesn't exist, or the currently logged-in user is not the
owner or the notification or an admin, raise a GenericError.
uploadFile(path, name, size, md5sum, offset, data)
winBuild(vm, url, target, opts=None, priority=None, channel='vm')
Create a Windows build task
vm: the name of the VM to run the build in
url: The url to checkout the source from. May be a CVS, SVN, or GIT repository.
opts: task options
target: the build target
priority: the amount to increase (or decrease) the task priority, relative
to the default priority; higher values mean lower priority; only
admins have the right to specify a negative priority here
channel: the channel to allocate the task to (defaults to the "vm" channel)
Returns the task ID
wrapperRPM(build, url, target, priority=None, channel='maven', opts=None)
description: Create a top-level wrapperRPM task
build: The build to generate wrapper rpms for. Must be in the COMPLETE state and have no
rpms already associated with it.
url: SCM URL to a specfile fragment
target: The build target to use when building the wrapper rpm. The build_tag of the target will
be used to populate the buildroot in which the rpms are built.
priority: the amount to increase (or decrease) the task priority, relative
to the default priority; higher values mean lower priority; only
admins have the right to specify a negative priority here
channel: the channel to allocate the task to (defaults to the "maven" channel)
returns the task ID
writeSignedRPM(an_rpm, sigkey, force=False)
description: Write a signed copy of the rpm
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