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Created October 20, 2023 18:49
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target determination for jujutsu and buck2
(require '[babashka.cli :as cli])
(require '[babashka.fs :as fs])
(require '[babashka.process :as process])
(require '[ :as data])
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(def cli-opts {
:mode {:default "paths_and_contents"}
:from {:coerce :string :require true}
:to {:coerce :string :default "@"}
:help {:coerce :boolean}
;; `buck2 targets` outputs in a format like 'cell//path/to:target abcdefg' where
;; the second column is the hash; this parses that and returns an assoc that
;; maps target-name -> hash
(defn parse-target-hashes [ls]
(loop [ks {}
l (first ls)
ls (rest ls)]
(nil? l) ks
:else (let [[k v] (str/split l #"\s+")]
(recur (assoc ks k v) (first ls) (rest ls))))))
;; run `buck2 targets` on the given directory, and return a map of target-name
;; -> hash
(defn buck2-target-hashes [dir opts]
(let* [cmd ["buck2" "-v0" "targets"
(str "--target-hash-file-mode=" (:mode opts))
; TODO FIXME (aseipp): remove/consolidate repeated cell names
"root//..." "third-party//..." "cellar//..." "tilde//..."]
ls (-> (apply process/shell (concat [{:dir dir :out :string :err :string}] cmd)) :out str/split-lines)
hs (parse-target-hashes ls)]
; NOTE (aseipp): kill the daemon before returning, so we don't pollute the
; users system to an insane degree
(process/shell {:dir dir :out :string :err :string} "buck2" "kill")
;; temporary name generator; used for workspace names
(defn gen-name [& {:keys [len] :or {len 12}}]
(apply str (repeatedly len #(rand-nth "abcdeghijklmnopqrsuvwxyz0123456789"))))
;; get the change_id of a workspace
(defn get-workspace-cid [ws-name]
(-> (process/shell
{:out :string :err :string}
"jj" "log" "--no-graph" "-T" "change_id" "-r" (str ws-name "@"))
;; main entry point
(let [opts (cli/parse-opts *command-line-args* {:spec cli-opts})]
(:help opts) (prn opts) ; TODO FIXME (aseipp): implement
(let [from-rev (:from opts)
to-rev (:to opts)
rand-suffix (gen-name)
basename (str "td-" rand-suffix)
from-name (str basename "f")
from-ws (str "work/" from-name)
to-name (str basename "t")
to-ws (str "work/" to-name)]
(println "Performing target determination, from base to given:")
(println " ├─ base:" from-ws "" from-rev)
(println " └─ given:" to-ws "" to-rev)
(doseq [[name ws rev] [[from-name from-ws from-rev] [to-name to-ws to-rev]]]
(process/shell {:out :string :err :string} "jj" "workspace" "add" "-r" rev ws)
;(println "Created workspace" name "at" (str ws ", r='" rev "'"))
(println "Performing target hash comparison between workspaces...")
(let [from-assoc (buck2-target-hashes from-ws opts)
to-assoc (buck2-target-hashes to-ws opts)
[l r same] (data/diff from-assoc to-assoc)]
(if (= [l r same] [nil nil from-assoc])
(println "No target differences found.")
(let [left-keys (set (keys l))
right-keys (set (keys r))
deleted-targets (set/difference left-keys right-keys)
modified-targets (set/intersection left-keys right-keys)
added-targets (set/difference right-keys left-keys)
display-targets (fn [name is-last targets]
(let [edge (if is-last "" "")
fork (if (= 0 (count targets)) "" "")]
(println (str " " edge "" fork " " name ":") (count targets))
(if (not= 0 (count targets))
(loop [x (first targets)
xs (rest targets)]
(let [prefix (if is-last " " "")]
(empty? xs) (println (str prefix "└─⇝ " x))
:else (do
(println (str prefix "├─⇝ " x))
(recur (first xs) (rest xs)))))))))]
(println "Differences DETECTED:")
(display-targets "DELETED" false deleted-targets)
(display-targets "MODIFIED" false modified-targets)
(display-targets "ADDED" true added-targets))))
(let [from-cid (get-workspace-cid (str basename "f"))
to-cid (get-workspace-cid (str basename "t"))]
(doseq [[name ws cid] [[(str basename "f") from-ws from-cid] [(str basename "t") to-ws to-cid]]]
(println "Removing workspace" (str "'" name "'"))
(process/shell {:out :string :err :string} "jj" "workspace" "forget" name)
(println " ├─" (str "`jj abandon " cid "`"))
(process/shell {:out :string :err :string} "jj" "abandon" cid)
(println " └─ Deleting workspace tree" ws)
(fs/delete-tree ws))
(println "Done.")
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